Why does anime look like shit now?

Why does anime look like shit now?

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What an original and thought provoking topic user, i'm sure Sup Forums has so much new to discuss about this shocking revelation you have just given us

because he broke his helm are you blind? i bet anime looked better before he crashed his car


If anime looked so good before, why the only one posted is always Macross Plus?

you should know

While I like cell animation, that practice has been long gone, and if there are those who still practice it, it's probably more or less for personal interest as it'd be costly to produce a type a show through that form of animation compared to what you can do today with modern technology. If you are referring to artstyle, then stop being a cherry picking bitch and actually support shit you actually enjoy, you bitch.

because they literally use paint buckets to fill in the colours.

The fact that modern anime looks so "clean" is really interesting to me. Not in an aesthetic way, but it makes me wonder where the transition started.

Fuck off my board, now.

lack of film grain.


God I miss cells and film grain. It's too clean now.

>anime for chads like us

No more cell animation.

>ask why it looks like shit
>told why it looks like shit

Get out, you non-virgin.

People that say this always post pictures from an old anime movie with a big budget or an OVA with a big budget but sometimes it's just pictures they use for promotional material from magazines.

90% of anime from the 70's, 80's and 90's never looked like that all the way through or even ever.


There is literally nothing wrong with VLC

I miss when anime had more interesting styles.

Last thing to break out of the uguu mold was Kaiji.

What went wrong?

>implying Amuro wasn't autistic enough to make his own packaging for Haro.

they found the sweet spot for making money and keeping the industry up. The anime industry doesn't have a magical source of income like Hollywood.

I actually wonder what would happen to Hollywood if China embargo'd movies/media


who knows, but what it's true is that hollywood NEVER be out of money.

Moe and SOL killed anime my friend, there hasn't been a single good anime movie/show in the past 10 years.

I wanted to disagree but I could literally only think of five examples of something I would actually suggest people to watch.

>Mawaru Penguindrum
>Space Dandy
>The Tatami Galaxy
>One Punch
>Panty and stocking

Jesus christ, 5 anime in 10 years, why do i even watch anime.

Is that MegaZone 23?


pretty much

Listen i was grasping for straws, you know how little shit there is in the past 10 years when you actually decide to think about it? Thats the best we got m8

>imdb ratings
Why not just walk to the nearest mcdonald's and ask around?

>Rick and Morty
instantly de-valued.

Yeah. I miss the days when anime was drawn by 12 year olds as well.

>Mawaru Pinguindrum is not the best anime post-2010
Name better ones

And I miss every anime character looking like a Down's invalid.

Man oh man. How are we living without this quality...

Surely anime could do just as good nowadays.

I too enjoy the androgynous twink faggots we have now

Any Masaaki Yuasa anime

TV Shows looked even shittier in the 80's

>it's another "autist cherrypicks examples from a single episode of a single series to shitpost" episode


Better the dudes look like girls than the inverse.

I went through the trubo dyke era. I don't want to go back to it.


More like I don't cherry pick an anime with a good budget. This was the norm.

Ys by the way was a hit video game so, it got pretty good anime treatment for what it is.

Are you perhaps autistic or legitimately trying to combat a sarcastic response to someone doing the exact same thing by complaining about that exact same thing?

Literally normie tier 3deep5u contarian junk.

Post examples then

Please no more baiting, you picked an anime from 1989 based off a shitty video game

Mcdonald's dindus.

>>Sup Forums

>Its always a screenshot of an OVA or a movie
Every single fucking time., are you genuinely this retarded and not understanding the stupidity of the claims you make or are you just shitposting? I hope for your sake its the later.

'79 Amuro is such a qt.

>uses "normie"
>shits on Paprika
>hashtags on Sup Forums

>no more baiting
>shitty game


Would you prefer one not based on a video game my good autismo friend?

I love it when newshits think they know old anime.

Old anime had shit animation, shit backgrounds, garbage music, and plots so bad even Hollywood cannot hope to beat.

Live with it.

He's a newfag.
Can't help his retardation.

All of these look perfectly adequate.

This is the game the ys anime was based on youtube.com/watch?v=dgegDKc3OsQ
It shit.

>millions of people agreeing something is good doesnt matter compared to my single opinion

>mr happy: "here cums mr happy"
Not going to lie I got a good kek, heres your (you)

outsourced computer animation with low budget

Even the Macross Zero OVA looked like shit. Only the movie had 3 god tier animation segments.


No we had uh, well fuck i guess thats all we really have had in a decade. Everything else has just been your typical fap bait, waifu bait, shounen shit, or sol shit. The only thing I might add is parasyte, but even then it wasnt that good

>popularity = quality
I guess twilight and old justin bieber hits are near the pinnacle of human achievement then.

Them angles tho.




>hes so autistic he actually downloaded and watched sailor moon so he could try to bait for (you)'s

Why light bulbs work half of what they're supposed to?

If anime had really looked better back then, he wouldn't have crashed his car.

Is that Adol
What the fuck

There's always been a wide gap in quality in anime. 70s and 80s weekly anime often looked like garbage and it still generally looks pretty shitty.

You're allowed to watch non plebbit approved anime here my newshit friend! You have been freed from the echo chamber! Rejoice.

Incidentally this is why the "I've watched 10 movies and 5 ovas and old anime looked great" bs doesn't work here.

The cherry picking in these threads is always astounding.

>hes still trying

>Space Dandy

objectively 5/10 at best

hello everyone this is my wife, yukino.

Not on my watch.
You won't see a turdbrain claiming Venus Wars was the norm for anime in the 80s while I'm around.

Explain to me how that is and then tell me what you would replace space dandy with if you had to pick top 5 anime from the past 10 years

Nobody ever thought the 80's looked good. Stop shitting up the thread.

So which "not now" decade are we talking about here?
The 90s?

Blatant Cowboy Bebop rip-off
No character development of any kind
No plot development of any kind
Nickelodeon visuals
Only 1 good episode (groundhog day one)


OK guy so the 90s were the "not shit looking decade" a slight divergence from the typical autism of this general.


Look how good the 90s look. Man. We're really missing out on quality.

Stop with your cherry picking. You need to cherry pick the ones that support my side of the argument.

Late ninety's-early 2000's


Truly the best era for anime and for dubs.

>Blatant Cowboy Bebop rip-off
>replacement: a remake of an older anime
just kek, so you were just baiting.

>Literally who: the anime
>still manages to pull off better animation then some modern shit.
How will modern anicucks survive?

MPC-HC is dead, old man.

True. I should post a popular one instead.

Now compare these to our most popular anime in 2017, even anime in early 80's was better than this LOL

Agreed. You should be using mpv.

are you mentally ill, friend? Is it difficult to perform every day functions?

I see what you mean.

>tfw anime with this animation this beautiful will never be made again

Looks better than pix related kek