*breaths in*
Other urls found in this thread:
>not 39!!!
>it was 23
ok not much better
>i-it was only 23!1
Hang this kike
maybe the 39 was the number of times they were contacted
i heard something about his caretaker being some bitch who was calling the police trying to make it sound like he was violent to get him committed so she could get his $800,000 inheritance
not to mention the tons of other confirmed weird shit
seriously, they were having a drill the same day where they were firing blanks?
they must think americans are real fucking stupid
Oh yeah only 23 that means the coward Sheriffs are in the clear.
>I-i-t was only 23
No arrestable offences because he was a student and Broward County policy said they wouldn't arrest students
>see goy only 23 nothing to see here
__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. (archive.is
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. (archive.is
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. (archive.is
__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. (youtube.com
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.(archive.is
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and fires blanks with Cruz on campus. (youtu.be
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. (youtube.com
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.(archive.is
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. (archive.is
__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. (archive.is
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. (archive.is
Reminds me of this
here have it
Yes because it was only 23 times I feel like that's better...sarcasm...it's not...also if you add in the visits from children services it's 39 times dick bags...fuck that sham of a sheriff dept...they should have had a stone cold killer at that school not some barney fife faggot looking to retire onto easystreet. They are deflecting because really is there any difference in 23 or 39 cop visits? It's like saying the columbine killers were good dudes cause they only killed 13 people...gtfoh
You think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and lie to save their own skin?
Truly the greatest ally
>Police were only called TWO DOZEN times about the problem, not THREE dozen
...this discrepancy actually matters to liberals.
>The number of times we failed to respond to concerns about Nikolas Cruz wasn't this large number
>It was this smaller but still significant number indicating systemic failings of our department
Is that what Broward County Sheriff's Office considers to be damage control?
Only 23 times? Well this changes everything. Please forgive me David and Emma, I will relinquish my gunz now.
Isn't the 39 figure straight from CNN?
>so you're saying CNN is fake news
God Bless you and your autism.
This shit should not have gone past 3.
The fire is almost out; and there's nothing left to burn.
>Oh yeah only 23 that means the coward Sheriffs are in the clear.
No, it means its 23, not 39.
Since we are just listening to democrats now
now what?
>"We only failed in our duty 23 times!!! 27 tops if you count the four officers that hid behind their cars while students were being massacred!!!"
after this jew goes down, whos next pol we need to keep digging don't stop with this kike sheriff
one of the calls came from MASSACHUSETTS
6 gorillion
Police showed up to his house at least 23 times? Fucking hell they are incompetent.
Even buzzfeed says the sheriff is full is shit.
CNN is also pushing that "muh 4 deputies" story - I havent seen anyone confirm that report yet. Ive also seen another report that one of the 4 deputies is deputy Hamze - Captn CAIR. Be care of the fake news frenz.
This is like how we were saying 17 school shootings in 45 days, and it turned out to be only 6 in 45 days (which is absolutely fine).
I love you gun nuts, your logic doesn't stay consistent even within a 24 hour period.
45 times. 45 times they had a chance to prevent a tragedy. 45 times they did nothing.
Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to goonsaloon.pro
This is the same strategy Trump uses where incorrect information is pushed into the mainstream conscious which results in the accused admitting to their fuckup not understanding that they're still incriminating themselves and they still look equally as bad as they did before if not worse
You know Sup Forums is really gaining influence in the real world when this place has played 4d chess with a sheriff and won
People of color me impressed
You're a dumb nigger, whether they were told 23 times or 39 times doesn't matter. Lying about how many places are getting shot up is a pretty big deal. Didn't they count ones like a kid suiciding himself near a school as a shooting too? I really don't trust any leftie "facts".
39 or 23, does it really matter? Let's just call it what it is: an alarmingly high number of times
What would you have them do? Every single bipolar or schizo get rounded up and face the firing squad? People are mentally ill in our society, and they are the symptom, not the cause. Deal with the cause, you fool.
get in here faggots
120dB posters ready to go up and given the seal of approval from the organizers via a tweet:
It was only 23 times they could have stopped this and didn't, not 39.
