>CNN is fake news!
>turns on FOX
Other urls found in this thread:
>turns on FOX
only boomers still watch tv
>Sup Forums watching tv
I think the soy is rotting your brain.
Who the fuck watches TV? You've got a lot to learn, Kiddo.
>he still watches Talmudvision
My grandfather is a hardcore Trump supporter so he only watches local news from now on. He also follows red pill Facebook groups. Pretty sure he browses Sup Forums but I am afraid of what his answer will be.
direcTV is a multi-billion dollar company
>watching controlled opposition
>believing the shill narrative that we watch
>Thinking this is such a profound thought that it deserves it's own
Kill yourself.
>getting news from one source
>Implying we are dumb enough to watch TV.
Only TV I watch is UFC, dawg.
Oh, and maybe a South Park marathon like, 2-3x a year. But that's seriously it!
>watching fox
>watching tv
Who pay cable anymore? since i move from my parents havent watched tv in a long time. I prefer to spend my money in a better internet connection.
>assuing i watch jewish television
Has anyone noticed how much Tucker Carlsons show gets shilled here?
FACT FBI repeatedly informed about school shooter
FACT Local police made repeated visits to his home
FACT Kids at school made jokes about how this kid would become a school shooter.
FACT School security office waited outside while shooting happened
FACT 4 Broward County Sherriff waited outside while shooting happened
FACT Local sherriff department head is a known Clinton supporter
FACT School District in Debbie Wasserman-Shultz's District, a known Clinton conspirator.
FACT Politically motivated Crisis Actors ready to go, scripted questions, TV interviews
FACT Local Sherriff department head lectures gun owners while his own men stood down during shooting
FACT Local Sherriff refuses to resign
This is smoking gun proof that this shooting was allowed to happen for political reason.
If these people are willing to allow children to be murdered to take away your guns, what terrible fate awaits us all when they take away all of our means of defense?
U mad shills?
>implying their God Emperor doesn't shill for FOX NEWS every fucking day
The delusion in this thread is maddening.
Which is funded by the government and donors with special interests, you can't be a mutli-billion dollar company while you have competitors like Amazon and Netflix offering a superior product for a literal 1/400th of the price without someone writing checks.
What's a soyboy?
>kids die in horrible shooting
You faggots sicken me
Can't deny the facts you pathetic shill.
Can't deny a single one.
You sicken me.
Satellite TV is popular in remote areas where wired internet is still unavailable
the difference is one is self aware of being propaganda and the other isnt
>shill for fox news
You realize Megyn Kelly was with Fox before she had a show on NBC?
Also can you give me an example of it for everyday in the past week?
>he doesnt read the paper
lel nothing on this board is fact
>paid crisis actors
Ok kid
I have unironically not watched TV in like 3-4 years
Every link in /ptg/ is to a YouTube fox news video...
If even 10% of normies pulled their heads out of the (((media's))) asses and realized what was going on heads would fucking roll
>cable TV
Y is CNN so fucked up and tells so many lies?
He tweets about Fox and Friends almost every day. Where the fuck have you been?
Here's 2 examples from yesterday
>watching (((tv)))
There are just as many kikes at Fox, faggot
There are even more kikes in the executive branch, appointed by Trump himself
I shit on Fox news almost every day, though not as much as I shit on CNN and their ilk. The only news you can even remotely trust is local news, and they will still feed you shit.
It's open information and only anti-Semites suffer from butthurt. If people don't like a TV channel or a paper, they don't watch it, simple as that.
Seen this gay stormfag shit posted in every thread today. Are you guys behind quota or something?
Lets eliminate the crisis actors and this being staged, how do you trust a government that failed to keep an obviously disturbed kid who posted online he was going to be a school shooter to take guns away?
stop kvetching jew
Him retweeting news about himself, brilliant examples user. I bet you graduated the top of your class at the school for special needs.
Can you go back to The Donald? You reek of it.
Disney is rumored to be trying to buy Fox for 60bn dollars. Explain that to me.
they didnt buy Newscorp dummy, just 20 century fox film studio
Trumps rule of play is very clear. You scratch his back he scratches yours. You go against him then pic related.
Never been on plebit. Just saying your examples of shilling show you have no clue what the word means.
I'm a different poster, you reddit faggot. Go back to your Trump circle jerk safe space.
don't care
>turns on
paying the cable TV jew
well /ptg/ is a bunch of boomers and 12 year olds so what would you expect?
You mean the Tucker Carlson Show on week night at 8;00PM on FOX
I'm about as far right as one can get without being totally nuts and even I acknowledge FOX is just as biased as CNN. They both cater to their base. To me though, FOX almost comes across as tongue-in-cheek a lot of the time like they'll say some real boisterous or over-the-top shit (Hannity, Carlson, etc) where it's like "okay they're giving me some rightwing news but they're kinda goofy about it", but then you'll see CNN and its all super serious 100% of the time without any of the goofy shit or the wink and a nod, which makes them seem more manipulative, more dishonest, more propagandist - not only are they extremely biased but they're doing everything in their power to literally try and brainwash people.
