Why is always a black dude and a white girl and never a black girl and white guy on tv?
Why is always a black dude and a white girl and never a black girl and white guy on tv?
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thats an asian female user
see them with black too
That's an Asian. The reason they put black guys there is that women are more susceptible to the suggestions and it also probably has something to do the Jews' obsession with black penis. Their gays love them, their women love them, their porn producers love them.
Because the racemixing propaganda it's aimed at women. Men are less susceptible than women (that's why feminism exist, because women are more susceptible to fall for psyops).
because only white women can have white babies
They can't have white babies if they are fuckin niggers
Attack the womb, attack the race.
Literally no one finds black women attractive. Not even black men.
yeah, fucking a black dude is taboo to tons of white women, its why your history is full of "not my sister takes my cock up her ass"
>Because the racemixing propaganda it's aimed at women.
This. Reminder: They hate you because you're a white male. Why would they show white men with other races? White men are disproportionately the villians, criminals and geeks in movies.
Because white women can't be pleased by little white dicks.
Yes. White men and white women are seen as the most attractive group by each sex of every race.
wh*Toids can't compete with KARA BOGA
Because you wouldn't pay attention to and talk about things that don't piss you off.
Don't you wish you were this clever?
Demographics-wise (and I'm positive someone has done this research at some point) I imagine black people don't like seeing their women "stolen" by the white man, whereas white people either like to see the opposite via virtue-signaling or feel like they can't say anything due to white guilt.
What's interesting is that it's so obvious and easy to point out that if you find a way to show it to someone without them thinking you're a gigantic racist, it actually sticks in their head and they'll start seeing it as well.
It's designed to make the white male feel that he is a member of the defeated tribe, men from another tribe are fucking his women, it's done to demoralise.
damn i love those “not my son” vids
How can white boys even compete
I think it is actually because jews are matrelinial and they believe if they knock up all our ladies with black babies some how all the half mutts won't still be half white.
This is why we should encourage jewish women to have sex with lots of black men.
its called confirmation bias
But Lord help them if black women date white men
shut up and hate white men
Nigger and white women = disaster
White men and black women = good relationship
What do you think Hollywood jews want?
read this without inserting lip smacks
>you can't
Because that is considered taking the women, like a slave owner.
I like mixed desu
both sides are ugly
Literally that's the angle. Like, you won't achieve any race mixing using black women. And I'm not talking the frizzy hair smarty frame glasses bronze tights hip chic ""black"" girl. I'd probably fuck one of those if given the chance.
But regular black girls are just not attractive and it is a losing propaganda angle.
However, this does bring an interesting thought. Why not push that? Remind everyone that black girls are not attractive. Try to bring a cultural movement within the black community to at the very least abort their females. It won't save the incel anons who hate coal burners. But it will address one of the sources of the rot on the black community-single black mothers. They are the primary medium through which the whole degradation of cities proceeds. White mom coal burners are only a problem for race mixing. But black moms are a problem for the crime, social programs, drugs and city degradation, and they are inherently unwanted.
Abort black baby girls.
This is satire and I am not serious.
Because white guy black chic relationships are based in reality
because we dont desire and view blacks female as atractive
but blacs see white females as atractive
being attached to a darkie
Sheena sakai in the show power
(((Marketing))) here.
It's the perfect pair. White women are the most suggestible, black men are the most consumerist, white women are the most accepting of new trends, black men all have a fantasy of owning a white woman. It fulfills diversity requirements as the average black man is more likely to have a cable subscription than white men (white men prefer streaming services). In an artistic sense it works as well, because it offers a dynamic contrast between white and effeminate, and black and masculine; anything with black and white tends to stand out way more than white and white, or white and Asian. And because black is seen as a more "masculine" color than white, it is always black men, not black women.
You can say its the jews propagating this if you want, but it's a little more complex than that. Plenty of goyim involved in this business too. It makes money. Like it or not these ads and TV shows make money simply on the controversy of black man/white woman itself which is, admittedly rare in life but increasing daily.
walking dead. uh hum kek
Jews are obsessed with cuckold pornography.
Maybe because being gay is a mortal sin according to the torah, so cuckoldry is their way of skirting what's obviously gay porn since the focus is primarily male, but still "straight" enough to appear not gay.
oh i thought the topic was movies and film alex.
Its afimitive action for dating
>marketing here
More like fuckwit here. White Women are the least likely to racemix of all. I suspect it is being marketed at male cucks both white and black.
I guarantee you there are more black men who respond positively to seeing other black men with white women in marketing surveys, then there are white cuckolds in the entire US. It is seen as a step up and uplifting for a race of men portrayed as violent savages. Like a luxury item such as a Cadillac. Black men are more likely to watch the series if there was a black man/white woman couple than if not.
Could you stop it please. You are going to start a race war.
It’s a form of psychosexual hatred, with a lot of dark (npi), sinister themes running through it, that don’t really come into play in a monoracial relationship. It’s a form of blood libel, through a psychological lense of conquest and destruction.
I don’t know what it is on the consumer end. I don’t think they know. I don’t think they think.
I have yet to meet a proud black man who race mixes. Every time i have seen a IR couple they have both been emotional damaged which is why the relationships never seem to last.
cause women are retarded . and we should have never EVER GAVE THEM ANY FUCKING RIGHTS
why is it always doggystyle?
debasement, when you love a women you face her. When you fuck a women she is just a hole her feelings are irrelevant.
That looks like two sandniggers.
You're in New Zealand. I doubt you have the same amount and, more importantly, the same type of black people as the US. More than likely you have Pacific Islanders or African refugees, first or second generation immigrants.
The couples in the US are more culturally linked.
