Burgers already getting IP banned from 4chinz lmao based fcc pajeet single-handedly saved this board from most newfiends.
Miss net neutrality yet?
fuck. anyone else regret voting for Trump?
Simply not true retards.
Was going to say it wasn't true...
But then I got an error. Got it over wifi as well
>Blocked by Sup Forums
>Comcast did this?
>lying on the internet
I have comcast and am able to post just fine
Hiro just wants to sell more passes.
I'm behind 7 proxies
those goddamn jews.
Just leave Comcast
Lol have Comcast
comcast upgraded me to a much better plan for only $10 per month
doubled my speed, no caps or speed decreases
still torrenting ~500gb per month, no problems
my isp was range banned too then i just look here little jannie hotpockets i need you to unban this range and so they did
what a shame it would be if burgers disappeared from the board
be honest
true or bs?
Not true for me
yea, what a shame
lol awww that's a shame
Nothing to do with that at all.
Sage and report all troll threads.
It's not true.
What ban?
no way
fuck comcast. god damn jee faggots.
change carriers, or, buy a pass.
What does that have to do with government policy? The government doesn't tell moderators who to ban or not. If comcast was blocking access to the chans, then you could make some sort of argument.
Reminded that "net neutrality" didn't exist until Obama and the internet worked just fine.
I got comcast and I can post fine
I've always been range banned from Sup Forums. That's what finally made me buckle and get a pass. I thought it was like that for almost all burgers? I always figured most of us have passes.
PNW comcast post
>I have cumcast
lol sucks to be you bro
wait, people actually buy passes? lels.
Maybe Hiro should just stick to piloting a FranXX instead.
It would never happen. This site is a data mining operation. Why would they want people to go back underground when here they can post everything they really think under the pretense that they're anonymous?
im banned as well
pol will ignore this
I don't even hate Ichigo and that gif cracks me up.
Test to prove OP’s bullshit
Some boards don’t allow mobile posting, that’s all.
Turn off your vpn dude
Posting using comcast right now
OP is a fag.
I thought Sup Forums couldn't be accessed through mobile networks anymore at all
by pilot you mean fuck, right? The nips need more babies
I bought one once but never used it. It was more of a donation to the site when luggage lad was having some troubles.
stop using a vpn then
Test, if u see this op is a fag
>he does 50,000 captchas a year for free
lol, time is money kid.
works fine with me senpai.
That's a screenshot from my computer. Wifi doesn't work either. I actually posted that using cell data
Not using one.
I don't think it's all Comcast users, but I'm guessing at the very least my /24 is banned.
Sure is internet pre-2015 in here. Oh God, it's so scary!
That's not fucking true you Jew bitch.
Net Neutrality dont go live until April...
So this, is the power, of comcast.
Post internet speeds.
I wonder what a half human, half klaxosaur baby would even look like. Would it be cute like Zero Two or would it be a mutant hellspawn?
Does this have anything to do with me getting rangebanned from Sup Forums yesterday?
I used to not be able to but recently, I've been able to browse and post just fine
no one's getting banned lol
get good. you wish you had my capcha skills.
Nani ?
oh no what will we do without the educated and informed opinions of the americans?
Same here
>newfags who dont understand ip ban evasion are removed
oh noooo
I have Comcast faggot
lame post
Comcast here
This is just rogue lefty mods
If 02 is any indication cute enough to lick honey from her feat
I have Comcast, you're full of shit.
noobs who cant even proxy shouldn't even be on here in the first place
They have reddit
Can't let him get dem codes m8. he should have obviously descended from heaven and fixed every deeply rooted American problem in a week.
No Sup Forums's just run by liberal retards who think LiS is an unironically good game.
Banned on comcast here
Test with Comcast
When’s Mediacuck next?
That isn't remotely true though.
Mutts BTFO, how much better will it be here now that we won't have any low tier Amerifat posts?
Fuck, I was going to also call bullshit, but I'm in the same boat as . Works if I'm using data, not wifi.
>Trusting a poo in loo
Your first mistake.
>Spending every waking moment of your pathetic cucked life driving to divide people
I have more respect for cockroaches than I do for you.
fake and gay
>due to abuse
What did they mean by this ?
Testing as a comcast user
With WiFi back on.
>trump supporters are retards who (still) don't think they're being taken advantage of
imagine my shock
Kek, that's why I don't use (((Comcast))), plus the fact that they are turbokikes on kosher steroids
is that 480 mbps?