I work for Google as a software engineer.
Ask me shit about it and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
Will post proof if asked.
I work for Google as a software engineer.
Ask me shit about it and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
Will post proof if asked.
Tits or GTFO.
what insider information do you have on porn searches or porn in general?
It's statistically impossible for everyone in Google to be a SJW marxist. Why don't you guys internally revolt?
If you were me, would you use Google products?
did the jews create anime to genocide the white race?
Send us the algorithm... or at least all the ranking signals.
Is is true they provide straight white males with mandatory buttplugs
Fuck you faggot, you work for the Clinton/Bush cabal.
How high up do you have to be to have database access to put a real good stalk on someone?
I like this. Have some OC, faggot.
post proofs
how the fuck do i bypass this shit???
so how fucked are you going to be when you have to reject white/chink males & hire lazy entitles low-tier ethnics to hit diversity targets ?
I try not to use google, however if I had to use google would it collect my search data and keep it filed away with my IP address indefinitely?
Is there a correlation between the amount of SJWs you hire and the fact you haven't produced shit in 10 years
Does everyone at Google use iPhones and that’s why Android is still sucking?
can you make a new email where you get an insane amount of space compared to hotmail?
Because not everyone there is. There's a shitload of internal discussion forums. That's like trying to argue everyone on Sup Forums can bench 2 plate by showing ten screencaps from fit as evidence.
>I work for Google as a software engineer.
No you don't.
Post proof now.
how much cp does google deal with on youtube?
i heard it's a major problem.
Does Sundar Pichai hold any real power?
Is the pixel 2 a success or a failure?
Is Google compromising our privacy to government agencies?
What happened to "don't be evil"?
How do we destroy the evil Jewgle? Can you help us destroy it from within?
The vibe I get is that Larry and Sergei are pretty laid back. I think they made a lot of money and want to do cool things with it, but know they aren't necessarily great CEOs.
Sundar probably has the most to do with day to day core business stuff.
I don't know much about the pixel; i don't work in hardware. depends on what you mean by failure or success. I don't think we go into our hardware stuff with the goal of making money on them outside of future adoption.
Not that I know of, and I don't think they want to. You'd be surprised by the number of ancaps here.
What is the weirdest search term you've come across?
how much does google spy on us through android and chrome?
What kind of access do employees have to user info? What kind of checks and balances are in place, and what sort of pretexts are used to violate user privacy?
Whats it like working in a circus of freaks?
How many genders are there?
Do you recommend Android over iPhone?
All user data is encrypted and it's treated pretty seriously. Even when dealing with encrypted user data in cases where no actual info will be exposed you need to talk to legal about it.
No more than was made clear in various terms of use people signed.
>not completely marxist yet
Sure wait until its completely marxist to revolt. Because Logic.
>there are containment forums
So what.
>Strawman out of fucking nowhere
He said that the representation at Google is way off from national standard (even among SWEs). You say that his statement is invalid because it is exception proving the rule. This is a total strawman.
You are just throwing shit at us hoping something will stick. These are SJW tactics defending SJW standards. You are an SJW. Show us your soytits or get out.
Show us a picture of the stupid scooters people use in the data centers, also take some pictures of people around the work place and upload them. The rumor is everyone looks like a cucky leftist.
Why does Chrome require 12 process running for one tab?
What is it doing?
% of white males?
Proofs. You would've posted them on the op if you weren't a larper faggot
How many if any are terrified of the Damore lawsuit or do they have a presumption of victory?
Does Google block shit that points out Jews?
Employees have pretty much zero access to user data. Its all kept encrypted. All of the systems we use to process data run en masse, and for testing dummy or anonymized data is used.
fucking downloaded it hahhahaa
oh sweet jesus i dont have any reaction pics man that was the best laugh ive had in a week, holy shit haahhahaaha
Post a picture of the scooter.
which office are you at? i'm going to google munich in july for an internship. are the sjws as big a problem in google europe as in the us?
>user data. Its all kept encrypted
encrypted at rest...
Its probably 35-45% white, 30-45% Asian and Indian, with everything else being some other race. Gender ratio is between 5-15% female depending on team.
Posted my noogler hat earlier.
Is it even possible to grow a youtube channel anymore? Everything I try seems to make the channel get some sort of invisible black mark on it and the channel never gets exposure regardless of what I do even if the community really likes it. Even if I have a 100-0 like ratio on a video, it still doesnt take off. I honestly just want to make educational blogs to help kids and troubled people. Am I hitting too many "controversial" keywords or something? Is there some sort of blacklist I can avoid?
If you told moot he is a faggot would that get you into trouble?
I really think you should do it.
Dude I don't know what you're fucking talking about.
I work as a software developer not a fucking data center monkey.
What can you tell me about the adpocalypse? Just a fuck up, or is the company trying to suppress certain people?