As much as FOX can be fake news as well, I can at least respect their hustle. CNN just makes me feel disgusted.
Ok shill, how about these confirmed facts?
FACT FBI repeatedly informed about school shooter
FACT Local police made repeated visits to his home (39 Reports)
FACT Kids at school made jokes about how this kid would become a school shooter.
FACT School security office waited outside while shooting happened
FACT 4 Broward County Sherriff waited outside while shooting happened
FACT Local sherriff department head is a known Clinton supporter
FACT School District in Debbie Wasserman-Shultz's District, a known Clinton conspirator.
FACT Local Sherriff department head lectures gun owners while his own men stood down during shooting
FACT Local Sherriff refuses to resign
Go on. Try to refute a single one you laughable cunt
Is this what the conspiracy boils down to? An inability to come up with basic logic?....
Fox is puddle of controlled opposition amidst an ocean of lefty brainwashing networks
They have occasional juicy interviews though, usually on Tucker
>An inability to come up with basic logic?....
Diversionary tactic. Does not address any of the basic facts.
Ok.... pick ONE of your points and i'll explain it...
>OP is a faggot!
>sage in Options
How about the top 5. Try and explain them away.
Oh, that's right, you can't.
Sorry, kike. I don't watch or pay for the cablejew. Set yourself on fire, nigger.
sage and dismissed
>Watching TV
1) Do you realize how many tips get provided a day? Not all get investigated. Many slip through cracks
2) Cops can't do much in home visits. It's a bureaucratic issue. Even getting something like CPS involved is a multi-year process
3) Weird kids = school shooters. Not hard.
4) Officer was a pussy and wasn't gonna die for his $9.25 / hr job
5) Situational assessment is basic protocol. Running in guns blazing is not.
K, bye.
What pathetic spin, Doesn't counter a single point. All back peddling, lies and excuses. You sicken me.
>2) Cops can't do much in home visits.
Except that they can.
Damn, a genius AND a legal expert. Quite the LARPer you are!
Please do explain what they can do on a house visit.
you can trust little girl, an apple?
Both are fake news.
Multi-replies are fucking maddening.
I have been monitoring Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, and they have yet to report fake news.
Gladly friend. In fact, I'll go through every point in the very local legal code these officers were trained to follow.
But first, you tell us why they "can't do much" on a house visit. Especially after 39 of them.
BTW, just so you know, legal code in FLA allows officers to confiscate weapons after only one credible thread. Would you like to see the actual code? I'll gladly show it once you display your own knowledge of law and governance.
Did you just stumble in from reddit? We're not Fox watching Trumptards here, faggot.
lol there are literally multiple threads for the MAGAchuds to jerk off too during Tucker.
omg so based! Tucker is sure owning this 20-something shithead that he found on the street in a debate!
Fuck off shill.
I knew it was you again before I looked at your ID. You reek of faggotry.
Sage thread
cnn is way more biased than fox
Reports /=/ total house visits....
Sigh, you're just gonna do this the whole time aren't you?
If there's nothing to justify entering the home they can't seize shit. A house visit isn't a warrant, nor is it probable cause for entering. If he answered the door, answered questions fine, and refused entry, they can't do shit.
they can fucking shoot you dead
Mass replies should be caught by the spam filter.
This. Fox is controlled opposition.
they make shit up all the fucking time jackass
you can call the cops from a burner phone and call in an anonymous tip and that counts as probably cause for entry
it's called swatting you fucking mong
Why aren't you addressing any of the actual points I made?
If there is a "potential threat to life" then Red Flag Laws allow for the confiscation of weapons.
If the person is seen as a viable threat, and is a ward of the state or a minor, then said person can be ordered to undergo mandatory psychiatric evaluation.
Yeah, you clearly don't know anything about this. It was just to easy to BTFO
I answered your questions. You've ignored the answers entirely. Goodbye.
You should sign up for the military and go fight for Israel. #DoItForHim
don't come back you fucking jew
Is that your only response to anyone that doesn't agree with your opinion is that they must be from t_d?
I'm sure you must be really popular at your high school/college.
Pussy cunt.
>The respondent or defendant represents a credible threat to the physical safety of an individual, group, public entity as defined by federal law...
What wars are we fighting for Israel again, Reddit?
in case you haven't noticed the jews are currently eradicating the germans
All of them.
>as defined by federal law
You want the feds to define who is and isn't a credible threat?
Iraq & Syria; are you this autistic or do you not know about the Israel lobby?
But it does work lol painting an ugly face on it doesn't make it less true