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That's a man with a weak jaw and bad friends.
SHE is a LADY and YOU are a TRANSPHOBE. SHE won because she DESERVED those titles, NOT because SHE used to be a man.
I thought it was a chick becoming a (((man))) but due to the rules being based on how you were born she has to play in the women's league.
>That's a lady
Actually it is. It's a chick taking testosterone
I know this transwoman transman shit is confusing. But yeah, pretty sure that one is a FtM, but they wouldn't let it compete with the boys or it didn't want to.
So this is a girl on steroids competing with boys. Why is she not disqualified for juicing?
Competing with girls. But apparently the testosterone doses she's taking aren't technically large enough to disqualify her (large enough to make her dominate her competition though)
its a female on testosterone that wants to fight with males but has been forced to fight females
It's fucking stupid. Let trannies compete with the gender they ascribe to, you have men saying they're transwomen and fucking females up and taking the gold. Force people to play as the gender they're born as, you get women pumping themselves up with testosterone fucking normal girls up and taking the gold.
I say if you exceed however much levels of testosterone you should not be allowed in women's sports. It's fucking ridiulous because it's always a tranny being good only against girls. It's fucking pathetic.
Men with low test can't take TRT and compete but a mentally ill girl can elevate their testosterone to 20x natural levels and go to state.
Makes sense.
Texas tattoo regulations
>In Texas it is illegal to tattoo anyone under the age of 18 unless the tattoo is being done to cover an existing tattoo that contains obscene language, gang symbols or drug references. When this type of tattoo is done, one of the minor's parents must be present, must provide a photograph of the tattoo being covered and must submit complete identity and contact information to the tattoo artist.
Mack Beggs is 17 years old.
What is she hiding?
>girls wrestling
lol who give s a fuck?
i'd have a beer with Mack
a girl taking male hormones should have to compete with men. a man taking female hormones should also have to compete with men. that's the only way its fair and doesn't disadvantage the actual female wrestlers. in a more perfect world, both groups of people should be shot.
>17 years old
The land of the free intensifies.
>spend entire life focusing on becoming a man
>ends up doing least manly thing by fighting girls
Ok then
What's their cycle?
I remember adding 40kgs to my squat in a few weeks when I was on test, it was awesome. Of course my strength went down when I stopped.
Wew didnt know that Trudeau was into wrestling
Taking exogenous testosterone fundamentally alters the way muscles grow and act more than natural testosterone will.
You also need a fuckload of it to transition, there is no way this creature has a normal test level compared to an average boy its age. Not even close.
The little shit will probably anhero.
I want to see more of this
That's a person who identifies as a man. And who decided to take testosterone to perform like a man. He's supposed to wrestle men, in the same way that if I, a male, were to transition to female, I'd wrestle women (and kick their asses and get booed). But I'd at least have logic on my side - I'm a self-indentified woman wrestling women. This Mack character says he's a man and he still insists on only fighting women. This Andy Kaufman tier trolling, if you ask me.
theres nothing wrong with this
>meme flag expecting a reply
He actually does want to wrestle men. But the state refuses to allow him to do so.
>Help, it's raping me!
I feel kinda bad for the guy. He didn't even want to fight girls, but the school made him because that was what was in the birth certificate. I mean, it's like forcing a retard to beat up other tards and then blaming him for it.
Statistics say it has a 48% chance of trying.
>Why is she not disqualified for juicing?
>the testosterone doses she's taking aren't technically large enough to disqualify her
According to news reports, she's not disqualified because the test is being administered by a doctor. It's a prescription. So because it's for "health" reasons and it's administered officially and by a real doctor, the league can't stop her from competing.
It has nothing to do with the amount of testosterone she's getting, which is probably 15x greater than her normal baseline. The average man has about 600 ng/dl of test in his blood. The average female has 40 ng/dl. That's not a typo. Obviously she's going to destroy the competition with that level of test in her body.
A man ought to just jump the fence and deck the cunt, call it a fair fight.
OMG. This transgender athlete stuff is so ridiculous.
I believe this is the case
However she is taking steroids which would disqualify you if you are a woman, but because she's using it to change her sex it's okay.
So do female to male trannies still have vaginas? Like can they still use it? Can you have regular sex with them? Can you get them pregnant?
I mean, he still has the choice of not competing if the boos are offensive to him. Obviously the rules are fucked up but ultimately its his choice to fight with an unfair advantage.
>born a girl, has a vag
>magically becomes a 'him' because it gets test shots
>use testosterone as a performance enhancing drug
>claim to be transgender
>screech sexual discrimination when people complain
How did we get here?
Yeah idk, just chose the pronoun for simplicity.
Hol' up, it's okay to testo yourself shitless if you're doing it to transition into an amphibian?
This freak needs mental therapy, not testosterone injections.
How is this fair to the other girls and how is it allowed for a 15year old to be given drugs to destroy their body?
All the leftists pushing this deserve water boarding.
Blame Texas. He wanted to fight in the boys matches, the state said "No you were born with a vagina so you fight girls instead". He then proceeded to kick the everliving shit out of everyone he fought, as ordered.
