Donald wants to support the Sarin gas using Assad? Why? Why does Putin care so much about Assad holding control...

Donald wants to support the Sarin gas using Assad? Why? Why does Putin care so much about Assad holding control? How can a president support someone who attacks innocent civillian villages?

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The people there allowed all this to happen to themselves in their own country. That isn't our fault or responsibility. They have to find their own way like we did.

>Why does Putin care so much about Assad holding control?
Because Syria is the only country in the world where Russia has a base.

So much wrong in so few words, one has to assume Op meant to be wrong, just to troll.

Assad did this to his own people. Trump says he will help Assad. I wish we would leave them alone. Instead, we are giving our military services to a despot for free. Why? And why is Putin so invested in Syria?

It's about oil pipelines.
A half a million people had to die over a dispute about pipelines.

what do you know?

traitors arent people

>Assad did this to his own people.
You don't know that. Assad had NO REASON to do that, and Obama's ISIS had every reason in the world.
Half a million people dead over a stupid Qatar oil pipelines, and you're supporting that by telling the globalist line.

why do you faggots even bother?

US killed 4 million+ muslims since 1990
i don't see the problem

Fuck off, ISIS.

those are children you jaded detriment to humanity

We never liked either side, staying out is win win

nobody cares about syria

>How can a president support someone who attacks innocent civillian villages?
Idk, how can the public support a man who drone strikes innocent civilian villages?

The Sarin used in kan sheikhoun is identical to that of the Sarin in the original Syrian stockpile. It came from the government. Why do you only believe what you want to believe, and why wont you answer my question as to why trump would support assad?


who drone striked innocent villages? show me proof.

oy antisemitism

these dont look like people to you?

There's only been a plan to destroy it forever now

Sure, but Trump is talking about joining Assads efforts against the rebels. againi

anything browner than me is not human that also includes you amerimuts

>who drone striked innocent villages?
You have to be 18 to post here

Wtf I hate Assad now


FBI report - Christopher Bollyn 2014 (60 min lecture)
“Israel Is Behind the 9/11 Attacks and Iraq Wars”
> [Open]
(keep in mind this guy used to be an alex jones nwo NWO missiles and holograms, believer. and may well be being prepped to be a spokesperson for Israel's 9/11 attack hitting the mainstream)

FOX News - The Israeli 9/11 Connection ep.1
> [Open]

RT News and Press TV journalist Ryan Dawson - War By Deception 2013
> [Open]

BBC journalist Alan Hart on Israel and 9/11
> [Open]

RT News - Was 9/11 an Inside Job
> [Open]

Israel Mossad Chief - Juval Aviv, ( mossad agent on whom the movie 'Munich' is based)
> [Open]
tries to cover for Israel but ends up admitting a lot

2.40 'there is no doubt that there were various Israeli teams in America... who were MONITORING terrorist networks...

3.08 'Israel had [the 9/11] information that they were giving the American government..'

Meme flag and no source!
Okay and I'm outa here!


seriously, I want to see some facts. I don't know what goes on in my country, and I very much want to.

what the fuck is this shit you robot lapdog

I'm from Afghanistan and my source is my giant scrotum! Fear my massive testicles, you pitiful worm!

One bakery at a time


Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to where we don't ban anyone. CQevz+S1

don't ask who that is





how do you know where obama ordered drone strikes to? did he really attack innocent villages? can you show me some evidence?
also, how does this make any difference in weather or not you should support trumps decision to support assad, who really has used hellish weapons on non militant villages? kil


you dont have time to put on gloves during a crisis
this is atrocious, but the fact that chemical attacks did happen. and that children were hit with sarin gas, that fact remains.

Prove it.

fucking hell you're thick

Assad Never Used S gas on anyone and you know that! CIA the left and some of right just want another war!

Yep, children chained in weapon cache depots by rebels to make sure the collateral damage looks good for the jewish propaganda.

Just kys.

see above
you'll believe anything to confirm your bias

>touching victims of sarin gas attacks
Ask me how I know you and your Al Qaeda buddies are full of shit.

yeah? says the retard who saves propaganda on his computer. how much research did you do on this one?

>you'll believe anything to confirm your bias

Righteous shares. Have this one.

its real.
when your kid is dying from poison, you don't think before holding him.

>russia today
literal putin propaganda
>literally saving a propaganda piece that just proves all middle easterners look alike

go back to afghanistan faggot

No matter what the evidence suggests, people only listen to what they want to believe. What a pointless exercise this is.

Like a broken record. RT simply contradicts the jewish lies, so it's labelled propaganda.

Assad did nothing wrong even if he did has a bunch of Sunnis

so, news that is run by the russian govenrment just also happens to publish only news that aligns with russian geopolitical strategy? putin likes assad, rt posts a video suggesting sarin attacks were fake. however, the sarin attacks did happen, and the bombs came from the syrian air force. youre just choosing to ignore that.


You can deny it all you want Schlomo, rebels and ISIS funded by Israel hide behind children and hospitals. Rebels also are being supplied chemical weapons that they have no problem using on their own to gain international support. Even your favorite jewish rag can't ignore it.

Show your flag.
I predict one the following.
B. El Goblino Globalisto

That's a video of a boy and many other """"victims""" faking being miserable, for tons of (((journalists))). RT simply didn't edit out the prep.

