The bump stock ban is 100% justified. It basically turns a semi auto into a full auto which are already banned...

The bump stock ban is 100% justified. It basically turns a semi auto into a full auto which are already banned. It's only purpose is to shoot as many bullets as possible in the shortest time span with little to no accuracy. That function is only good for one thing: killing large groups of people quickly. Bump stocks aren't useful for: hunting, self defence, or even fighting trained soldiers.

Other urls found in this thread:

you underestimate just how inaccurate bump stock are.
Shoot rifle with a bump stock at a barn and you would kill a Astrokruat.
Aslo sage faggot

So you're on Trump's side then?

Let's just ban anything that connects to a firearm, save us all the time. Especially if it's black. Because that's one scary fucking color.

We don't care about bumpstocks nobody does. The issue was concern of the ban causing a slippery slope.

You can make bumpstocks with shoelaces or a piece of metal. Note altering your weapon is a felony. Bumpstocks were used to literally show off or kill people, 100% useless.

Concern was the slippery slope

Bump stocks are a joke they make everything inaccurate as fuck, you dont need a bump stock to bumpfire a rifle (which is same thing), every legit shooter gun owner knows that bump stocks are crap... So ban them if you want who cares...

Yeah, i dont really care that much. Their only use is to have fun mag dumping. The string method is actually a lot more accurate anyway. I hate to give any ground, but hopefully this appeases them a little, and makes Trump and co look good in the eyes of the bluepilled, especially with the mid-terms rapidly approaching.

The full auto ban is unconstitutional. The supreme court is wrong.

Just like Trudeau, you embarrass me.

>appeases them a little
you're a cuck, and you should know that will never happen.
lolberg is correct. any hindrance of our right to bear to arms is unconstitutional. there is no justification for gun control, and zero benefits.

It does not do anything to the trigger system of the gun. It increases the fire rate of a semi auto, no where near it's cyclic fire rate.

Now I'm remaking my thread because of your shillig:

Piss off leaf

>having a valid opinion on american gun control

stay in your containment country please

The only thing its good for is shooting a very large number of fish in a very large barrel

It's a stupid gimmick and should be banned. Anyone who tries to use one in a combat situation would be wasting ammo, it makes a gun not even accurate enough for suppressive fire

It should be banned


And here is a AR-15 bumpstock schematic for 3d-printing obtained from a 5 second google search.

Maybe you should rethink banning a fucking simple piece of plastic.

he kept saying clip instead of magazine and it pissed me right off

>It basically turns a semi auto into a full auto
bother are automatic weapons and both need to be banned.

Do you have to pull the trigger every time?

testing if i'm banned from Sup Forums

If you hipfire the ar15 with your Thumb hooked into your belt buckle while pushing the foregrip forward its the same automatic effect and (like many have said) very inaccurate... But essentially fully automatic WITHOUT ANY MOD STOCK OR TRIGGER.

Ban Assault Belt Buckles When?

>Especially if it's black
Imagine living in a world where a gun couldn’t fire if the trigger was pulled by a nigger.

ITT: unpopular Sup Forums opinions.
>mfw this one is legit and is a leafpost

don't forget the shoestring trick

Rubber bands save your beltloops and let you ads.

Answer is yes you have to pull the trigger every time.
Thus it's not automatic.

shouldn't you be prepping your bull?


If you can’t afford a real machine gun kys. Ban all weapon niggermods.

Can do it with the left index finger when firing with the right hand.

or the old rubber band trick





You fools are posting in a shariablue slide thread. SAGE in all fields

>It basically turns a semi auto into a full auto which are already banned.
I don't care about bump stocks being banned or not, but this is incorrect.

They're very useful for suppressive fire. Civilians should be able to easily buy fully automatic weapons for that specific purpose and we shouldn't have to resort to bump stocks to achieve that effect. Why do you want only the government that you believe is tyrannical and oppressive to have that capability?
You massive cucked faggot.


Is fun not a purpose anymore?

Nobody has them anyway faggot..
I'd never even heard of them except one time before Vegas.
I have owned guns for 6 years now.. It's not a widely bought thing anyway.

They are randomly banning anybody, and everybody.
Proxies....a way to cheat the ban

>Killing large groups

With the way things are heading might be a necessity

It turns a semi into a shitty imitation auto. It’s shit and nobody should be allowed to waste money on it. Ban it and spare us from wasting more plastic.

>bumo stocks are stupid
>op is a fag
>I'll just 3d print one anyways
>op is a fag

anybody that wants to do a mass shooting will simply make the fucking thing. You can walk though a walmart and build a functional bumpstock.