If you're not a member of the NRA, now's the time.
Let's crush this push to attack the NRA by swelling the membership ranks. Can you imagine the salt?
If you're not a member of the NRA, now's the time.
Let's crush this push to attack the NRA by swelling the membership ranks. Can you imagine the salt?
>joining a faggot draft dodger club
Joined this afternoon, 5 year membership. Bout to wear that hat everywhere
nice try NRA
Draft dodgers are heros. As much as I hate gun owners draft dodgers are heros.
nice meme flag faggot
no fuck you I'm not joining the fudd org
instead of fighting they throw some other demographic under the bus, whether it's video games or bump stock owners
They'll take your money too
Already did.
>bump stock
They are inaccurate as fuck, and mainly waste your ammo. If, by chance, you are delivering some suppressing fire during a fire fight, then it makes sense.
How lazy can you be?
another stupid thread that only concerns amerimutts
kill yourself goblin
>Butt pirate flag
anything that can be argued to increase the rate of fire of a semiautomatic weapon is now going to be in jeopardy
get ready for mandatory 8-12lb triggers
the NRA stepped on their dicks bigtime by proposing to ban them right out of the gate
Enjoy the spam and mailboxes filled with them asking for more money.
Oh and the phonecalls!
Even the military mostly use 3 round burst.
But I am already. Need to keep you Trumptards in line, it's a full time job in itself
Is there a way we can see how many new members they have gained in the past few weeks?
pay me and i'll join
I would assume they would have to release these numbers. The release of this data could always be petitioned I guess? It would be smart to release.
Just do it. Just to piss little bald mexican boys off.
If you want to get real serious, you gotta go here.
It's pretty much a honeypot at this point, so no thanks.
What does membership mean? you can apparently join even if you arent a american, and you can get a nice pocketknife if you sign up so i just might.
Can you join if you don't own a gun? Will they just give you one?
I never heard gun control was racist before.
gotta watch that.
You gotta open a bank account first
Then you get the gun
>What does membership mean?
NRA is just a PAC
Political Action Committee
>faggot draft dodger
being forced too die for the jew is heroic
US gun culture is absolutely shit and if you think Im going to join a dumb ass club for idiots with no discipline get the fuck out of here.
Our country doesnt even have mandatory service requirements so half the people that buy guns arent properly trained and you know these caveman fucks arent spending money on optional NRA or otherwise training.
US gun culture is shit until we institute country wide mandatory fire arms training.
I wouldnt trust Sup Forums or half of /k/ with a BB gun
Yeah, I was just as skeptical, but I think these guys are the real deal.
YouTube links for 'No Guns For Negroes.'
Pt 1:
Pt 2:
Download link is also on that site.
I mean the nra is a boogie man for the left at this point, but I'll join anyway
This is already happening without any coordination.
>time to join a shilling front for the M-I complex!
Get fucked.
I already reupped last month.
>military complex
All I see on my instagram feed after looking at guns are people running tactical drills with their firearms, so nah. Not everyone is a brainlet.
Dont listen to this faggot.
Join the NRA now that they are media enemy #1 at this point, signal your discontent by at least giving them a surge so the media can get asshurt over it and revealing their intent to the mouthbreathers that still dont see it.
This right here. You don't have to agree with literally everything they say/do. We need more of Dana Loesch being a calm badass in the face of screeching degenerate children.
joined this afternoon, too. got the knife.
>we need laws to make sure enforce freedoms on people
Kill yourself, crypto hans
The NRA is literally run by representatives of gun manufacturers.
Uh yea. So civilians can keep buying their stuff.
We need mandatory fire arms training full stop.
Everything requires training and gun ownership requires a specific high level of respect and dignity that most of the US just doesnt have bearing actual servicemen.
Or do you plan on leaving your pistol out on the table again so baby Jed can shoot you in the leg again?
look at this shit.
I’m in - thanks for the reminder.
So you agree that the NRA is a tool of the MIC, then?
just joined
waiting for my knife hat and gun
>we need laws to ensure personal responsibility.
How about fuck you nigger? That's some UK tier nanny state shit
Fuck the NRA, they’re corporate shills that would sell your rights out for a nickel if it meant more money for them. Don’t think for a second they represent you or anyone other than the big gun companies. If you’re really concerned about your rights, join the GOA and your local militia.