How dare RT show it's fake!!! FUCKING PROPAGANDA!

If the Sarin attack did happen, how are the white helmets not dead? Do you not know what sarin is? It was chlorine gas and it was by the rebels.


Straight from the Big Black Cock's website, faggot.
"napalm-like attack" switched for "chemical attack"

>complains about propaganda
>can only link to wikipedia

My sides.

200 chemical attacks (since 2015) - 57 from isis = assad chemically attacking his own civillians 143 times.

Sarin attacks definitely happened.
read this page and you will understand. read the source material and you will understand its validity.

wikipedia is an amazing source of actual information if you know how to read sources.
you have a much better chance of finding real news by looking through wikipedia, where you can examine the source material, then by reading the (news). propaganda is easy to distinguish on wikipedia. moron.

HAHAHAHAHA more wikipedia, I just can't... hAHHAHAAHAH

you're talking about alleppo, I'm talking about Khan Shaykhun. Assad attacked a civilian village with sarin. It's proven fact. Will you continue to side with him, and to defend the president for siding with him?

see , dipshit

Dirty jap range banned you from Sup Forums? Come to where we don't ban anyone. sVb35ecR

Israel wants me to hate Syria, that's all I need to know that I shouldn't.

Using empathy memes from events that were immediately questioned by half the world.
>Meanwhile the mainstream media and the Demoshits immediately used it as justification to continue making the same mistake in the middle east
>For like the 4th or more time since the 60s

Oh yes great sources, you must be new to this. You actually trust the jews.

Putin hates America, Israel loves America, you are a blind traitor.

Pretty much this philosophy should be applied to everything in life.

>Israel wants me to hate Syria, that's all I need to know that I shouldn't.

Holly shit! I'm agreeing with someone using a BLM flag. It must be past my bed time. Good night!

Media made up bullshit about syria in the past, they will do so in the future.

>Israel loves america

HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH holy shit this guy is just so fucking retarded, Israel likes USA soldiers to fight their wars. Just fucking die already.

I have been screeching about this

The guy pushing this bullshit is most likely getting paid for it. Just sage and move on.

You literally posted a source that confirms my point. You can't trust most of the media, so you have to go looking for the truth yourself. Since all of the source material for a claim made on wikipedia are posted at the bottom, it is a good way to find accurate research on things. You just want to discredit my research because you don't agree with it.
I don't have any idea what you're talking about. I just wonder why Trump is suddenly supporting Assad, rather than staying out of the conflict entirely, especially considering the fact that Assad used Sarin on his own people.

it wasn't made up, you just love sucking trumps dick.

Israel doesn't feel threatened by America's power. Russia does. Which one is more likely to try and topple us?

>everyone I don't agree with is a shill

what is israel? i vaguely remember a picture of trump with a yamaca. did you forget that?

That flag just says "Black Nationalist" for me (which I am). My geographic would just confuse people. I loved BLM in the beginning but they could have used that national attention to point out black on black crime but that's a different discussion. In ant case; "Do the opposite of what Jews say" is a good motto. No soy shit or body positive fatsos in my house.

Yes it was nigger, shut the fuck up.

>Israel loves America

Good Goy, believe the Jewish lies, here's 1 million shekels deposited directly to your bank account!

My god are you fucking serious? If you actually believe Israel (and the Jews) love America, and Western Civilization you're a fucking retard!

Its not about soy or body positive niggers you nigger. Its about not sticking our dick where it shouldn't go. For all you know, the jews have manipulated you so deeply that you aren't even aware, and your hatred for them is part of their plan. You have to think.

Anyone who kills sand niggers is okay in my book.

They loved so much they pre-bombed the USS Liberty so that when Egypt showed up to the bombing run, they would see the ship bombed out already and leave us alone. How thoughtful.

Assad is a secular ruler. Christians and many other sects of Islam live under Assad. The same went for Saddam. Iraq was better with Saddam. As Syria is better Assad. My family in Lebanon has always said the only way middle eastern countries are sustainable is with dictators. I don’t disagree. Arabs are not capable of democracy imo. They need to be ruled with an iron fist or the religious clerics take over.

My god are you fucking serious? If you actually believe Russia (and the KGB) love America, and Western Civilization you're a fucking retard!

No it wasn't. You are so far removed from it, in your comfy, warm trailer with popcorn and Netflix. Yet you feel comfortable voicing an opinion in the matter like its personal. Your opinion here is the kind that destroys lives, you selfish, stupid fuck.

Interesting perspective. What about Iran and Turkey?


I never said Russia loved Western Civilization....

LMAO you really are retarded! The KGB has been defunct for decades!

Do tell then, why ARE you taking so much time and effort to push this narrative?

A black person from the west doesn't come to this board (and stick around) unless they're fully aware who is responsible for the destruction of the west, dickhead.

This "attack" has been debunked
twelve times over. It's faker than the
Margarine Stonehenge high school
shooting hoax.

>a fucking jew

Israel gets military support and money from the U.S. Why would they hate it? Russia on the other hand is in competition with the U.S. Yet, you would rather support the one who is more likely to want us to fall..
Putin is ex KGB, so, through him, the sould of the KGB still breathes.

pic related. sarin attacks in khan shaykhun happened.

[spoiler]Ship those corpses to Africa
let the cannibal nogs have a