Is Reddit artificially pushing shit to the Front page??

108k upvotes? Yes yes i know reddit is a super faggot hole.....but are they engaging in social engineering also??

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Good to see you can still own slaves.

is he talking about the nigger or dog?

>didnt get a pitbull
fake as fuck boy

Well, I just pushed this thread to the front page. Is that social engineering?

short answer yes

long answer yes and you're a dipshit

Yes reddit is all bots

is that ksi?

do you really has to ask after the NN bullshit?

>108k upvotes? Yes yes i know reddit is a super faggot hole.....but are they engaging in social engineering also??
You're posting to a site which is at least 50% russian bots and you're worried about Reddit "engaging in social engineering"?

Get some fucking perspective, kiddo.

reddit has been doing that for a long time?

>Is Reddit artificially pushing shit to the Front page?

Yes of course. They've been doing this for years now. Literally half the site is now run by Democratic propaganda agencies such as Shareblue (formerly Correct The Record). Reddit doesn't care and even encourages botting.

I unironically feel bad for that dog. That nigger will be a shitty owner for about a year and then do whatever it takes to ditch it or get rid of it.

this is le reddit a few months ago
bots control reddit

which one is the pet?

A better question is why are you going to Reddit? And a follow-up question is why are you then coming here, especially with that garbage?

Please kill yourself.

I thought putting black into slavery was forbidden

kek when you sort comments by "controversial" the truth comes out...

The awful realization is that this nigger will either beat the dog or have it fight others, but society and plebbit wants to paint it as a normal outstanding citizen

Awful bait

I bet hes got big cock

sometimes I scan the front page of reddit to chronicle the fall of civilization.....sue me.

here is a better picture of the bot network
185K is up votes on multiple threads

wasn't it proven once that over 90% of reddit's traffic was coming from US militarily bases.... kind of made it obvious that they are just a huge bot-net propaganda operation sprinkled with a few legit retards that actually buy into the egalitarian nonsense

>Is Reddit artificially pushing shit to the Front page??
They always have, is this bait?

>fellow human beings
is this a joke?

This really was ridiculous. When subplebbits whose previous top post of all time had 1,000 upboats suddenly rocket to the front page with a 50k submission, how the fuck do you deny that your platform is controlled by special interests?

No shit faggot, all social media websites do(even this one to some extent though it's also done via the users). open your eyes to what social engineering is and how easy it is to implement in various forms and how it effects real life.

Good to see the doggo so happy for his new pet.

that canadian sperg is clogging the board with shitty threads

No decent person would start a thread by 'is reddit'
seriously, fucking normies really have to go back

That's one smart dog...being able to post to the internet like that.

Although, I gotta say...that's a dangerous pet he has. It's prone to violence and other sorts of mayhem. Hope he keeps it on a tight leash.

he's right

t. currently posting from kremlin

Bots, shills, and troll farms are currently attacking social sites, each trying to influence opinions on issues.

You could call this the Information War, anyone can participate, all you need is access to the internet.

>how it effects real life

Although that does kind of make sense in a different interpretation


They have been doing this for awhile. They even changed the frontpage algorithm because the front page was full of stuff from The_Donald and the hugbox circlejerk is not to be disturbed.


WHO THE FUCK CARES????? Saged hidden and reported you fucking retarded piece of shit. You don't get it?!?! WE WANT TOU MOTHERFUCKING REDDITORS DEAD. One and all. All you fucking worthless wastes coming from the_donald need to FUCK OFF

>Actually looking at and caring about whats on Reddit

I want old Sup Forums back.

Reddit has conned everyone into thinking they are online democracy. That's the thing. People on Reddit actually are swayed by the current status quo of the popular vote. Or, at least ,what appears to be the popular vote.

This is the first time in history a black man has not gotten a pit bull or Rottweiler for s dog.

When a black does something that whites do on an everyday basis it is the most amazing thing and deserves to be celebrated.

Sup Forums is reddit+

We all migrated from Reddit and displaced the inferior memers that came before


Well, stop.

Which one is the pet?

Fun fact: you CANNOT find an image of an adult African-American male with a pet Golden Retriever on the Internet

Go ahead and try, I fucking dare you.


On Christmas day there was a fucking FRONT PAGE post about some (((Amateur Astronomer))) who just happened to take an amazing picture of SATURN from his back yard.

Well, why isn't niggers getting jobs on the top page?

Niggers getting applause for not flinging their shit across the room. Why am i not surprised.

run em over

>kiss immigrant men where they pee for money

Artificially pushing and suppressing things yeah

Browsing reddit is willingly subjecting yourself to a propaganda machine.

>a guy gets a dog
>108k people thought this was interesting enough to upvote
fucking why
what is anyone supposed to do with that information
who gives a fuck
who COULD even possibly give a fuck about this

Do these people understand if they act like this it's implying these people of color need special attention? Isn't that racist in itself?

