Shills on Sup Forums are multiplying and are trying to take our eyes off the ball.

The Overton window has shifted radically in our favor. Topics that were taboo as little as a year go are now commonly debated on huge YouTube channels. Why the fuck would you have a problem with this?

The pros strongly outweigh the cons, and e-celebs getting paid by companies like YouTube to sell our product is just icing on the cake.

Why WOULDN'T we want to CREATE A MARKET to foster ever more plentiful and creative right wing propaganda? Most of Sup Forums has strong free market leanings -- why would they have a problem with monetization? The answer is obvious.

Anti e-celeb shills pretend to be on our side, with one exception: they decry "e-celeb bullshit".

This is what shilling looks like in 2018. E-celebs are NOT Sup Forums - they're a valuable public face, a tool. We shouldn't descend into gossip and hero-worship, but instead tolerate them and strategize spreading their normie-friendly content into the wider public.

People who endlessly bitch about e-celebs are either morons, or shills. And if we call them out on it, and they fight rabidly to defend themselves, you KNOW they're shills.


-Character Assassination
>e.g. "X is gay! X is a racemixer!"
>purity spiralling about race or mistakes in someone's past

-Making Money is bad
>"X monetizes their channel -- SELLOUT!"

-"Spreading our ideas on other websites is gay!"
>e.g. "nobody cares about YouTube, or Twitter, or Facebook"

-Concern trolling about legality
>e.g. "Posters and flyers are illegal, guys!!"

-Attacking women while posing as right-wingers
>the amount of shilling that Traditional Women General /twg/ experiences. MGTOW in general is unproductive.

-"No, YOU'RE a shill!"
>someone gets called out for blatant shill behavior. Throws it right back at you and spends a lot of time defending themselves


Other urls found in this thread:


nice slide shed u fucking kike shill





mods ban this faggot please holy shit we get it we'll ignore shilling against e-celebs

Aren't Sup Forums meta threads supposed to only be on or ?

Any MODS feel like weighing in here

I'm the fag in that image, now look at the original thread for context.

OP is a shill fag although his intentions seem genuine, do not get fooled by the nose.

Pretty sure Hiro said they were allowed.

Pick one

e-celebs are faggots and aren't nazi enough
if you talk about e-celebs on Sup Forums you're a braindead cunt


youre right about the first point, but the second point.. why wouldn't Sup Forums discuss using this normie-friendly media on the normie public? Why not see it as a weapon? Is it braindead to strategize about spreading purplepills and gateway pills via e-celebs?


Because Sup Forums isn't one person


No you stupid fuck. The endless petty banter about e-celebs is awful. Literally used to be pages of threads on the same fucking whore
You want proof of shills look at literally every other fucking thread on the first page!
>pol btfo
>What now X
>Is X white
>Anti christian threads
>meme flags
>Endless angi-gun threads using the same images and opening lines.

Fuck you

Is this what happens when you mix autism and schizophrenia? Taking the time to save all those posts, make all those images, etc, just because someone says something bad about your e-celeb waifu? All your rationalizations about monetizing or spreading the """ideology""" are bullshit when you see that every e-celeb thread is full of middle school tier popularity circle jerking bullshit.

Fuck off.

I agree hero-worship and gossip about e-celebs is cancer. read the OP. but strategizing about using e-celebs to our benefit as a tool is a wise move. if you see anyone discrediting or tearing down e-celebs per se, theyre shills or autists

I'm pretty sure you need t kys at this point, because all you're doing is running rage-bait threads where you and a leaf scream "shill" at anyone who doesn't agree that e-celebs "are the tip of the spear in our movement". THere are so many things wrong with that on so many levels, and you have no intention of discussing, just screaming "shill" at everyone who tries. I hope the mods assrape you with the banhammer for being a nigger.

Thats the thing. They will keep doing their thing and get their audiences on their own anyway. Just like they have before they were ever shilled here.
I understand the point your trying to make in that it 'could' be useful, but our enemies are now so blatant, so aggressive that only the hardest lefite or thoughtless nigger dosent see the bullshit.

Heh faggot i'm in your propaganda branded as a shill, go fuck yourself and your kike tricks


so the cultural war is as good as won? doesn't that seem complacent?

This. OP needs to be raped with a hammer.

t. antifa

note that the OP intentionally made a second thread to try to perpetuate this thread.

Obvious shill is obvious

they're still terrified
and they're in full damage control now

>-"No, YOU'RE a shill!"
>someone gets called out for blatant shill behavior. Throws it right back at you and spends a lot of time defending themselves

>someone criticizes OP for calling everyone shill
>OP calls everyone shill
Where the fuck are the mods?

>>-"No, YOU'RE a shill!"
>>someone gets called out for blatant shill behavior. Throws it right back at you and spends a lot of time defending themselves

Let this thread die already, it's painful enough with a fucking leaf.

keep crying shill

Keep bumping dead threads


>he's mad

your shilling tactics have been fully exposed, you are powerless

>tfw lauren southern fired finnknight for these 2 shitty shills


hurr dur yous a shill

And that's your tactics on a dead thread.

I can't tell if this one is irony. Because the poster is obviously right.


stop replying, he can't bump his own thread for more than one post after you reply

>implying people don't make careers out of it, especially promoting political ideas

try harder shill

Calling out "ecelebs" is a known leftist tactic. "Ecelebs" serve a large purpose for pulling in normies who when intrigued will look into the source of their information and become sympathetic towards our cause.

