Goblin Slayer

Volume 6 preview is up.


Posting the illustrations.


I'll gob that ass.





You don't put used goods on the cover user


That's it.

orcbolg is so jeaolus there.

I´m about to drug you and then I´ll rape you.jpg

No, the guy asks if she is GS's wife, she says yes and GS says that's wrong.

Fuck you user.
I read that in Sugita's voice

>No Haruhi
Has her job done?

Please user explain this. I might drop it in vol 3 for good.

>she says yes
CG best girl
>and GS says that's wrong
fuck you GS you litle

GS is Priestess's.

I can see GS hazing this nerd.
>Who the fuck is four-eyes with the toilet plunger? Huh?
>Better not be eyeing on my homegirl, bitch. I'll knock your gob ass back to Hogwarts.

Is that the suppose annoying magebkid that wants to kill gobs?


Good, I fucking hate Haruhi.

I have a question if GS year one: is a LN or a manga? And if is a manga, it will be just an oneshot or a new serialization?

here we get a better view of GS's shield straps

She never appeared in those, she hasn't even meet GS yet.

Are they still not done with this whole "Who will get the GS dick" thing?
All these girls should just accept that they will always be second to slaying gobs.

it's both, and the manga will be serialized in Young Gangan starting September 15.


(two other series that will also start in the following issues, one by Sankarea's mangaka, the other from the mangaka of the Baccano manga).

that's the last pic from the previous Young Gangan issue with GS.

>that succulent butt
>those pantylines
>those childbearing hips
>those ears asking to nib them
>zettai ryouki

Too bad her personality is shit

That was for

She's great.

Sadly Elf is worst girl
>m-muh adventure

Goddammit, i hate prequels that run at the same time the main storu

Yes, almost getting your companions killed over naive "muh adventure" antics is not tanoshi.

I bet this kid is the younger brother of raped, poisoned and dead mage.

>she hasn't even meet GS yet.
She did in volume 3.

Random running into and going away thinking "look at that weirdo digging holes" is not meeting.

Is this Haruhi?

And thanks to that event we got to see her first impression towards that armored fuck.


Now that Lancer knows GS tactics from CG farm quest - he can snitch those to a literate goblin shaman and hint GS on his lair.
That way gobs will be ready, GS, Lizard and beard would be dead and priestess with elf will be gobbed.
Meanwhile lancer would be there to console grieving GG with his cock.

How long this spin off will be?

whres the rape?

Demoted to extra

GS would either be prepared for such a situation, or adapt.
It doesn't matter the situation against gobs, he will always win. He does not let anyone roll the dice.

So did Female Knight ever get closer to notGuts?

Fantasy ran out of low-level self-inserts for alignment mercy checks on gobs.
Be patient.

Goblin Slayer won't let them roll for rape anymore.

What makes you think they don't relieve tension after tough quests?

>I roll to rape the elf
Reminded me of

If that was the case, paladin girl wouldn't be so desperate dor guts to notice her

Maybe she wants to hold hands and cuddle, but he only gives her the D.

No, she is fucking desperate, she asked GS for love advice and he thought that was insane. Guts sees her as a warrior but not as a woman.

haha you dont know nothing Juan de las Nieves

Who is that cutie?

Another filthy twig maybe?
Just look at her thighs: she's probably starved herself with diet of leaves or something.

What the fuck is happening here? Why Priestess is so flustered?

This is disgraceful, the only thing worthy of a cover page are Goblin Slayer and suffering mutilated goblins.
Get these wenches out of my sight !

She seriously asked the goblin obsessed fuck for love advice?

Oh fuck, i can see how this kid will be, he will be that "i am genius and i am fucking annoying!" Type, right?

Yes, she specifically asked if wearing a lewd chain bikini would make Guts notice her, GS commented that asking him that is insane. But GS still tried to answer...using a gob allegory.

>implying he doesn't know a few tricks to seduce lady gobs

Yeah, and he told her she's crazy for doing that. Then proceeded to give her some halfway decent advice.

Except that female gobs doesn't exist here.


What is the point of this prequel series? Foregone conclusion says GS will be alone and won't have any character development.

Seeing Goblin Slayer fail basic shit, keep suffering, learning, failing some more, and growing until he removes the ability for gods to roll.

It's probably the series for people that think the main series doesn't have enough gore and rape.

> GS will be alone and won't have any character development
You don't need altering your state of mind or bitches to erase all gobs.

Well she is blond.

His harem will be his character development.

To see him kill gobs savagely, without the experience and taint he has now.

>using a gob allegory
Let me guess, something like a buch of gobs would definitely gang on her if she goes like that to battle?

Don't forget ditching the horns

>removes the ability for gods to roll.
Does this have something to do with a riddle-koan GS teacher asked him during their trainings?
Did GS enter murder-zen-nirvana or something?

To see his noob mistakes and lancer plus other adventurers should be there too.

>Let me guess
He told her it would be nice bait.

To see the char development of CG of course.
If you know what I mean

Actually, is specifically Priestess his character development as she is the one that triggered it. I am serious, ever since Priestess arrived to his life he started to change, he is not alone amymore and is slowly opening out.

>is slowly opening out.
*is getting weaker fast

Nope, something about "you must always change your strategy to reach the target...with gobs at least".

Is he really? He fucked up someone pretty powerful in the third LN.

If I interpret it right, priestess failed to get promoted/rank up/whatever.

Goblin Slayer just prepares, learns, and plans so much that nothing is left to chance anymore so it defies the very concept of rolling the dice. He plans for failure, for failing failure, for success in failure, for failing success, for succeeding, for succeeding the failure of success, etc. Like an autist that has charted every single possibility and thought of a way of dealing with it.

So many good girls to choose.
Who will be the first slayered

And would've fucked all of them a lot easier and without risking his life so much if naive bitches were not nagging him with "muh adventure".

Goblin Champion running in fear after losing just 1 eye when GS party was wrecked was pure luck, he was not in control of the situation at all.


>Killing gobs with full autism: no bitches edition

Everything points at Priestess.

Yeah, but GS will die for her, she will snap and beocme GS 2.

Nice move to kill the franchise.

This was a fantastic read, thanks for posting.

No, he's actually going to be the Robin in Goblin Slayer.

What if he really turns to be the raped mage's brother? He woukd hate GS for mercy killing her.

she wanted to wear that "armor" to make Heavy Warrior notice her.

Heavy Warrior has to be a faggot if he won't notice the beauty of a girl in plate armor with the holy symbol of order on it

No, I'm basing my assumption from the summary preview. He also driven by hatred to eradicate goblins.

Why don't she, like, join him naked in a bath or something?
Pretty sure notGuts is full of test and will sprang a diamond right away.