Did any civilization other than the West ever create music even close to the greatness of classical music? Did the Chinese or the Japanese?
Did any civilization other than the West ever create music even close to the greatness of classical music...
Nope. The closest the Chinese and Japanese had to Western music was Opera.
Mongolian Throat Singing comes pretty close
high culture
no music on earth even comes close
雅楽 This began in the 5th century in Japan
And how the fuck am I supposed to know what that is from your grainy little image?
probably something like this
if so it's nowhere near classical music
I hate to break it to ya white boyz but yall bin played
Nope, Europeans are by far the most creative race, this is why we are the master race.
wh*Te dogs can't compete
Inca choirs are considered some of the most sophisticated music of their time
Gregorian chants are better then this garbage, hell ancient Germanic volk music was better then this.
Better than the rest of the world, but doesn't even compare to classical music in terms of complexity.
Gangster rap
Aside of western civilization only Chinese/Japs had anything remotely close to us. Hard to discuss terms of beauty, but considering that even Japs/Chinese are in love with classical music of Europe proves it's superiority.
Classical European music has the broadest tonal range of all music.
it's also boring shite for pretentious art cunts
You need to be at least 18 to post in here
>t. merengue fan
name the last time you played Bach or some shit like that on purpose
Without the use of words classical music can evoke feeling and emotion more than any other medium.
Music written centuries ago is still hugely influential in pop culture and film tracks to this day are almost always in the classical style if not outright classical music.
Nothing, past or present, has yet matched classical music in its influence and objective quality.
It's subjective.
>elevator music
I listen to classical music every day. Listened to Joseph Haydn, Bela Bartok and Carl Maria von Weber today.
Prokofiev, Grieg and Dvorak are on my playlist daily. Hated this shit when I was younger,but eventually started to enjoy it.
Is this thread being slid? Seems pretty important unless it's already been addressed.
Presumably. The question is whether records exist that we could access
this sounds spanish inspired
wtf I hate bethoven now
No. We don't even having anything today anywhere near the classic masterpieces that was composed in that time.
Classical music is and will always be superior due to the fact the songs were created geniuses and played by musician that dedicated their life for said purpose
Rock me, Niggadeus
Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to goonsaloon.pro
rap and hip hop is far more influential than classical music.
And I like classical music more than rap/hip hop but black culture in the form of music is INCREDIBLY influential. You'd have to be retarded to think otherwise.
White ppl are corny. No one wants to hear their basic music anymore except the already rotting.
The word "corny" is really corny, desu.
Shut up gwailo
"Classical" music is just subjective.
No way
I'm studying music and it's incredible how Western music has evolved since the middle ages. The notation, the theory, the development and use of instruments to their fullest extent. It's at a level of complexity that no other music has ever achieved.
And people shouldn't compare Eastern folk music to classical, classical music is high art that is very different all European folk music, let alone any others. I don't know what other societies had the same kind of high art
purchase one for your cuckshed
Baroque is better than Classical.
by classical I meant Western art music
Bach basically invented the western scale system and pushed harmony to it's limits. He wrote so much music that it would take a lifetime to hear it all. You have to thank him for any real music that came after
>Bach basically invented the western scale system
No he didn't, he was just a proponent of even tempering
Shame you'll never hear all of his music though, a huge amount of it is lost forever, used as paper for the local butcher and such