Brit/pol/ - Rex Totius Britanniae

Nigel Farage 2018 CPAC speech (with an introduction by Raheem Kassam)
[YouTube] Nigel Farage 2018 CPAC speech (embed)

>Jeremy Corbyn: Chilcot report will reveal Blair and Bush did secret deal over Iraq War

>Labour, Momentum and Communist Party to hold "cooperation" meeting

>Brexit: Remain bus visit to Liverpool met by Mogg fans

>Labour's general secretary Iain McNicol resigns

>PMQS VERDICT Corbyn forgets to ask a question – but luckily for him, the PM’s all out of zingers just like KFC

>Jeremy Corbyn brands storm over his meetings with a Soviet-backed spy 'nonsense' and refuses to answer Theresa May's demand he authorise the release of any Stasi files on him

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peter hitchens

peter hitchens

Buy cryptocurrency, get richer and don't pay taxes

You fucked it up.

is gay
and not in a fun way

from left to right: southerners, @realhonk, northerners


You're a robot?

>labour mps agree to ensure a signed treaty is fulfilled

but you seem so much like a real boy

You forgot:
>pick two

in mind but not of body

Can Tory MP user raise an urgent question in parliament on the plight of homeless veterans in the Liverpool area forced to live in cars and consume limes/corned beef?

Daleks are crap mate you can just push them over and they can't get back up again.

show us your bum

Interesting feel

Let him freeze.

Can the Tory MP user spout 56% memes in parliament and then start biting people?

dumb frogposter
>y-yes y-you too Mr. S-speaker, I uh, I wanted to, uh, r-raise the issue of, uh, the p-plight of homelessness v-veterans, uh I mean homeless veterans eheh, in the M-Manchester area f-forced, uh, to live in cars and consume limes?

that would be brilliant

>Tory MP user
just imagine it senpai

Lads can't you see
You need to read Beowulf
Lines 30-34 backwards
Stay with me BEO
Hope you're following guys we're relying on you
Good luck

>Southerners are taller
>Southerners have higher IQ
>Southerners get more GCSEs
>Southerners have more employment
>Southerners are more likely to go to University
>Northern companies will empty their piggy banks just to move a Southerner up north to work for them.
>Southerners are richer and have more disposable income
>Southerners live longer
>Southerners are less likely to smoke
>Southerners are less likely to drink
>Southerners are less likely to do or deal drugs
>Southerners get investment
>Southerners vote intelligently, rather than voting the way their forefathers did (“my farver wuz a liebor man n is farver b4 im”)
>Southerners have less debt
>Sourherners are more likely to be middle or upper class
>Southerners are slimmer, and more likely to have a gym membership.

I’d like any P**rtherner to go to the ONS website or even a Google, and just have a browse. They’d find everything they need to know.
The South is objectively better; no one cares about your opinions. No one cares about your anecdotes. No one cares your feeling are hurt.

Facts. Do. Not. Care. About. Your. Feelings.

Just accept you are inferior and understand why you would be treated as such.

Thank you.

>MP user

Oh shit, name?

>>Southerners are less likely to drink
Isn't alcohol forbidden in Islamic law?

>d-does the p-prime minister, l-like so many, um, of my constituents, um, like s-sasuage r-rolls and w-want to protect it against a-any future t-trading tariff?


dumb frogposter
taqiyya brother taqiyyah we must keep our caliphate hidden for now mashallah
dumb frogposter

He's anonymous we don't know which Tory backbencher he is until he starts shouting out memes and biting people.

The North doesn't give a fuck about the South.


We don’t know, but he would do well to keep quiet.


Eddie's been quiet. Is he kill or just lying low after voiceprinting himself?

he said tomorrow at 2pm I think he'll be in the backbench and we should watch for a hand gesture. Cue dozens of stupid people furiously glaring at the stream hoping to catch some furtive gesture. Literally pathetic.

He could have killed them.
He could have killed them all.

Why did he go back on taxing the sosij role?

Is there any proof?

Where is Eddie?
How can you not love him?


Don’t enable the mentally ill, lock them up.

He's a fat nonce alcoholic who did 10 minutes on the Open University and now he thinks he's qualified to be the voice of authority on constitutional law.

He's not even half as intelligent as he thinks he is.

dumb frogposters
It's well documented that the Cornish Republican Army threatened to begin a bombing campaign that would have destabilised the government and British economy.

Oh. Then nah it’s certainly a larp. Once every few months some dickhead comes to the thread and larps about having inside information which turns out to be false

>voice printing himself
What did he mean by this?

he posted a pic of some letter the tories give to policy makers and whatever, with his censored tory ID.

