FL school shooting survivor goes on Sunday news shows - destroys NRA
Oh boy another day another kike media tour.
When will you learn.
This son of a bitch is piggy backing off the dead bodies of his schoolmates to defend his FBI daddy and to jump start his reporting career. What a bastard.
what's wrong with his face?
what 17 year old looks like that?
How is no one calling them out for using the deaths of their classmates to gain celebrity status?
>high school student thinks he knows something
In other news: water is wet.
You mutts deserve all your shootings
He's done. As the left ALWAYS does, he's overplayed his hand.
In August I'll ask you if you remember him and you'll say no.
Hopefully some nigger shoots him.
This exactly. Regardless, their days of celeb status are numbered. Isn't the DACA deadline around the corner?
Glee - Political Exploitation Unit.
I like how theuy portray the NRA like its some monolith or faceless corporation.
Not like its a representative body of 80+million people or anything.
he is a bit young to be from the camps
>he is a bit young to be from the camps
There are laws allowing 16 year olds to work. He is great, and will make a great addition to any hard labor camp.
someone should email the nra all the proof we have of this little kikelet not even being a high school student.
Huffpost, CNN...
David Hogg(ing the spotlight from 17 dead teens)
Why the fuck is anyone listening to a kid?
Is there any evidence this kid knew any of the actual victims? This is how we have to attack these kids show that they are just grandstanding on the attack and didn't even know anyone shot and killed.
because the (((media))) is putting him on.
meth arms
meth face
The only thing here that is powerful is the throbbing jewish cock in your ass.
hogg for president :)
He's a 20-something year old actor.
if it's broken why are they all talking about it?
FL survivor here. I survived FL.
Proofs or gtfo.
lmfao they put a shit load of make up on him to make him look younger
What does the NRA even do?
They keep pulling this shit. Over and over.
So you have to ask yourself, in the grand scheme of things, why the focus on guns? It's pretty simple.:
Taking away guns gives control to governments.
The founders of this nation knew that regardless of the form of government, those in power may become corrupt and seek to rule as the British did by trying to disarm the populace of the colonies. It is not difficult to understand that a disarmed populace is a controlled populace.
Thus, the second amendment was proudly and boldly included in the U.S. Constitution. It must be preserved at all costs.
So the next time someone tries to tell you that gun control is about saving lives, look at these facts and remember these words from Noah Webster: "Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword, because the whole body of the people are armed and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States. A military force at the command of Congress can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power."
Remember, when it comes to "gun control," the important word is “control," not “gun."
Is he the only one who survived?
By the look of their meetings its some kind of prostate cancer support group.
>Taking policy recommendations from a teenagers.
As someone who once lived through a school shooting (and who had a friend die during it) I can tell you the reactions various people have to the incident can be entirely different. Some of my friends came out of the experience very anti-gun while I became more pro gun (mostly because I realized that murderers find a way to kill others if they really want to anyways. In the absence of guns they’ll just use something else). Timothy McVeigh killed 160 people. Maybe someone can remind me what kind of gun he used to do it...
If I ever come across another psychopath I want to be sure that I’m also armed. There’s also a certain level of hypocrisy with these anti-gun people as they imply that only cops should have guns and yet they’re the same groups who decry “systemic” police brutality.
Pay attention children
Why do liberal retards think that Drudge Report is a MASSIVE RIGHT WING NEWS MACHINE and think that the NRA is selling people guns?
Really, can't liberals even take 2 fucking seconds to learn about the things they claim to be oppressed by before opening their fucking mouths and looking like complete retards?
That Hogg kid has one of the most punchable faces ever. Bets on how old he will be when he realizes he was a jew pawn and turns to heroin?
>riding the coattails of your dead classmate's corpses in order to go on a media tour and acquire fame
These kids are starting to rub me the wrong way
No because it’d destroy them to find out the NRA was actually founded to teach blacks to kill KKK members and that most of the current legislation, to include the background system we use, was one of their inventions and in law because of their efforts.
Epstein has to pick less waif-ish girls for the guy from Maroon 5, the outcome is horrifying
Even brazilian's Delicia media is reporting that this guy is a jewish crisis actor, son of some random FBI guy that was at Hillary's "Inauguration party".