>civilians keeping guns != mic
But user, pls... consider their penile proportions.
dont look at the nra board
I was just looking at a lifetime membership. $1500 Is steep but probably worth it in the long run
Who. Cares.
I like gun manufacturers, pussy.
>if they were in a different industry, their stance would be totally different
You posted that like you really believed it was news
manufactures supply to meet peoples' demand. NRA is OUR voice.
Yeah you do.
Compare gun cultures in countries with mandatory training and service requirements and then compare it to the US.
Its absolute garbage and has zero downsides unless you are afraid you cant hack it cletus?
This is your best collective response to this past week.
Join the NRA and contribute.
Also write your representatives and be sure to vote.
wtf?! I love illegal wars now!
*Its absolute garbage here. Training has zero downside
joined yesterday
No matter what, there will always be viewpoints like this. I don't care what organization or what the agenda is, there will always be someone yelling "Sellout! Corporate shills!" from the sidelines.
I knew this the minute I decided to join the NRA, and wanted to go online and research it.
Too scared to show your stupid fucking leaf flag?
Gun Mommy, I love you but please don't work on a Sunday.
Didn’t say that at all but ok. The only reason they support our rights now is so they can keep Remington, Ruger, Sig and the like in business.
>How much does it cost to join the NRA?
>Your one-year NRA membership is just $40 and unlocks all of NRA’s member benefits, giving you access to hundreds of dollars in savings. And if you’d like to save even more, choose a two-year membership for $75, a three-year membership for $100, or, for the best value, a five-year membership for only $140.
I prefer Gun Owners of America, but will join the NRA just to push back for this faggotry.
>Compare gun cultures in countries with mandatory training and service requirements and then compare it to the US.
>compare countries without the 2nd amendment and then compare it to the one that has
I did and the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is telling you to fuck off. mandatory anything is bullshit.
>gun culture here is bad
You never said why it's bad
>it's good other places
spoken like a true mental midget
I’m not saying our rights don’t matter, but there are groups out there that don’t go poking the bear like the NRA does, like the GOA.
>Can you join if you don't own a gun?
of course
>Remington, Ruger, Sig
I think Remington is actually declaring bankruptcy
rofl you guys are so dumb. this is why you dumbfucks will always stay poor, giving your money to these rich national organizations
Joined yesterday. Got the sweet knife too
What does membership actually get you? Discounts on guns/ammo?
It spiked right after that lynch mob town hall.
Of course. You get a fully automatic military weapon. But you have to attend the brainwashing session where they program you to commit mass shootings first.
discounts on rentals, travel and lodging, oh wait
>As an NRA member, you’ll get an official NRA membership card, a free NRA decal, and a free subscription to one of the NRA’s award-winning magazines.
>Plus, you’ll receive valuable NRA 5-Star Benefits that put hundreds of dollars back in your pocket!
5 Star Benefits
>$7,500 NO-COST Gun Owner Protection Plan Insurance*
>YOUR CHOICE of an NRA Member Magazine
>HUGE SAVINGS on Car Rentals, Hotels, and Travel
>FREE ADMISSION to NRA’s Guns, Gear & Outfitter Show
I'd tell you to go read the page, but I suspect Trudeau would have you in re-education for that.
fucking anti american liberal ass hats.
Joined the NRA for the singular purpose of standing up to be counted.
Joined. Only 40 bucks, least I could do to defend our rights and ability to defend ourselves against a government that's turned against its people.
We need a new declaration of independence.
>declaration of independence.
That's a funny way to spell "ethnic cleansing"
Aren't their laws against fraudulent advertising?
>Discounts already lost:
Insurance (Chubb underwriting)
First National Bank of Omaha
United Airlines
Delta Airlines
Met Life
Wyndham Hotels
Best Western
Paramount Rx
Fucking right there with you patriots! I joined the NRA 2 nights ago and have been putting it on blast in twitter! Sign up now faggots or we lose our rights to (((THEM)))
Get the fuck out, shills.
Fuck off nigger
HAHA!! Holy fuck.
needs a webm
That whole town hall bullshit was nothing but autistic screeching. I literally laughed the whole time.
Prove any of that.
Do it for the lulz, boys.
Why are you a freedom-hating maple boi
I joined the nra to send a message. BUUUUUTTTTTT i do wish their fine gifts, like the pocket knife or the hat or the duffel bag was made in the USA. I opted for no trivial china junk, but I only gave the smallest amount possible. NRA should stand behine US hat makers and knife makers.
Those are my too cents.