I'm so fucking ashamed of myself now.
Buddy he was reported to have pointed guns at peoples faces. That alone should have led to an arrest.
No faggot it was 3 shootings...a mutherfucken drop in the bucket of stupid ways humans killed CHILDREN over those same 45 days...stand up for something you miracle cunt...it's not violence that motivates you...it's lack of quality pussy and politics...what a fag.
You should be more ashamed of your intimations of genocide of mentally ill people. I mean, 9 out of 9 mental health professionals agree that I'm mentally ill, but what am I supposed to do? I don't have any friends so I post on Sup Forums. I myself say that we need to genocide people. Do you want to genocide people like because we talk shit to express our anger. Our creativity. Our desire to interact with other humans in some way.
That was quick seeing as how they misreported 17 intelligence agencies for a year. It’s amazing how a little bit of trolling can keep these media kikes honest
Dude, I didnt say anything about locking people up just for being mentally ill, in fact I'm against that. But he wasnt just mentally ill, he was an aggressive asshole who constantly made threats and talked about how he was going to shoot up a school. The FBI and local police should have acted, and they didn't, thats what Im getting at.
50 times? why didn't they do anything after 60 phone calls?
So what is your solution? Lock people up for the crimes that they commit?
>umm it was 23
yeah, Sup Forums totally btfo
No dumbass didn't you read what I said.
yeah the lot of you have been found out as fucking cowards and you won't be able to throw one shitfuck under the bus for an entire departments unwillingness to do the right thing.
you are not only pathetic, but inspringngly so. may you live forever in rot.
This guy breaks it all down pretty good. Starts a couple paragraphs down. It's kind of long though so only try to read it if you've taken your Ritalin recently
>compares a handful of mass shootings in a country of 330 million people to dozens of attempts to contact one single, highly problematic individual
Kike shill or autism.
Yeah I'm sure the Broward Coward is going to tell the truth about this one.
You're the dumbass for not realizing what I'm getting at. Does society have the right to strip people of their freedoms in order to prevent violence? If so, what are the definitions and rules? Where do we draw the line before we throw someone into prison for life? Has it occurred to you that these same definitions of talking shit that make people get locked up may flippantly apply to you if (You) suddenly become persona non grata within a group? Who decides this sort of thing?
it's notable, but it misses the point completely. it's just good enough for the low IQs out there however
> 2 dozen
> 3 dozen
When you unironically red-pill people.... and exhibit how dumb you are.
They met with the family 70 times? And after 95 meetings they didn't do anything?
It wasn't 6 million Jews, it was only 5 million. Can we please put this Holohoax to rest already?
let's kill them all johnny
Oh, that's fine then, if it was only 23 they didn't trip Broward's rigorous 30-strike rule.
wow , how will pol ever recover?
get in here faggots
120dB posters ready to go up and given the seal of approval from the organizers via a tweet:
Exactly what I was thinking.
kill yourself shill rat
The worse part is that after 995 times his family fucked with him and made him feel even worse than he did in the first place, the blame is placed on guhns and not the source of his anguish. And then imagine completely ignoring the rates of black gun crime: mass, serial, and any other definition. The problem isn't the fact that society has started to attack white male with their white knight righteousness, no, of course not. Attacking and destroying white males and anyone who doesn't toe the line in terms of self immolation, if they are a white male, is a 'nazi', right? It's obvious that if you don't hate your own race, your own family, your own culture, and you are white, then you are a 'nazi', yeah? Has it occurred to you that maybe the fact that sickening and disease of society has created the very problem those morons try to solve. And the problem is exacerbated by the fact that they clearly have become what they supposedly hate: a systemically discriminating hateful bigot that actually derives joy from destroying the lives of a group of people based on the uncontrollable characteristics they were born with, namely white and male. They are nazis, and white males are the new jews.
Kikery At work gents.
I read somewhere that county sheriff nerfed their policing, just to make the county stats look good.