Side Character Thread

Side Character Thread.
Those ones you love that never get the spotlight.

"Main heroine"


I want to hug Wiz on a hot summer night



I just want to build her a house

Best girl. Should have gotten a chance to be in love with Lelouch. Although maybe that's why she survived the series.



The cutest.



Though to be fair, she kinda got the spot light at the very end of the route she was involved in, as it implies she hooks up with MC since chosen heroine returned to spirit world.

Nearly all of these semen demons.

She looks like a character Sasamori Tomoe would design.

I'm happy and a little sad she doesn't get an arc

Same series, but the female Hideyoshi (Yuuko).
Wanted her to join the harem


Pretty much everyone from this series though desu

always part of a triplet of such characters


She ain't Demeter so she ain't getting anything.

Tenri best girl.


I'd narrow it down a bit.

But with massive tits.

Wasn't too convinced by the gradual growth of the cast at first, but I've really grown to like most of them.

How fucked in the head was was Nisekoi's mangaka?
Literally how do you make a 10 chapter something long side story with your borderline background characters and have it be better then your actual main love story?

Someone in his office legitimately looked at it and thought
>Uhm... yea, this totally isn't better then the forced status quo shit we are currently making
Like really how the fuck does shit like this even happen?

Cutest little 'tard.

She would have put out.

Let's be honest, 99% of the girls in the academy would have put out for Lelouch.

I like Ai, because she's asking for it.

The best.


I wanted her to do twincest with her brother.