Tony Greenberg was a pretend dead teacher at Florida
Brazil user, start spreading Jeff Kasky red pills plz
Why are we not hearing from the freshmen who were actually in the building where the shooting took place?
this right here also ive read that the bald chick wasnt even at school that day
>murderers find a way to kill others
This is exactly what lefty doesn't want people to think about during a gun grab lol
None of them were in the building. The shooting took place in the freshman building. I doubt these fucktards even heard any shots.
we need to look into this plus he pretty much said he hated that school and his classmates
Why don't you talk about how big sushi is abusing the right to petition and trying to get the government to ban comping?
When is part 2?
fuck off david
He has a lot of foundation on today.
how l ong is CTR going to shill this kid on here. No one gives a fuck about this jew, thats why hes only on marxist media platforms.
Isn't he the guy who plays the new Spiderman?
Hollywood is getting bold with these new actors
This. He whined about missing California because all the kids at his school in Florida were mean.
they would never fake a sho-
Dad is retired FBI and Mom is a manager at CNN.
No fucking way should this guy be heard.
>most punchable faces ever.
Been thinking this since day one.
>He has a lot of foundation on today
aspiring kike faggots usually do
CNN is totally using these kids.
He has such a weak jaw.
depends in what sence you mean. The NRA is a collective of 5million gun owners. essintaly its a lobbying group. it pools our money and endorses candidates that promise to fight for the second amndment. people act like its so strong but in reality its the 5 million votes of the people that make it up that are the power.
as for what it DOES, it has classes, gives advice on ownership and safety, trains people on gun use, holds get togethers and lectures on exercising your rights. its like a giant gun club.
>such a weak jaw
He will go tranny in a few yews and die of an opiate OD, after the kikes are done with him
It's on CNN, that's getting to be liek 28th in ratings behind shit like 'Lizard Lick Towing' and reruns of 'Dora the Explorer', so he really isn't.
Blatant crisis actor. Next.
The funny thing is the NRA only gave $1.1 million in donations in 2016. Comcast alone gave $12 million lmao
The only person we know for sure knew Cruz was Alexa Miednik because she evacuated with him and even joked that she thought he would be the shooter
NRA = implicitly White Conservative organization
That's why Jews are attacking it.
It does not have as much money as billionaire Jews, it has a huge, valuable membership.
Will Hogg ask congressmen to stop taking money from ADL or AIPAC? I don't think so.
Trump said at CPAC that DACA is most likely dead
Never doubt the 4d chess
>I went to the toilet had a shit
Sage shill shit
anyone have the video proving hes a crisis actor???
It's almost like there's an agenda to give this kid maximum airtime so that the left, the kikes and the alphabets achieve their mutual goal of imposing gun control, disarming citizens and weakening the second Amendment. No... no, that's crazy talk.
is she still on fb
Thanks for the new members and donations, little jew faggot.
Loves watching Stephnopolous repeatedly lie and get BTFO by Dana from the NRA.
>but we need background checks
>states were already legally required to report to existing background check system and failed, proving gov't can't be trusted to handle background checks
>b-but huffpo said 99.9% of americans want it!
Sounds like some kind of conspiracy theory, user. Our benevolent leaders would never perpetrate such an atrocious ruse. After all, if that was their intention, why would they choose the state absolutely least likely to change its gun laws?
Kek I actually joined the NRA yesterday
Add to that, all the mass murderers were on FBI radar, and they failed to stop the high casualty incidents.
Nigger looks like a kpop singer with that plastic surgery.
I kind of agree. NRA is shit. Shiiiiiiiiiiit. They are fully in the hands of leftists and actually support the destruction of God given rights, especially destruction of 2A. Now NAGR or GOA, those are lobbies I support and they actually work to protect and expand gun rights.
>TFW your school gets shot up and you go on a moralistic crusade against law-abiding Americans to distract from the egregious failings of your father's employer in preventing the shooting
He looks like his entire genealogy of ancestors survived exclusively on soy products.
And the crusade is clearly all about the guns, but pff. Can you believe Dana Loesch; SHE doesn't care about the children. The nerve of this fucking pork rind.
its own of the only legitimate lobby groups in the US considering it represents millions of people and not just a few rich jews.
HAHAHAHA!!!!!! underrated fucking pic
I care not of your opinion filthy swine!
I think this young man is getting a little too high on the Hogg!