Is it because you are control freaks? OHH DON'CHA DARE TOUCH MA' PRECIOUS GUN
Gun control is mandatory, guns where meant for war and sel defense , and guess what? You're not soldiers in war and for self defense you don't need AR-15.
Is it because you are control freaks? OHH DON'CHA DARE TOUCH MA' PRECIOUS GUN
Gun control is mandatory, guns where meant for war and sel defense , and guess what? You're not soldiers in war and for self defense you don't need AR-15.
Other urls found in this thread:
Day of the Rake when?
Read the 2nd Amendment retard
Take that pirate flag off right now, you don't deserve it.
Also sage
>A person wanting to control the rights of others is accusing the ones who want to be left along of being control freaks.
>nigger spelling and grammar
Begone subhuman
>be liberal
>turn every place you govern into a dangerous shithole
>cheer on antifa
>masturbate daily to killing people for the socialist dream
anyone who disarms right now is a fucking idiot.
You sat in front of MS Paint and made that. Why?
its like these people dont even have half a brain or something
This is a nice meme. I like it.
When I was six, my father went on a business trip (not that this mattered much; the prick was abusive and had busted a fuckin’ vase by throwing it at my mother and had broken more than a cup or two by throwing them at and occasionally hitting my head) and the alarm system went off at 3 AM.
We had no guns at the time.
We proceeded to hide in the closet for 3 hours waiting on the bastards to arrive.
Thankfully the alarm was faulty, but my mind (and my mother’s) got to thinking; what if it hadn’t been? We’d have been dead. I own guns to protect myself, to protect my family, and because I want to.
Any other reason is just the icing on the cake.
what kind of gun will you allow me to use for self-defense, oh master
Because i can press a button and make you disappear.
I don't support completely banning guns despite what the poltards here keep saying , but it's good seeing comments like yours that actually have content and don't use mere insults
And then you're suprised when people doubt the benefits of giving guns to everyone
Looks like that 56% shill girl
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Kim took the guns.
100 million dead and counting because there's Venezuela in the news.
There is historical evidence where the government had the monopoly on guns.
America has the highest gun ownership in the world yet the most white county with the most guns has a murder rate below a majority white european COUNTRY. WITH. GUN. CONTROL.
Safety is a buzzword for children who are not ready for reality.
I didn't say I support completely banning guns
Stop taking the fucking BAIT YOU FUCKERS
americans' obsessions for guns is creepy n sheeei, but they are necessary because there will always be degeenrates, niggers, cholos and commies
Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to where we don't ban anyone. PA9corAB
Yah, we're the control freaks
Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to where we don't ban anyone. CFwZgD/E
Because we're not low-T soylent faggots like you.
Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to
nice bait.
With the knowledge and statistics available to us in the year 2018, it is impossible to logically argue in favor of gun control. It has not worked in other countries and it will not work in ours. Gun control was established for us to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government, not for hunting deer and killing niggers.
You have no argument here. Gun control does not work. This is common knowledge. Only people pushing this shit now are the (((obvious enemies))).
I redid the statistics on firearm numbers and firearm homicides and also tried firearm homicides versus states based on strictness of gun laws. Both show no relationship between firearm homicide and either ownership or gun laws.
Liberals are the cancer of democracy.
reminder that the range ban is a goon plot
>buy botnet access
>spam Sup Forums with cuck porn
>use range bans to advertise
You're the one obsessed with control.I simply refuse to give you control,and you freak out about it.
get in here faggots
120dB posters ready to go up and given the seal of approval from the organizers via a tweet:
How are the ones pushing for keeping individual freedoms control freaks? Government is control freak.
reminder that the range ban is a goon plot
>buy botnet access
>spam Sup Forums with cuck porn
>use range bans to advertise
this is really, really good bait
Because it's my precious
The criminals don't give a shit what gun control does. If private citizens don't have the availability to own the same weapons how do you expect them to defend themselves against them?
can you do one with strictness of gun laws and niggers per 100k?
Did that make sense to you?
That is some next level retardation you've got there.
fuck me running she's hot, gotta name?
yes the name is "support 120dB by putting up posters to help protect European women from migrant rape"
I feel a bit dirty having to use these pics to cut through the slide threads, but if it works so be it
get in here:
Sten Mk2 blueprint for the upper. Everyone has the full blueprints: along with handguns, AK-47's, RPG's, grenades, knives, etc.
Can't ban them. If our freedoms are taken, folks will take them back. Libtards will pay dearly for it.
>that pic
>no one posted this yet
shame on all of you.
This analogy does not work on any level.
Guns are a tool that provide food and protection among other things.
"Precious" is a useless McGuffin whose power is wholly based on the delusions of the abusive cult members obsessed with it.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
See why liberalism/progressivism is a legit mental disorder?
Cuz they're neat.
So glad you don't have to experience reality,but you should before you spout your bullshit.
Just found this thread and was about to post this. Good job outback.
"Hell" is easily ended by killing or removing the members of the cult that are actively inflicting social damage on the target.
Plausible deniability is worthless in the situation where the target of the abuse is more intelligent and influential that the members of the cult attempting to impose the social sanctions.
>Is it because you are control freaks?
Some of us live amongst Skinwalkers. Why is it that everyone thinks a tyrannical government has to be made up of humans? Or even people from this earth?
Sage this gay thread
Holy fuck you're serious?! You think your tiny metal dick will do any good against a Naagloshii? That thing will shrug off steel jacketed rounds like tank. You better have something blessed or a holy object with more OMF then holy water to take one of those on. I'm sure the authorities will right off your dumbshit corpse as a bear attack.
The jew cries out control freak when he's being a control freak.
Go back to polishing you metal cock collection and wait for the deep state to come take them away. I've seen more reasonable posts carved on truckstop stalls with a pocket knife.
I duel wield 10mms. That's why I fear no Skinwalkers.
If it's so retarded then maybe explain why
Sage again btw
bc of Socialism
It used to be about government, now it's more so about packs of feral niggers.
this picture is retarded
the redgame planner screen cap is much better
>Wants to implement Gun Control.
>Admonishes others for being "control freaks".
i like shooting my ar-15, just not at people unless they're shooting at me first. And in the event of a russian invasion or civil war i can defend my property with it i guess.
just because some dickheads abuse our second amendment and clearly don't support it at all doesn't mean you have to take it away from me because i follow the law.