Why does IQ have a leftist bias? why are most high-IQ professions and places dominated by the left?
Why does IQ have a leftist bias? why are most high-IQ professions and places dominated by the left?
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Woah, states with historically lower educational funding produce a lower IQ population? big if true
top kek
Lots of those blue states have low percentages of niggers/spics holding back the average IQ. The red states have giant minority populations holding down the IQs who overwhelmingly vote Democrat. The smart whites in those red states carry them to the Republican side.
The least educated voters vote Democrat for free gibs, and the highly educated white Northern voters vote Democrat to virtue signal/because they've never been around real minorities in their lives.
Yeah right
No I'm not from there
Because those of us who actually apply our smarts and become producers don't sit around congratulating ourselves on academic achievement.
Remember, you have to participate in polls to be counted in them.
>Why does IQ have a leftist bias? why are most high-IQ professions and places dominated by the left?
Utah has been found to have an IQ of 100 in other studies so I wouldn’t trust that pic.
Why do high iq leftists pay $$$ to get as far away from the consequences of their beliefs as possible?
fake news
This picture is bullshit
Idaho and Utah have way higher IQs than that
Read Satoshi Kanazawa’s. “Intelligence Paradox.” It’s a good explanation for why the most intelligent (higher IQ) people are stupid (lacking common sense), explained from the evolutionary psychological perspective.
The TL;DR is: humans evolved in a very static environment for 1.6million years. Only since the past 10,000 years has agricultural revolution, written language, the enlightenment, the scientific revolution, the industrial revolution, the computer revolution happened. The most intelligent are the most adept at taking advantage of these novel events and experiences. However ancient non novel experiences and events are better handled by the non-intelligent yet evolutionarily “smart” individuals (the most instinctual, low-IQ humans). Thus the low intelligent people are better at mating, warring, fighting, and raising kids and family. Whereas the high IQ people are more adept at computer technology, university education, literary analysis, mathematics, etc.
oy fucking vei shlomo bagglestein
Is this quote real and is it from trudeua's recent india visit???
To the point: Liberals are higher IQ, but stupid (lacking in common sense), whereas Conservatives are lower IQ but smart (high in common sense). Leftists are better able to succeed in modern industries, and have gained control over all powerful entities like government, education, media, computer industries, but the Right Wing are much better attuned to the most basic needs of people, and much better at explaining themselves rationally, and tapped into the common sense aspect of everything.
>IQ isn't real!
>also liberals
>IQ is real!
Fucking retards answering seriously
It's literally a hoax
Republicans are smarter, dumb ass
This board is such a cesspool full of newfags. Fucking save these pictures or never come back.
IQ includes blacks which all live in the south and redpill the "stupid hicks" daily
Nice stuff, would be better if you put sources in there too
literally google a portion of the text and the study comes up
it's not for him it's for other users who can't be fucked to do it themselves
what do you think I am? a non-lazy whitoid?
>red states constantly slash education funding
>their school systems produce more retarded red voters
>muh niggers and spics
Why is West Virginia so retarded, then?
>high IQ intellectual = indoctrinated
You sound like a flat-earther
>conservatives are more in tune with the needs of the people
Is that why red states have shitty education departments?
You forgot to change your meme flag, faggot
>mfw from NJ
>mfw high iq
The states at the bottom are dragged down by blacks.
As a college senior, and after working for a while on my skills in the real world, i must say academia universe is
inside a self righteous ideological bubble or also an echo chamber.
smart people don't take polls
>California 96.5
Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to goonsaloon.pro
yeah maybe in 1970
Lol that graph is bullshit. How the fuck do they get niggers to take iq tests.
Clearly a hoax. Cali is nowhere near #14 on the IQ rankings. The IQ of the people living in San Jose/Frisco isn’t going to make up for the litany of idiots living in LA county.
Probably somewhere in the ballpark of high 80s to mid 90s, and definitely in the bottom 10 states.
The red states have the most low-IQ minorities. These people overwhelmingly vote Democrat, even though the states as a whole go Republican. We've been over this a thousand time.
Also, you might want to take off the Nazi flag while posting lazy shitlib boilerplate. Just a suggestion.
It's legit. They may not know how to poo in the loo but they can sure shit on Trudeau.
OP never brought up race, this is about IQ, state and the political leaning of that state. Democrats regardless of race tend to be of higher IQ than Republicans.
>The red states have the most low-IQ minorities
No, they have the most low IQ whites. The fact that they are still solidly red even though as you said minorities overwhelmingly vote democrat shows that these states are still vastly white majority.
TFW I live in Wyoming
That is including libertarians on the republican side. The other user is mainly talking about social liberalism vs social conservatism.
California is not 101. No way in hell. Half the kids can barely read.
And, even if these numbers were accurate, applying them the way you do is a non sequitor. It does not follow that Presidential elections and IQ make something interesting to look at. Distributions don't work that way.
The highest IQ state is still democratic.
This seems more accurate.
GFYS, shill. Your I.Q. rankings aren't even close. They are entirely fabricated.
and yet it is an outlier amongst the top achievers. interdasting
The highest IQ state is still democratic.
Pretty succinct and true. I've lived in both extremes and can say leftist havens are very sheltered
Red States hate taxes and have worse schools
Massachusetts is le 73%
No way it's that high
The Left is the party of welfare niggers and spic janitors. The white ones believe you can choose your own gender, and that taxes will stop global warming. Hardly the Wizards of Smart. You faggots belong in an asylum.
Let’s try a source that’s from this decade.
Most left leaning states are on the lesser half. Like California being #34
Why are muh intellectuals so dependent?
I work in STEM / academia. A lot of people who get this far come from at least moderately well off backgrounds where they haven't seen real diversity. The minorities that they meet here are going to be the best of breed. So, if these ones are ok, they must all be like this.
CA is believable. Seriously. Even in "good" hispanic neighborhoods, incomes easily over 50K a year, half the kids are 2-3 years behind in reading and math.
it has a lot to do with personality. Peterson said liberals start companies, conservatives run them.