Mountain View
Nah, dude, it's not a problem.
Is google aware of this shit?
What are the levels of political discussion by employees? Is it all just a circle jerk of leftism
why does google traffick so many locusts (poojeets, chinks) and how are you coping with the degraded work environment and 3rd world productivity?
Did you have to answer any of those famous strange Google questions whenever you got interviewed?
used to have razor scooters all over. electric motor scooters in some places. still has bikes i'm guessing.
What software are you involved with?
I don't know much about YouTube (it's a huge company, most of those decisions aren't handled by engineers) but if there's some retarded shit going on it's probably because of advertisers, not devs. They're the one that make the bizarre content demands.
>You'd be surprised by the number of ancaps here.
Wtf, I want to work at Google now, even if only for the sake of being around people who aren't economically illiterate.
You realize papa G can correlate your IP used to fill out the captchas on this site with the IPs your Google sessions have accessed and then you are fucked m8.
fucking do it op, or no balls. a note, or email with timestamps would work, you can smudge out the important stuff.
This post takes priority, give answer OP
What’s the ratio of shy right-wingers to public SJW’s with tats and blue hair?
i see. i was asking because of the recent pc-considered-harmful shenanigans. since the poor guy got fired and because of the radical leftist shitstorm that ensued, i am concerned about what i should be careful not to mention during my time there
You're mining users through the capcha, and allowing Sup Forums to access the cache?
What school did you finish?
Does your job pay well? What kind of car do you drive?
Also how is the political climate, is everyone smugy and liberal?
% of people who are /fit/?
the advertisers are pushing elsagate? interesting, do tell more
greatest. webm. ever.
stop being a retard and manage your system. you can choose when windows reboots for updates.
talk about ghosts in the shells
what are you doing to subvert these reds from the inside?
>OP didnt answer
Really activates your almonds
Do you “know” moot? How is he doing?
>i miss him
Gib Job?
What dept do you work in?
Wait, we don't have to worry about Google going all Windows 10 on us?
No glow in the dark CIA to worry about?
he didn't say anything about elsagate. but i think even youtube devs don't really give a singular shit about what happens inside the business/marketing/finance parts of the company, and certainly not what happens with some autistic content creators overall. a random google dev would give even less of a shit.
post moot's moma profile
instead of
>Dude guys, you guys are totally overreacting.. Google is totally cool man, laid back cool guys like me work there.
ITT: American Autists who don't know, they can turn off updates forever.
Can you explain to me what 12 process running is for a brainlet pls
How is this proof of anything you filthy 56% mutt?
Why are you guys censoring conservatives?
Dude, just download all of thier source code and send it to Wikileaks.
I feel that the general quality of Google Products has gone down in recent years. I bump into 404's in their official suites and find outdated documentation quite regularly now.
Do you think this is a consequence of Google's acquisition of various third-party products (and the difficulty in integrating them with Google's Core code) or is it just that Google's employees are now lower-quality?
Also, post scooter.
No. My manager is a comical ANCAP stereotype. Just like everywhere else the leftists tend to be the most vocal.
Basically as long as you're not directly bigoted any political viewpoint is cool, but most people don't bring up politics at the office.
Google's new employee's are called Noogler's.
but I see your point
Seconding this.
Also how often do you have to wipe stuff from the internet completely?
lots of possessives that don't belong, pls no bully
Why do you fucktards keep making your UIs uglier, flatter and less intuitive? Who's the moron who thinks maximum whitespace should be the goal?
>mexico flag
How happy are you with your high deductible health plan?
Agree with the UI/whitespace thing too. console.developers.google.com
... is a disaster to navigate/use.
i used to think this. then i watched a user testing session for an app we're building at work. it was all clear to me at that point. people are so fucking stupid with technology, you need to dumb down your UIs and make everything big so dipshit mcfatfingerface can hit the correct button between mouthfuls of doritos so he doesn't throw a tantrum
to what extent is Google monitoring and saving what we post here if we use Chrome and/or captcha? I'm sure it's all in a DB somewhere, but will they check my shitposts if I apply for a job with them?
Okay guys. This OP seems more like a PR Damage Control shill than an actual bored user that works at google.
Something big and bad is on Google's horizon. I can feel it.
Fucc boi did you used to work here?
What office/team?
I love living in a world based around the lowest common denominator
Please answer OP. This was a serious question. I care about shy voters
I was talking to someone about this earlier. Pre-2000's, being able to use a computer was a specialty skill. 2000-2010, everyone knew how to use a computer.
Post-2010, it's becoming a specialty skill again because retards only know how to use Mobile Apps with GIANT buttons that pester you to perform the most-common use-case.
i can tell you this one, they can't see anything
>implying any corporation gives a shit about Sup Forums enough to send shills here
stay autistic buttercup