People on Sup Forums that are "anti eceleb" are either jewish, non white, or absolutely mouth breathing drooling retards.


The list so far:

-Character Assassination
>e.g. "X is gay! X is a racemixer!"
>purity spiralling about race or mistakes in someone's past

-Making Money is bad
>"X monetizes their channel -- SELLOUT!"
>why the fuck shouldn't we monetize our ideology? If it brings in fresh faces, who cares?
>Most of Sup Forums are pro free market in some way. Anyone bitching about monetization is a fucking commie.

-"Spreading our ideas on other websites is gay!"
>e.g. "nobody cares about YouTube, or Twitter, or Facebook"

-"Sup Forums is gay"
>e.g. "haha we're all complete losers right guys?"

-Concern trolling about Sup Forums's culture or legality
>e.g. "Posters and flyers are illegal, guys!!"
>e.g. "Spreading our ideology via YouTube is shitting up Sup Forums guys!"

-Attacking women while posing as right-wingers
>the amount of shilling that Traditional Women General /twg/ experiences

-"No, YOU'RE the shill!"
>someone gets called out for blatant shill behavior. Throws it right back at you.

Leftist shills also pretend to be MGTOW to further cause infighting between white men and white women

Every day there is a new "muh gun control " thread

the absolute state of shilling right now.

not bumping lel

good summary of their current tactics
also: they do this to stop right wing ideas from spreading because they know they would lose in a debate
their shilling is basically a way of trying to avoid debates they know they'll lose

i.e. Molymeme: not an argument

Making youtube videos is not your job you fucking faggot.

And I've got bad news for you. These threads are just pissing people off. This is all going to backfire on you.


> muh pay pigu legions

E-celebs are fine for introducing some normies to right-wign ideology.

Most of them are Israel-loving reddit-tier conservatives. But to those of us who are already on the far right, their videos are low-level boring bullshit. Especially when there is drama between random e-celebs.

By all means, conservatives should monetize their youtube channels. That doesn't make their videos interesting or worthy of discussion on Sup Forums.

notice how they spam the thread also take a look at the filenames on their images.
Secondly, this. Sage and report spam threads

>not bumping lel
every time you post, he gets to bump his own thread. If everyone stops posting, he stops being able to bump his own thread. Doesn't matter if you s*ged or not, he gets to bump with his reply. DO YOU NOTICE HIM BUMPING THE THREAD HOW IS THAT HAPPENING THINK

>invades reddit forums
>invades twitter feeds
>inserts self in facebook groups
>posts threads in Sup Forums
>suddenly has a shill problem
I uh, suspect that you caused this problem yourselves.

>please don't spread right wing ideas on youtube
>please don't devote enough time to them to make it your full time job
>please don't spread right wing ideas
>please don't expose me as a shill

the absolute state of (you)



Jesus, man, be careful you don't rupture yourself. It's like you're a spastic gone mad.

>once they are aware of these techniques the operation can completely fail

this is why the shills are so scared right now


hey shill faggots we found your playbook:
how does it feel to always lose?

Captain Autism. You were spamming this shit in the other thread.

not an argument

stay scared

t. beta orbiter


#5 Attacking women while posing as right-wingers
>the amount of shilling that Traditional Women General /twg/ experiences

#4 Character-assassination
>e.g. "X is gay! X is a racemixer!"

#3 "Other websites are gay"
>e.g. "nobody cares about YouTube, or Twitter, or Facebook

#2 Concern troll about legality
>e.g. "Posters and flyers are illegal, guys!!"

Before we get to #1, my name is Shills and I hope you're enjoying my list. If you're curious about what I look like irl, then go to my Instagram: @dylan_is_shillin_yt and tap that follow button to find out. I'm currently doing a super poll on my Instagram. If you believe e-celebs are controlled opposition, then go to my most recent photo and tap the like button. If you don't, DM me saying why. When you're done come right back to this thread to find out the #1 entry. Also follow me on Twitter: @yt_shills because that's where I post e-celebrity updates.

It's a proven fact that generosity makes you a happier person, so if you're generous enough to hit that subscribe button, then thank you.



>Muh yoootube videos make u scared!!
But they really don't


>"But they really don't"
>devotes thousands of shills, hundreds of thousands of hours, millions of dollars to disrupting this board and right wing youtube channels

right, you're "not scared"

-Character Assassination
>e.g. "X is gay! X is a racemixer!"
>purity spiralling about race or mistakes in someone's past

Well... In the same sense that I'm scared of "The Onion" when they put out fake news.

you mean like the fake news CNN shits out constantly?

oh look Trump called them out

how does it feel?

It feels like this

right it feels like pic related

you will keep losing, get used to it

Of course I'll lose. Propaganda always wins.

leftism is dying and you can't save it because it's wrong and the truth cannot be stopped

What makes you think I'm leftist exactly?


Look how nobody gives a fuck about your thread


I am such angrey at yuo
Full backfires

>millions of dollars
Sup Forums's dellusion will never cease to amaze me

reality is not a 'make a whish' campaign
you're a dellusional bipolar sperg and you should think about killing yourself

holy shit buy ads you fucking retards

neither are e -celebs

t.English plurals.