Trump was asked whether or not the Confederate flag flying above the South Carolina state house needed to be taken down...

>Trump was asked whether or not the Confederate flag flying above the South Carolina state house needed to be taken down. “I think it probably does, and I think they should put it in the museum,” he replied. “Let it go. Respect whatever it is you have to respect because it was a point in time, and put it in a museum. But I would take it down, yes.”
he's got a point

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What an anti-American kike. Fuck Trump for disrespecting my heritage with that disgusting comment.

We should take down the American flag too for being racist.

He’s not going to take it down, he just doesn’t want to give the papers more fodder for shit stirring

Get over yourself, faggot.

kill yourself you fucking soyboy libtard

we should start a #notourflag hashtag targeting the american flag for racism.

he's right you faggots, allowing the flag of a rebellion to fly over a state house is a show of weakness, it doesn't matter if you sympathize with that rebellion or not

Anyone who has lived or spent any amount of time in the South or Appalachia knows that the type of people that take pride in the Rebel flag/put it on their trucks or houses are the worst type of redneck scum. Pic and video related. These are the mouth breathing retards that get triggered over the idea of taking down Confederate flags.

Jews replaced Trump by a liberal clone during his last trip to Israel


>all pumpkin supporters
with a bit of smithers for good measure. build those grabbed guns natural barriers

Trump is completely worthless. Fuck America.

Cucked again.

Well he can go fuck himself then.

Fuck King Kike Trump.

>t. redneck trash

>but I would

He's not telling them to bin it, which is a far cry from what a lot say. And he goes out of his way it can be respected.

He's not wrong.

Fake news

>not wanting a loser's flag in your line of site
can you blame him? Winning is kind of his mantra.

I'm not going to let some slimy jew from New York lecture me about my Southern heritage or how I choose to honor it.

You smell like a chinese food dumpster.

He's specifically talking about it flying above the state house, for what it's worth. Didn't say jack about regular joes.

your way of thinking is small minded. did he ever say you couldnt honor your heritage? he says it should go in a museum meaning it knows its worth

>rednecks really are dumb

Go eat a bag of dicks yankee, I don't care what you think about us.

>Trump...disrespecting my heritage
This. It is a part of American history, a huge part. Many great men were lost on both sides of the war.

Anyway, why is it o.k. for Jews to have Holocaust museums all over the USA when it is not our heritage, not our history, and we had nothing to do wish it. But a Confederate flag is attacked?

List of Holocaust museums in USA:

Why? We don't have any museums on the Bolshevik slaughter of Christians during the Bolshevik Revolution.


It sounds like a very reasonable suggestion, no?

really up to the states, they should vote.

there are no great men in the south

Surprised a guy from Manhattan wouldn’t appreciate a Confederate flag?

He literally fucking said put it in a museum

Next you'll be saying that the redskins should change their team name. Stop trying to destroy every sense of regional identity. I know you want us just to be a good nihilistic consumerist herd, but we will not stop clinging to our ways of life. Is it so hard to understand?

The south needs to grow up and forget about the war like the vets who fought the war did. No more brother wars.

There were, are, and always have been.

But why a museum? What is wrong with flying it? Over 100 years since the end of the Civil War and no one gave two poops about it. Then evil Soros pays some evil commies to cry about it and now suddenly it is the worst thing in the world to have the flag flying.

why bother posting this? Trump could call for The Star Spangled Banner being replaced by Hammer & Sickle, and the magapedes would still defend him.

since when does he give a shit about papers
not giving a shit was his best attribute

He didn't even say they need to take it down, he was asked a loaded question and said he understands the significance of it and he if it were up to him he would probably take it down and put it in a museum.

He also didn't say that you can't fly it anywhere or that it's a bad flag just that he would take that particular flag off of the state building since it's not the actual American flag.

The next Ronald Reagan indeed.

He is pandering to the evil commies. Most citizens in the US could care less that it is flying. It has been a part of our culture and history of over 100 years so to suddenly be crying about it and wanting it out of sight is all due to evil commies trying to destroy us.

Funny how the same evil commies being so offended by the Confederate Flag are the same ones disrespecting the American flag on a daily basis. They are evil.

>He is pandering to the evil commies
why would he do that? Are they dangerous? Is he afraid of these evil communists? Who are they, by the way?


Hahaha look at your flag cleetus

I'm not disagreeing I'm just saying I wouldn't look too much into the comments, he's not going to force anyone to take it down, yeah he's pandering who gives a shit, when he stops with the "I probably would if it were up to me" and starts telling people to do it then get upset.

He gave a good answer to moderates, people in states not from the South who are bluepilled on the civil war would agree with what he said but not give a shit either. Yeah the commies care but he's not caving into that, he just said he would personally do it since the rebel americans are a part of America and not their own entity, legally not heritage-wise. He sidestepped the question, he doesn't care if it's up or not either.

How is putting your flag in a museum disrespecting it you absolute amerinigger retard?

>the year is 2020
>I respect Trump now for making Chelsea Clinton his VP, you know its the right thing to do
>Hes got a point magards!

Don’t be a slag, bin that flag.

>why would he do that?
Javanka. He does whatever his little Princes Ivanka tells him to do,and she is a commie.

>Are they dangerous?
Evil communists are a clear and present danger wherever they go. They are destroyers of humanity and all that is good, pure, and truthful.