>peering into the mind of a kike
Jews really are a different species. its as if dolphins could communicate and also hated white people
>This is satire and I am not serious
You are a pussy and you need to get the fuck off pol.
you dont know what i have seen user not everyone is a poor fag lacking social connections like you.
Kikes are literally the most inbred group of people alive, it's so stupid of you to try and charge others with such a non-insult based upon nothing. All Ashkenazim are 2nd-5th cousins, cousinfucker.
Kevin and V are WMBF on Shameless.
That big guy and Lenny Kravitz' mom on The Jefferson.
Then there's....
Well, I seem to have drawn a blank.
I heard drinking bleach makes you smarter. It worked for me, you should try it.
because women are easier to brainwash
I used to believe that people (at the arrest of society, at the „top“, so to say) were these purely gain-based sort of economic robots, but I realized they were human beings. They’ll push unpopular or unprofitable content, in order to satisfy their personal feelings and biases. They’ll place themselves in unsafe positions and destroy their careers, in order to live out their psychotic fantasies of degradation, possession, destruction (Harvey Weinstein forcing white actresses to watch him angrily masturbate onto a house plant, comes immediately to mind) and control. These people are using this as a podium first, and a business second. This content is primarily a propaganda dispensary.
No wonder we call this site cuckchan. Literally a black cock worship thread.
Yeah, I’m really involved with Jews, professionally and socially. People don’t realize, they see the entire world in a fundamentally different way than a white European. They aren’t like us. I get on with them, but they’re neurotic, hateful, argumentative and think they are literal gods.
The ones with white facial features (essentially the only thing black about them is their skin) are pretty cute, but I wouldn't throw away my blue eyes for them
My sister's Jewish roommate is dating some girl from the Caribbean, she is hot as fuck and a really nice girl desu. 8/10 would marry if sterile.
By the way, is it okay for a white guy to date a non-white if the guy is sterile from an accident or sickness? Marrying a white girl is removing a potential white mother while marrying a non-white is lowering the minority birth rate
Well there's no doubt that there's people like that in every industry. Some Jews in the porn industry even flat out state they know what they're doing is depraved, and they're okay with it because they're iconoclasts, they want to smash the old system, they're political in that sense.
But marketers, above all, follow consumer trends. And right now the hot thing is black man/white female. It just makes more money and is more politically correct. Are there some people high up in executive positions calling the shots and saying we should do this to degrade the white race? I doubt it, there could be one or maybe two. But in the grand scheme of things it is irrelevant. We just follow what's popular.
I see the Jews are up to their usual tricks. They always make every black man look like the god of sex and that every woman in bed with them is having the best orgasm in her life.
Meanwhile, in reality black men are just average in size and prowess, and most coalburners are disappointed afterwards.
>What do you think Hollywood jews want?
Both, because it diminishes the white population
This is psychological warfare and we have been subjected to it by the electric jew for going on 5 decades now.
>black men
pick one
Cause white guys don't watch porn.
white guys only exist on TV for portraying inept cucks
Right, but where it begins is what I’m referring to. As a marketer, you must be acutely aware of most people being unconscious exponents of other people’s ideas, and strategies. Why would someone look at this and say „oh this is in vogue“ who put taktvoll their heads? That’s the point of interest and accusation, not some social media keyword tracking, or so. And I think that’s where the dark psychology comes into play.
thought experiment, a white woman that fucked a few dozen niggers and the settled with some cuck white husband falls where on that statistics?
marriage stats are utter shit
>diversity requirements
This right here is why everyone in marketing should be ovened
give it a go mate, seem to work out for link related
Black men make single mothers they don’t get married, friend
Pic related NEVER WRONG
Fun fact: any 3/10 or above white woman would prefer the most niggiest nigger in monkeytown to any of you le gentlemen neckbeards. Scream "muh projection" and "JIDF" all you want but we all know it's the truth and that you will all die lonely kissless virgins
All parasites harm the host in some way. A good parasite does it so lightly the host doesn't even notice. A great parasite makes the host think the parasite is actually beneficial. And a marketer, makes an entire host community get the parasite. You see the difference here? We just push shit along.
Are there nefarious plots and schemes at play in the upper level? You should look at the parasite itself, not the ones marketing it. It all starts in the universities. Then it explodes into social media, then into lower education, then finally into every day issues. Then, we show up to sell it to you. BLM is a good example of this.
except niggers wasn't rich before white man took over, and white man had white woman all to themselves and no problems with minorities before jews took over
learn the difference you fucking kike
>muh black masculine "contrast"
So why aren't dark skinned pajeets being shilled? This is honestly the worst excuse of all time.
Right. You’re a smart guy. I just see a lot of people in professional spheres sort of discount the wider social and psychological factors at play in large events
That's only in the US.
not always
t. albino nigger
You're a virgin and repulsive because god hates you, not because of da j00z
Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to goonsaloon.pro
I agree with the other user you are a pussy and you should leave or own your statement you faggot
>white men are responsible and will raise their children
>black men will not leading to more women and children dependent on the welfare state
>black man goes on to create bastards
Also women are probably more susceptible to this kind of programming.
>(((Marketing))) here.
>It's the perfect pair. White women are the most suggestible, black men are the most consumerist
Black men don't have huge amounts of disposable income, especially not compared to the remaining 86% of the population.
The (((marketing))) angle is a suggestion that BMWF pairing are just a result of economics and not the result of jewish sexual jealousy of white men and personal hatred for the same as well as a strategy to undermine the only group in the united states that is a real threat to them.
Except in this show he was stuck with one girl who despised him for 9 months while she fucked countless dudes far better looking and fit than he was during that period of time.
The point of that episode was women need to play the field and get it out of their system before settling with the safe guy.
reminder that the range ban is a goon plot
>buy botnet access
>spam Sup Forums with cuck porn
>use range bans to advertise