Why is the rest of the world so shit at making food?
Why is the rest of the world so shit at making food?
Fuel for war
How can mutts even compete?
god damn that looks so good mohammed
I'm perfectly fine here. Thanks.
thats a spit roast.
but in your country, its usually 2 darkies doing that to your women
We got scrambled egg and ham quesadillas too, Jaoa. We don’t make them with white bread and call them high cuisine though.
>Why is the rest of the world so shit at making food?
You can say this line only if you are in Italy, and it would still be not correct because places like Spain,Portugual have great culture in food terms.
nice bantz septic
I dunno man for me Peru makes God tier food. I say we spare them on the day of the taco.
Does fucking the lamb make it tastier?
Because we have literally every kind of dish in america. And once it's made outside of ethnic resturaunt. It is then considered American. We perfected everything edible and we're hated for it.
Kek !! Tayrone is mad...
bone app the teeth
I like my countries fresh ingredients and some of the highest quality meat and fresh fish in the entire world.
You can keep that trash deep fried in vegetable oil, with bleached flour sugar filled "bread". Then dusted with more msg to make it edible.
Hahaha.. just keep sending the money Israel
How can you mutts even compete?
This. And guess which restaurants you see least often. Yeah that's right, English. Because British food is brown slop on top of slop. Nobody wants to eat that shit outside of the Bong containment zone.
I spoke with a kindly French fellow on here once who clued me in on enjoying a nice cheese with jam. I will never say the rest of the world is shit at food. If you're out there my French friend, you changed cheese for me. Thanks much!
Where is the monkey?
>amerifats unironically believe this
The only thing you "perfected" is cultural theft.
into the trash it goes. Why does everyone act like onions are good on any kind of food other than a tiny amount in sauces?
Mayo on fries. Barf. Only Dutch dicks like that much mayo. An affinity for white creamy substances,you could say.
shit distribution of sauces 3/10
>cheese with jam
What ?
Pussy faggot americans i eat onions with everything faggot kys
blood, semen, and raw onion on french fries? We don't want any part in that competition lol.
Look, everywhere except niggerland and Abo-niggers has great food.
Even fucking Sweden has some awesome chocolates and meatballs, ven if 90% of their food is rotted fish in lye.
Your flag is not the italian one, faggot
Yes, he was specifically fond of blackberry jam, which I am as well. I really enjoyed gruyere on a toast point, melted under a broiler, and topped with blackberry jam. Very good.
So that's how they make meat mountains at Arby's.
cross section of that thing looks fucking disgusting
>Italian food.
One of the best ever.
Don't bother, they will just post another picture of feces and go on about the benefits of high fructose corn syrup.
try it first and you'll change your mind.
That's literally just a roasted chicken, baked beans and rice pilaf, cookies, sliced tomatoes and cucumbers with some red onions on the top and french fries with hot dogs cut up in them.
you wish your shit meat tasted like the nectar of the gods in my webm
>Fritz education
there is probably a Catholic canon law somewhere that forbids you from talking shit about porchetta m8
That looks fucking lovely.
Frenchies. Dude jews have been putting jam on cream cheese bagels for 300 centuries in America.
Are you even mediterranean?
Eat grease till you explode gordito
It should be used about as much as garlic, just a small amount for taste but don't have it all over your food, it's just easy to make a shit ton of them and get goyim to pay by meming it into being on everything. Another scheme by the jews. I bet you think onions boost your testosterone too
A poor man's turducken.
Can't not read that in a redneck accent
artisan porchetta is probably the best thing I've ever eaten. Honestly nothing else compares to it.
I shit on amer*Can food.
Only babyfaggots don't like onions -- the rawer, the better.
Put some gravy and cheese curds on the fries and you've got a 3-course Canadian meal.
I even see a cup of maple syrup on the side.
british food > american food
here, I said it
cuisine in murica
I don't know what you're talking about
That's more of a judeo-american thing
Yeah, why not. Sounds interesting.
Personally i like salted butter on toast with strawberry jam.
Deal with it nerd. We own gyros, pizza, pasta, burritos, and tacos.
Toothpaste, you're not even trying.
what the fuck is sliced tomato doing on a steak?
might be good if the sauces were on the side
ayy thanks straya, but youll never be beaten