Say hi to the biggest tits ever
Love Live
They weren't that big in the cards!
Nozomi means nothing to me now
Say hi to the bestest girl
Nozomi is still my favorite.
I bet this girl is two-faced.
She is
Yes they were
this cute right here is the future of the love live franchise
Is that face-hiding girl still hiding her face and being the best girl
Literal whos.
They have nothing on the previous 18 girls.
You mean shitty memegirl? She's easily the worst. That gimmick is fucking annoying.
Fellow patrician.
They're already cuter than the previous 9.
>generic nobodies being cuter than Riko, Chika or Dia
Yeah, no. The only thing they have going are her tits
Their uniforms are cooler
have some chibis
She ranked second in the popularity poll.
I... I like Riko!
Go away Rikofag.
Say hi to the biggest tits B95
Get away from my computer, doggie
Riko-chan a cute
I... I like Dia!
I... I like Hanamaru!
I... I like Nico!
I... I like You!
Everyone should, she's the best.
I dont like her as a character all that much, but she has a nice body.
Who doesn't?
She sabotages and threatens other idols. Truly the best.
Meant to reply to
I like (you) too.
They even gave her a nickname to represent her. Kuso Kuso. The literally made her a shitty scum for the sake of being a shitty scum.
Who's their leader?
Which ones are the first, second and third years?
imagine them getting S-tier VA's
>Which ones are the first, second and third years?
No face and shit are the only perflats?
A blonde that is not a third year? nice. She seems like a fucking slut though
Sheesh the tits ratio in this group seems to lean towards big when compared to Sunshine.
Sunshine was about huge hips and thighs.
So what are your guy's ideal N card dream team?
N card are just loveca fodders anyway.
the sameface is getting even worse holy shit
>hairstyle/color, body type, eye shape/color put into a random character generator
>I'm still interested in what the characters would be be like
I guess there really is no way out of idol hell
the dairy farm doujins write themselves
What is the hammock tied to?
2 diamond hard dicks.
please take good care of dia-san
she's a good girl
>LL threads with aqours OPs gets deleted
>threads with hags and game-only characters stay
there's no point in a Love Live thread without honk
>tfw janny deleted my very cute dia thread
>tfw even janny hates dia
>tfw last diabro alive
look at this DORK!
>>tfw last diabro alive
I'll always be alive fighting the good fight, fellow Diabro.
I think it would be a horrible idea to get them top ranked VAs, they would end up cannibalizing Aqours and japanese businessmen can't have that.
>You only need chocolate to fuck 3 Eli at the same time.
I love it.
They're likely going to be game only so it would make more sense to hire more experienced VAs to draw in more people.
but I want aqwhores to die
How do you think I got her to marry me?
Are those mosquito bites supposed to be big?
hi, biggest tits
wait, what? is aquors kill already?
So big...
Perfect for burying your face
Season two will still happen but they are already gearing up for the next phase of the franchise.
Who doesn't? Unless they have no soul, of course.
Reminder that my girlfriend's birthday is on 7 days. Or a week
Nah, this is for a new mobage
Too early for that. No reason to stop milking this cow when S2 isn't even out yet. They're announcing this at TGS so it's going to be game exclusive for the time being.
Emma is definitely my favorite from that bunch. I'm probably wrong because I haven't actually tried to read up on any of the characters but I'm getting sweet down to earth country girl vibes from her.
I think Emma was first on the poll. Which makes me happy since she was my favourite normal.
in SIF stories she is like that
I like many of them but I'll try.
Ichinose Marika
Yuki Sana
Tanaka Sachiko
Torii Ayumi
Fujishiro Yumi
Saeki Reine
Miyashita Coco
Can someone explain to me the appeal of Rina? Is she always running around like that? Is she bringing the drawing on stage and occupies her arms that way while dancing? Is she an autist?
She only won the poll of the N girls already in the game. In the latest PDP poll she was ranked 5th.
>Is she an autist?
Most likely, yes.
PDP is probably going to be like Million Live where there are new minor characters with voices but they don't replace the current franchise.
>love&hugs tittymonster
severely underappreciated.