Umi is the best Love Live

Umi is the best Love Live

Nico > Pana > Nozomi = Umi > Rin = Honk > Maki > Eli = Kotori

That Umi is very sexy though.


Nico > Pana > Nozomi = Umi > Rin = Honk > Maki > Eli = Kotori > Shit > Aqours

Umi is love.

Umi is life.

>Umi not at the top

Marry Umi.


phone wallpaper

I love the sea.

Mimorin is my favorite seiyuu who looks good AND can sing well.

yuyuyu is trash

Who doesn't?

Best Love Lives to violently ravage.

Umi is for gentle sex under the covers while holding hands.

>Literally Satan


How wet is she usually?

Just moist enough.

For what?

Why do people like Nico, she is a two faced bitch with a rotten personality.

Kiss Chihaya


Not so flat Chihaya a cute.

Kiss Umi

I wanna marry Umi.

Chihaya and Umi are the best part of their series.

Umi threads always need more lewd.

Lost count of the times I've fapped to this image.

What about the doujin?

What a fantastic thread

I can't fap to doujins.

Hags get buried, this is an Aqours thread now.

My African-American brother

why isn't volume 3+ of LL being translated as we speak? Last update was 2 0 1 5 my heart can't take it

I love all raibus. I just love the flops more.

My girlfriend Honk is the cutest

You is so cute !


>You is so cuck*

Sorry auto correct messed me up.

(you) a cuter

all raibus are cute, but these two are especially cute

>ยต's Top 3

>Aqours Top 3





Who /idolm@ster/ here




Chika's mikans are delicious but Anchan mikans are even more delicious.

Would cum in this shameless slut so many times.


She would call this thread shameless and go off to secretly fap to the idea that people find her attractive.

Well guess what? I DO cum in her, daily even! Because she is my lovely WIFE


Umi and her 2nd wife.

I want a version of this image from behind.

Best for mind breaking and you all know it to be true.

>you will never be that stuffed toy.

If by mind breaking you mean bashing her skull in, then I agree.

Nah, thats best suited for Riko.

Replace Chika with You and this would be absolutely perfect taste

Looks like a spurdo.


Truly the best

Amazing thread fellas.

What is Sup Forums's favorite crackship?

Thank you for this hour's fap material.

Umi's skull is not for bashing