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Um no sweetie
shirt tags and a bunch of needles. Is this supposed to resolve to something?
i'm afraid to ask
but what's the needles for
Heroin, the brown stuff, I'd assume.
Probably the beetus
Do you guys sell patriotic heroin now or what?
I highly doubt an addict would just spill their precious drugs all over the place like that. Plus the amount in the spoon is enough to kill somebody like 10X over. It's just a troll.
Needles are probably for diabetes.
Those are cotton balls in the spoon you stupid fucks and yeah it’s sweet lady h.
at least you're not reusing needles.
at least you're not reusing needles. my brother almost died last summer from a systemic infection, most likely because he reuses.
>sweet lady h.
ahahahahhhaaa. so sweet she won't let you enjoy anything else in life. what a darling.
>Bunch of faggots that have never done heroin and don't know how to prepare it
Don't watch out for dirty dope, don't OD bro.
Fkn Gamers
can wait for niggers like you to OD
Ever heard of something called a "dealer" ?
organise your stash better man wtf
you could knock a spoonful of feel good off the table
hope he dies
It's a pity that he lived. Drug users are scum.
Thanks for the mammories
I already saw that pic, nice try OP
heroin users all need to hurry up and die
Looks like many top drawer. AMA
Lol what the fuck?
>Drug users are scum
You must clearly abstain from coffee, tea, aspirin, alcohol....
If you don't, then retard.
What the actual literal fuck OP? I have my floors swept and mopped and everything dusted and thrown away.
>that flag
>outdated everything
Thanks for the kek
>needing to save bags for scrapes
junkie poorfag identified
>shirt tags
Diabetes huh? and whats that you melting chocolate on a spoon? no wonder this county is fucked.
Made me laugh
Some faggot is showing off how edgy he is by gathering syringes with piles of dirt.