Why do you want a white ethnostate when europe is already majority white?

Why do you want a white ethnostate when europe is already majority white?

Because the majority is shrinking, and is not large enough.


Do you even read the fucking news?

who's fault is that?

They just like to LARP like Wakanda niggers.

Why don't you go back to Mexico if you want to live around Mexicans?

That's beyond the scope of your original question.

We sure as fuck didn't get a say in it, and neither did the poor mongrelised bastards you screech about daily over there.

because probably in a dozen of years it will be too late, and i'm not even a white supremacist

Don't even think of coming here you stupid mutt

What's with the picture of chinks and kikes?

it isn't

if white people led to their own demise, a white ethnostate wouldn't help

It's democracy to blame for giving people who shouldn't have a voice, a voice.

proof that
doesn't defeat butterface
literally every one of them look like traps

>why do you want to live if you are already alive

The demise is only a demise because of the acceptance of nonwhites. Without nonwhites Europe can survive perfectly well with the current birthrates.

When was your referendum to let millions of shitskins in?
We weren't consulted, and the people that we voted to reduce immigration increased it.

You do realize alot of us are pushing for European independent states and not for a "White" European state Germany for Germans Poland for Polish England for England and French for France we already are racially concious not a single person considers Arabs or Blacks Germans they are always foreigners the only ones saying that is leftist and state pushed media

If history is anything to go by, thrive to a degree never seen before in human hostory

>the only ones saying that is leftist and state pushed media
And Merkel, desperately trying to prove that wimminz can be leaders too and that her reign hasn't been one of the most glaring disasters in all of history.

I'm in west Germany infested leftist shithole and most people i know Irl are against her and say positive stuff about Hitler i don't know where the fuck that old hag is getting her Votes from

The old hag demographic?