That's it boys...#oneless

That's it boys...#oneless.

I decided to join them.

proud of you user

I completed another lower this weekend #onemore

Good, now for your testicles.

Wow you’re so brave Mr. Wang


Good job

Something about this (((meme))).

A+ meme, leaf

>gunless fags exposed ITT


Good boy, Justin would be proud

Sup Forums tried to get this trending on Twitter didn't they, was it a success or no? How many liberals were you glorious bastards able to hook with this bait?

This should be a thing.

Take your AR and just separate the upper from the lower receiver and pose them alongside a hacksaw.

Biggest inside joke since that black kid took a selfie with a extended glock mag inside a revolver.

>A PVC Cutter and a fucking miter saw

My sides

You're an idiot. You just disconnected the upper and lower sections with the takedown pins. Easily reassembled.

Just bought 10 more

how about you go cut up some other useful things you have purchased.

start with your computer, then do your car. Maybe try cutting up your couch

Ahahaha, taken upper and lower reciver appart. Also thats a hand miter saw.....for wood cutting.

>implying he has any

This really works, tho. You just flip the cylinder open, and thumb a few rounds into each chamber.

That's the joke dipshit

you glorious bastard

>Easily reassembled.
yeah, that's the meme

you tell 'em user


you're such an IDIOT


Shhhh !! He took the clips and soaked them in oil too.


Good job leaf
High caliber shit postin indeed

This is so dumb lol

>pipe cutter

Nigger you didn't cut shit, and you couldn't even if you tried.

>a saw



Holy lord of KEKS

then actually saw it nigger. all you did was partially disassemble it

I hope you are fucking trolling

Good job. Didn't think Canadians were allowed to own saws.

>being this retarded
Nooo waaay.

Jesus, how the fuck do you even manage to find your way here?

This gun has been in my family for over 80 years but after the recent tragedy I've decided that enough is enough. We must think of the children.

Fucking amerifat dumbfuck

>Good boy, Justin would be proud
Nobody can be this dumb


Actual brainlet?

I don’t have a twitter, you guys are free to use my picture.

Do what you must.

Stupid leaf.
What's that, a pex line cutter and a coping saw?

Fun fact: On Reddit, people often end a sarcastic statement with “/s” because autistic nu-males don’t understand sarcasm.

Oy vey! This is a fake meme!

I did it. I cut up my pre-war Belgian Hi-Power w/CETME trigger clip. Felt great

Some ak fag needs to pop the dust cover and take a pic

good thinking
I'm breaking all my wive's son toy guns and rifles.
Lets all join up and stop the formation of future mass killers.

No really?

I detached my upper from my lower and put random tools next to it hurrdurrr. Go jack off Trudoof and burn the rest of your pile.




Forgot the hashtags...

#OneLess #NeverAgain #SafetyFirst

>my upper from my lower


If it was that easy, then why would he need a pipe cutter and a hacksaw?

If it was that easy, why would he need a pipe cutter and a hacksaw?

I see what you did there

You're a very intelligent young man!


Cute gun user!

Took my magazine out of my AR-15 #oneless

that's actually pretty funny

The funniest part of this is that it will work. They will hear its a hoax and that you dont want them to have guns and they will go out and buy guns.

Did you get help from the Russians with this one?

I'm doing my part by going to Stage 2, and claiming it's an NRA hoax to drive panic buying. Feel free to halp out. Disassembled weapons were so last week.

I might buy a rifle. Would be fun to range shoot and LARP as a survivalist.

DO IT. But you'll blend in honestly.

Id be doing here in Ireland. Not sure what the scene is like.

you just took it apart

Ha. I never check the flags in posts. They have legal firearms in Ireland still?

A fucking leaf.

> Reducing a weapon's barrel is actually a felony, dumb cunt.

Nothing gets past you, huh?

All you need is proof you have somewhere to shoot and you can buy rifles and shotguns. Pistols are supposed to be VERY hard to get. You have to be part of a club and they are keeping their heads down. They dont accept new members.

Not sure what I would need a pistol for though. In a civl war or survival larp you want a rifle. For home defense, shotgun.

Nice Cars dvd.


you could have just give it to your isis friends bac in canada..

Wow. So brave. Congratulations user. Good on you for cutting that thing in half. Must have taken a lot of time with that saw.

>Not sure what I would need a pistol for though.
everyday crime, you carry it on your person. if that's not possible then pistols are fairly pointless
>In a civl war or survival larp you want a rifle. For home defense, shotgun.
rifles are still better for home defense in 99% of cases.

wait. this guy is onto something. this meme should also show cutoff barrels.

good work user

I had that exact gun as a kid, good memories.

based fbi

You dont really need a pistol in Ireland. There just wouldnt be any call for it. Ill go for a rifle so.

magnifier + reddot

worst. optics. ever.

You really think we believe you? Leaf, rake yourself to oblivion and beyond

yeah, low crime european nations with actual ethnic homogeneity don't require you to carry a firearm on your person at all times. or allow you to, but that's a different issue.

Something like this then? Then try and get retarded fuds arrested for illegally shortening their barrels and tweeting it?

dipshit dipshit dipshit

Good leaf, disarm yourself, it will be easier to Annex you


If the cops dont have guns im happy not having guns. You know our police are unarmed?

Thanks for doing his for the children. Plz ignore the trolls. Just focus on all the likes you’ll get on social media.



It's not hard to figure out without even knowing the gun though. Need to throw some metal shavings under it or something.


That is a good idea. Even just one arrest would be really funny. Although my heart would go out to that guy's dog when the atf raids his house.


The bait is in making a group of people think we want them disarmed. Them not believing the meme is part of the plan.