I finally did it, I sawed off the barrel of my shot guns so they can't be used in a school shooting. #oneless.
I finally did it, I sawed off the barrel of my shot guns so they can't be used in a school shooting. #oneless
doesn't that make them stronger
It makes it easier to hide under a jacket.
I think that's often very illegal though, isn't it?
Hope it's now not under 18 Inches, Mr. Randy Weaver.
Wear a leather jacket and ride a bike to go full mad max.
Is that legal? I think not. What are trying to pull OP?
#meToo I sawed mine off to 16 inches..According to CNN, that's the safe length where the bullets come out much slower like just 25 mph, you know?
can gun retards explain me the tactical difference between a shotgun and sawed off shotgun?
I cant tell if this is a shitpost.
>sawing a barrel off shotgun
>has a sawed off shotgun
Arguably a more deadly weapon.
Wider shot pattern with shorter barrel length
It makes them spread faster so and more easier to move about, so significantly more lethal in close quarters
>Arguably a more deadly weapon.
more concealable yes
That is genius
We should meme this and encourage liberals to take their family member's guns and saw off the barrel and post it on Twatter..
>they get to get anally enriched by Turone and Hamal in fed prison as a result
>magine not circumcising your fire stick
Wwydt ishygddt
Easier to conceal a very powerful firearm. Sawing the barrel of a shotgun is a federal offense punishable by 10 years in prison, not sawing it is not a crime.
Barrels cannot be shorter than 18 inches. My Ruger Deerfield Carbine is 18.5 inches as manufactured.
I think mine's like 20". It was marketed as a "child's" shotgun, which I took to mean that it's cheap and short; good for being too poor for something nice.
to be fair it does make it retard proof
Nice job user!
Being able to conceal it doesnt make it more deadly?
Shut up cupcake.
God damn jews making us circumcise our firesticks.
That thread was funny as fuck
yeah, it gives them +35 to power, but -50 to range
Why the fuck would someone do that to a perfectly good VEPR rpk carbine?
Doing G*d's work user, you should go on social media and encourage other idiot- I mean patriots to do the same.
>wood saw
I hope you’re trolling and not that retarded
This needs memed hard. Same with SBR's. Make the few faggots lefties with firearms break the law with stupidity.
you didnt saw it off you dork, you grind it off
please do this. and get them to post pictures
Actually it's 1 mph per inch
So the bullets would only be going 16 mph when they come out.
>wood saw
really? That is obviously an AR15 tpi fully semiautomatic binary triggered bump stuck manufacturer. To think Drumpfh could have the codes to dozens of these things.
This, which is why Ak-15's should be illegal. 15 inch barrel length is TOO short
I think that means it is to be used ON children, not BY children
It actually does not affect the spread of the shotgun directly. However sawing the barrel like that will remove any choke that may have been there (i have a fixed modified choke), which would change the spread. But a cylinder choke getting sawed off would make no difference in spread
Honestly you’re not going to notice a difference in pattern at anything like firing-into-a-classroom range. Main advantage of a sawed-off is maneuverability, lighter weight and easier to hide under a jacket. Unless you take the barrel almost completely off (like 8 inches long or something) then you’d have a pretty fucking crazy spread pattern.
no that's a meme
You sound like a limey faggot.
In the US, rifles must be 16" or more, shotguns must be 18" or more. Otherwise, its $200 , fingerprints and passport type photo to the ATF for a license ( 6 to 18 months later). Or take a chance at federal prison.
>tfw no limey qtboi to sip tea and cuddle with
#OneLess #SafetyFirst
>1 post by this id
Very nice
With a total length of 32 inches when the stock is all the way in.
>1 post by this ID
>2 leafs with this ID
>In the US, rifles must be 16"
inb4 ar-pistols and a "blade"
>1 + 4 posts by this ID
Checked afraid of PRIME numbers faggot? Would 6 assuage your autism?
had a giggle desu
6 million would nigger
>implying 7 million didn't die in those horrible oven camps
No, reduces muzzle velocity and will effect spread slightly at no appreciable distance.
You fucking anti-semite. Not even a cubed googolplex amounts to a fraction of the deaths incurred every femtosecond at just ONE of the gas chambers in Auschwitz!
Dachau was the worst of all! They would use gas that caught on fire!
Hahaha!!! Thanks op, needed a laugh.
Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to goonsaloon.pro where we don't ban anyone. JHnj0SC+
I salute you sir or madam or x, or trans or whatever for having the courage for being a maggot.
More should take the cause. If you feel that your penis or your weapon is causing strife amount women or men or new-males, or antifa or pro-lgbthsoufjwieolazx, then cutting your male weapon on a bench grinder is the only thing to do to send Drumpf a message in current year.