ITT: Obviously gay characters/couples that'll never be confirmed canon because it would upset the core fanbase
ITT: Obviously gay characters/couples that'll never be confirmed canon because it would upset the core fanbase
Naruto & Sasuke.
oh is that still a thing? I stopped reading Naruto WAY before Shiippuuddeen but it always struck me how unnecessary that kiss was. Are they still gaying it up in Boruto?
>upset the fanbase
It would make it blow up. It could make the anime become the next osomatsu-san.
Eat shit, fugoshit
maybe but shonen artists are weird about girls touching their shit. God bless all the fujoshits working on animation teams though
this is bi
Reina Ana kumiko
>both have heterosexual love interests
>obviously gay
>falling for b8
user I...
Kumiko is canonically not in love with that guy in the anime. They still aren't gay though.
>ITT: Two same-sex characters have a close bond/friendship and therefore must secretly be gay and romantically involved.
Fujos really need to die gruesome deaths. Easily the worst fucking group to attach itself to any series.
>Sasuke says he'll go on a mission to find Kaguya's shit because it's important to prevent a second attempt like that from happening
>All the Kages agree
>Naruto volunteers to go with, despite having a family and being hokage
>Sasuke tells him no, you're staying here because you've got responsibilities. Naruto reluctantly agrees.
Yeah it's still gay as fuck.
Kakashi and gai or coolest guy
How assblasted would you get once Ms Joke is confirmed as Aizawa's wife you filthy fujoshit?
toriko and komatsu
>Ms Joke is confirmed as Aizawa's wife
No. I need someone prettier and with bigger boobs to be his wife so I can self-interest.
Dude, Naruto regularly has "hunting trips" with Sasuke now while his wife is unaware
I fucking hate it when people think this shit.
>these two are best buds
>that means they're butt buddies
Aizawa canonically wants nothing to do with Ms. Joke yet you think she's going to get together with him.l? One of us might end up assblasted but I doubt it'll be me
these two faggots.
Agito may deny it but everyone knows he wants storm cock as much as Akito
>faggots for ants.jpg
don't joke like that
komatsu is based
Everyone loves Komatsu
Toriko just found him first