Black people don't get pits anymore they get rotts or pugs

Start posting black dudes with dogs, start spamming it.
Start posting black dudes with dogs, start spamming it.
Start posting black dudes with dogs, start spamming it.
Start posting black dudes with dogs, start spamming it.
Start posting black dudes with dogs, start spamming it.

This post on the front page honestly made me smile and spread charm and happiness through my day. Why are you so mad, OP? Why do you hate kittens and puppies so much? I bet you're into hurtcore, right?

in reddit I meant

Is there anything more normie tier than reddit? Really


>calling your new slave beautiful
Gay as fuck, Reddit.

Obviously lol, just caught on? Look at what Assange said about AI

All it takes is 5 bots upvoting it without a single down in the span of 15 minutes since it was first posted for it to make it to the "new and rising" section of their board, where it can pick up steam much easier than you'd like to believe. They don't even need bots to fake a few thousand likes.

It's one base, and it only accounts for 50% of the site's traffic, IIRC.

Only. Fifty. Full. Percent.
Thanks uncle sam.

>getting jobs
Now let's not go overboard

I mean, if you just log Putnam look ata what Youtube suggests to the normies, you’ll see nothing but niggers, BM/WF, consumerism, pop music amalgamating the aforementioned. Of course a site like reddit wouldn’t just leave it at marketing, they’d actually push their narrative, even to their own detriment, as a site.

People aren’t actually business robots of self interest, as we’ve been taught to believe. They’re also hateful, dishonest and neurotic.

Cute nigger you adopted doggo. Take good care of him and he will pick enough cotton to pay for your food.


forgetting shitsagram

Pretty nice looking doggo 2bh

I honestly think that people who freak out when you point out subversion on reddit are mostly kikes...

Post a nigger male with white stepson/stepdaughter
I guarantee it will be on front page.

I'm "racist" but I can't bring myself to hate anyone who has empathy for animals.

>nigger gets a dog
>108k upboats

Oh, I see why. This world is truly fucked, how can we bring order and sense back to people's minds?

like all niggers dads, he'll be gone in a week.

there's definitely bots who upvote shit like that this seems like the average reddit post, i honestly can't tell why it has 108k upvotes. there's probably social engineering on 4chins to some extent too


Why is that dog so happy that he got a pet Nigger?

>people actually take the time to type such things out.
reddit is pain

>Faggot flag
>Faggots post
Jesus gives you you, faggot. Not Harrison Ford.

I wish I was getting paid for this.

Most of them claim they saw the picture cut off with the dog (Because it's an average pic of a black dude with a dog) , they only saw the black man and white girl. Shows how racist most redditers are when they mostly see that.

Do you even care about the children? Heartless piece of shit, I bet you voted for Cheeto Hitler, too

i didn't know dogs could own niggers...


please post proofs i wanna see this juicy shit


Yes. Aaron Swartz was against this and had to die.

Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to where we don't ban anyone. coELJrva

I thought you niggers were on 76?

This picture got more upvotes than any news about trump or world wide news.

I think this got more upvotes than the Las Vegas shooting.

There's still a few good subreddits on the site and ik people here use it, the_donald is trash but the good subreddits need to stay to fight off the other ducks of Reddit

It's facebook 2.0, you got old people,soccer moms,teachers etc using this site now to pair with irl stuff. People use Reddit to virtue signal irl still or push politics.

Reddit just keeps getting more trash, banned deepfake porn and anymore that couldn't be verified by ID if they look young.

It'll crash. People with a Sup Forums mindset still lurk there and like to troll, slowly just push the rules and people.

Reddit is gearing itself for a more competitive market and it was obvious via the deepfake ban

Reddit makes money from personal information,bots,selling accounts with Aton of karma on it etc.

Something else will take its place with a similar setup and looser rules.

Eventually Sup Forums will die too I think. But there will always be anonymous posting, even if we can't online.

I've always wanted to anonymous troll irl, like start a bulletin board to just shitpost. Go to work and on the way you write a shitpost and later on the next day you go back and someone left a shitpost etc.

Idk I'm sorta high

>Runscript: right in the title

Someone was bored and programming a bot a little tongue in cheek that day for sure.

reddit is the biggest circle jerk on the internet

As someone who sometimes goes on reddit to start shit with leftists by criticizing their messiah Trudeau, I can honestly say i hate that fucking website with a passion.

Mods are cancer, even more cancer than the worst Sup Forums mod and bots decide what gets to the front. That place is the shithole of the internet and I feel dirty after spending more than 5 min reading the soyposting that is a regular occurence there.

>Another redddit thread

We know the faggots are upvoting to get niggers, faggots, and all other forms of degeneracy on the Front page. That is what they do. WE KNOW.

It really does deserve all the hate it gets

O нeт, oн пoймaл нac!