The state should've said "No, you're doping on a banned substance and therefore ineligible".
This desu.
Either way it's still the state's fault; he even appealed to be allowed to fight against boys rather than girls.
>DESERVED those titties
No offence Americans, but High School wrestling seems like a fucking bizarre sport - and I say that knowing how retarded some of ours are.
Is it some sort of strange mating ritual? Why get families and peers in a crowd to watch teens simulate sex?
It's a she dumbs. Did you even read the article?
You can't just decide to be a man when you are a woman. Not today, not ever. Sorry that your fringe ideas are not accepted by most of society and only pushed into law by fringe radicals threatening politicians.
Checked and correct
It's happening everywhere. Trannies need their own leagues to compete with one another on a level playing field.
From that thread last night.
Because I still cant believe this is actually a real sport.
If the person has the same physical requirements as males, then let that person compete.
Instead stupid fucking subhuman Americans decided to force him beat the shit out of their worthless women instead.
It's not a him it's a woman you fucking lunatic.
Theyre pure narcassistic sociopaths.
> just twist our reality up satan!
>libs think every one of these matches ends with the winner getting cheered just like the stupid comic book movies they watch.
Congrats to learning that people are assholes regardless of your genitals.
You have it backwards. She's biologically a woman. They're forcing her to compete as a woman, but are letting her take steroids. Woman on steroids beats clean women
More please.
She's so brave though.
>He actually does want to wrestle men. But the state refuses to allow him to do so.
Then he should refuse to wrestle. Shitting all over the aspirations of female athletes just because of a bad policy is the worst form of poor sportsmanship that I've ever seen. He needs to withdraw, let the women compete in a fair environment, and redirect his energies towards changing that policy. If he doesn't, he's just a massive, selfish assholes. He proves nothing when he wins against much weaker opponents. He's just ruining the league for everyone else.
My sides
Good point. Also, why aren't his hormones considered doping?
It's a woman not a man. It's a she not a he you fucking lunatic.
She's transitioning from female to male, stupid
People DESERVE titles by EARNING them you STUPID piece of SHIT.
>im okay with this
You tell me. user last night was claiming that in US high schools, boys and girls wrestle, and that the girls cheat by rubbing the guy's cock so he gets an erection - at which point the match is stopped, and someone comes over with a bucket of ice to put on the guys groin until his erection goes away.
All of this in front of family and friends.
In some MMA fights, there's a man (born man) who doing an any% run of a woman, and is totally destroying the women MMA fighters.
Basically, anytime men compete with women (or women bulk up to become men) they destroy women. Women are totally the weaker sex, ESPECIALLY when it comes to combat sports.
Tranny shit should just be outlawed.
Everything wrong with America in one picture.
You have a mentally ill tranny playing sports instead of being locked up in an asylum, you have a disgusting mulatto half-niggerspic with kinky hair that is probably here illegal anyway, and then you have all the complicit people in the stands/gym/arena
>freeze frame
I love the guy. There is no better example as to why "gender is a choice" doesn't work. You either scrap gender entirely or admit it is a real distinction.
>*crashes your Womens Football League*
>Alright girls who wants to play some FUCKEN FOOTBALL!!!!
she'll be in the WWF soon
will also die young and broken
more media fuel
Isn't there supposed to be a brap post by now?
I have to say that it makes me proud how much pro-trans and pro-trap sentiment there is on Sup Forums.
link if you please
>wasting all this ULTRACHAD potential
I hope he's doing it as a meme
Fucking tranny. This is all part of (((their ))) agenda. Gas 'em.
Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to
dude how is that hair legal on either of them, asking to get it torn out on the mat
martin shkreli in private prison?
He begged to compete against boys, but the state refused to accept him as a man. So he's destroying the girl's division to prove a point.
who gives a shit. less gay this way. wrestlers are fags. let em get boners and lose to girls. they get boners and lose to boys anyways. either win or lose. if this woman's genital and chest area were unquestionably womany and she had a big womanly he-body and won, what would be the problem. how do you wrestle as a girl even against girls by not being big? heteros confused everything. now theyre crying because of their own cowardice and intellectual deficiencies. as always
God I wish that was me.
Honestly the most mind-blowing thing I've read on Sup Forums. Grannies are watching their teen grandsons having their hard dicks doused in ice in a gymnasium full of people, because apparently people think scantily-clad teenage guys and girls wrestling with one another isn't inherently sexual.
because that would be discriminatory
>Have a thing for buff shemales that have a bastard aesthetic of fem curves with masc strength.
>The only thing that reflects that in reality are insane chickenshits trying to sandbag in womens' sports leagues to make them feel like they've accomplished something
>redirect his energies towards changing that policy
There is no strategy it could take that would be more effective than what it's already doing. Every trophy this thing wins means hundreds, thousands more redpills swallowed.
>tfw for the first time the answer to "Are you ready for some football?" is "no."
That is some fake fuckin news right there
Sage and report