What makes a rifle an assault rifle?

What makes a rifle an assault rifle?

Multiple fire modes, intermediate cartridge, typically for military application.

If its long and black = assault rifle

Shoulder things that go up

Lol! It's a SALT rifle haha wowzerz

its black and scary

>What makes a rifle an assault rifle?

assaulting people.

Scary, baby-killing black paint

Whether it looks scary or not


Haha took me a few minutes but I finally got it

it has the "shoulder thing that goes up"

if it is scary or used in hollywood tv shows or movies

"Scary" appearance.

so BBC is an assault rifle?, lets ban it

every nigger is black and scary

when have lefties been consistent?

It's black and scary looking

The ability to act like a rifle at a distance and a rapid fire mode for close assaults.

La creatura...

people make it an assault rifle.

Shoots a round in between the size of a handgun and a machine gun and has selectable fire mode. An only semi auto gun cannot be an assault rifle.

Select fire in one of the intermediate cartrigde sizes.

Legally speaking, having a pistol grip. That's literally it, at least in the states I've lived in.

The is no legal definition in the US


There is
That's an assault weapon
there are intermediate caliber machine guns and rifle caliber handguns, correct on the fire modes though.
The fcg, bcg, and sear make it an assault rifle.

I'd like to select fire in one of your intermediate cartrigde sizes if you know what i mean

Is designed for combat.

>selective-fire rifle
>intermediate cartridge
>detachable magazine

It's popular, it's effective on man sized targets and, (((they))) think tacking scarry words onto the name can help banning them first.


now that's a flag you dont see every day

It's use in assaults,
lel fuck I dont know, but guns just make it easier to mass murder.
I still support people's rights to have one though, to defend yourself. Just keep them out of the hands of retards.