>Is he afraid of these evil communists?
I am sure he is to a point. Evil is something to fear.

>Who are they, by the way?
It is obvious to those who are awake and know truth and beauty and goodness and what it is to be human.

You make good, valid points. I agree.

Based el presidente
Cuckfederates are scum

This is literally the greatest timeline.

Trump the Jewish owned faggot is going back on everything he promised. The far left and liberal media can't endorse what he does but look like morons for attacking him in the past. The magapede cunts that infest this place are losing their hero.

Oh and inb4

>muh 4D chess

We get it, you’re proud of your slave owning ancestors.

wtf i hate trump now

You cheeky cunt.

I disagree with him. But hey, I never claimed to align with Trump on all issues.

HAHA trump hates americans lol

But he did some things (Taxes) and Tweeted memes about CNN

fuck off Canada

Trump made the right call, this is America and as such the current US flag should be flown, but Southern history and heritage should be honored by placing such items in a museum to be preserved.

>hello fellow racists

Man fuck trump first bump stocks now this

>muh acid rain n shit
big beautiful coal. trump can wipe both flags with his orange coal farts. burn the coal pay the jew

Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to where we don't ban anyone. 7x0Dfjdy

flying a flag you don't use anymore is fucking retarded if southern states want to fly it just make it your state flag so there is an excuse, but seriously LARPing with flags on courthouses like you didn't lose the war is so utterly pathetic that it would make 9 month pregnant anne franks vagina dry as the desert even if she were to witness a platoon of Louisiana Tigers marching towards Dachau

I bet liberals would still find a way to be mad about his.

Being controversial is literally why he’s popular

Andrew Napolitano does. I respect him more than any other yankee.

To be honest, I would've hanged every senior Confederate leader from the nearest tree. Fucking traitors got to die comfortable in their beds.

I think he has bigger fish to fry right now

done regulating sex and gender while being trannies and fags and making words like centipedos yet? getting sued with epstein and allegedly ending the proceedings by threatening everybody? you know. the usual

Muuh liberals

>The president of the United States of America thinks that Americans shouldn't fly the flag of a rebellion against the United States of America
What a fucking surprise, call the news crews.

Time to take down the Holocaust memorials. The alleged Holocaust didn't even happen in the US and we have fucking Holocaust museums and memorials.

Trumpcucks will defend this.

Hes completely right tho.

Trump was a crypto-kike all along.

No joke.

So he doesn’t like the confederate flag.I’m for the confederate flag and protecting it’s history and all but I mean it’s not really shocking for a yankee such as trump to support the union.I’d say that it’s a pretty cuck thing to say on his part, but I don’t condemn him for favoring the union flag over the confederate flag since it’s been quite clear that he’s been for america only since day one.

the south is full of niggers and nigger lovers so i agree

It's South Carolina's decision. My personal opinion is the flag is aesthetic as fuck, but a ton of mouth breathers fly it/have decals of it/etc. which kind of ruins it for me. For the history of it, I respect the spirit and sacrifice that may brave men made underneath similar banners in the war, and understand that slavery wasn't on everyone's mind for the reason of the war, and it wasn't even a factor for the vast majority of confederate troops. However, the war was indeed over slavery. Americans shouldn't have owned slaves, and we sure as fuck should've shipped them all back. But, overall, it's a symbol of the south and will forever be prolific, and I don't have a problem with anyone flying it.

t. Yankee with Union cavalry ancestors

>Anti American
>Not wanting to fly the flag of a group that rebelled against America
Are you high?

>none of the white trash rebel flag defenders will acknowledge or respond to this accurate representation of their despicable way of life

Battle flag of a movement that loved niggers so much, that they killed their fellow countrymen to keep them.


Secession is not anti-American, read the declaration of independence.

wtf i hate Trump now

Believe it or not white trash knows how to have some fun.I don’t really understand why yankees hate southern culture so much, it’s really not that bad.I do agree that the wannabe “tough” guys and what not are complete faggots though.

"As a people, we are fighting to maintain the Heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause... Such a flag... would soon take rank among the proudest ensigns of the nations, and be hailed by the civilized world as the White Man's flag." - William T. Thompson, creator of the confederate flag.

KYS you ignorant fucks

Democrat Lite TM

Don’t you have a dog to suck off?

Confederates were literally traitors

Things that are Constitutional are not necessarily nationalistic. The president being the leader of the Union naturally represents someone that wants the union to stay as one.
Take the first and second. They allow you to talk bad about the country and even take up arms against it.

Trump only wants one flag flown over America

Well, he's not wrong.
But, I also think anyone promoting socialism/Marxism and wearing a hammer and sickle should be tried for treason and executed, do theres that

This is a huge 4D chess move, shaking things up, you know? Be ready for massive happenings soon. Q predicted this.

Nobody was flying the confederate flag after the war, except the hardcore descendants of whoever was "gentry" during the war(and poor white people who wanted to suck up to them). Nobody else gave a fuck about the flag until the 1960's, when it became expedient for a bunch of politicians to wrap themselves in it while they railed against desegregation.

>People will bitch about this saying they have a right to fly their confederate flag.
>Yet will complain when they see a HWNDU, Mexican, Muslim, Nazi, or Communist flag.
Double standards much?

It's not treason to want socialism it's patriotism.