>Q predicted this

Hmm. Then we shall see. I still doubt it though desu.

He made a vocaroo.

Oh fuck off, I’m a member of D&D Conservatives and you can get papers on policy and ID at a meeting. It means nothing.

>Cornish Republican Army
They're people who need a purpose in life but have none.

are you mental

I know who he is, in fact someone told me this same thing hen I asked about WHO he is a couple weeks back. But I'm asking WHERE he is, he hasn't been in breads all day

Yes I am, but I wouldn't class that as any indication of it. Why do you ask?

if it is real I feel sorry for him. He posted sensitive information and perhaps outed himself as a Sup Forumstard all so he could be lambasted and called fake and gay.

I was replying to your second post "How could you not love him?"

There's a certain quality of entertainment in his persona, I must admit. He's a moron though.

your word printing was a big indication

K E K so this is how he sounds? Totally America, like wtf?

He should have known better than to do something like that though shouldn't he.


That's not Eddie.

Fair, I guess but I haven't been around long enough to notice

What was the matter with my usage of that word in this context though?

Could you give me a tl;dr on what you are even looking for? There's literally tons of released Stasi papers.

kek that was funny af.

The issue is that he is batshit.
He will come in here with a faux sense of superiority and think he is some great debate winner, when all he does is resort to ad hominem and his infamy as some sort of club to beat others with. He is full of fallacious nonsense; worst thing is that he is so unaware of it.

That's not Eddie. This is

LOL he sounds exactly how I would picture him, makes me love him more what a Bong

I know, it's ridiculous. His sense of superiority is amazing considering it took 17 hours for him to beat Dan the fucking Man.

Nah he's fucking great. He's a stupid twat but he's great. I'd have a drink with him for sure.

>he sounds exactly how I would picture him

any indication Corybn or the Labour party worked for the soviet union at the expense of the west

how I thought he would*

He's a fucking namefag, what else can one expect? Assigning yourself a persistent name on this website or general, no matter how often you visit, is the sign of a deluded and feeble mind.

>oh no I can't possibly not use an identity, how else will people know and celebrate my immense wit?

These people are fucking mongs of the highest order.

that's rude looking

Lads an ex just messaged me basically just asking what im up to, she's nice and we ended or neutral terms but im a bit scared to message back because i just wanted to move on. not sure what to do since my normie experience is admittedly limited

Cum in her and move town.

Ask for feet pictures straight away.

if the digits are above 50 you text back if below you let her go

Just be nice and chat, she might just want a catchup.


The thing is he isn’t witty. He is “funny” in the way a fat person rolling down a hill is funny. His misfortune is funny, not that he’s some great practical joker or master comedian.

It’s a dildo, of course it is.

Have some self-respect. Can you do better? Than do better. If not, go get laid.

And something about Merkels dad?

>He is “funny” in the way a fat person rolling down a hill is funny. His misfortune is funny,
Great way to put it. Eddie memes are funny. Eddie's failures are funny. Eddie himself is NOT funny.

It is not my constituency, but...
Nothing on this Earth disgusts me more than homeless veterans.
You have 15 constituencies in Liverpool.
Ed McRandal is the man you want to speak to though.
He never really left politics.

If she still has your number than you never wanted to get away from her, with that said, talk to her and you might get sad crying cuddles or sex

>Nothing on this Earth disgusts me more than homeless veterans.
What if they are deserters?

>of course it is
yes but even by dildo standards it's on the rude side

>He is “funny” in the way a fat person rolling down a hill is funny. His misfortune is funny, not that he’s some great practical joker or master comedian.
That's why I like him and sympathise with him. I'm a monumental fuck-up as well.

it's all very vague but yes something about Merkels dad

fucking hell you don't have to speak like that here, drop the act. You're not on the campaign trail. I can think of a billion things that disgust me more than homeless veterans. A muslim cumming up my grandmas arse while my dad licks his hairy gooch.

See? That was fucking easy.

>A muslim cumming up my grandmas arse while my dad licks his hairy gooch.
Muted for tedium.


A person is a monumental fuck up 90% because of their own choices and nothing else. Don’t let mistakes you make or your parents/friends make become you.
If you put your mind to it, in 5-10 years you could be middle class. In even less time if you’re smart about the decisions you make.

Merkels dad lead some life

>prisoner of war at 19
>a member of the hitler youth in high school
>moved his family into east germany from Hamburg
>became a lutheran pastor
>From a perspective of governance, Kasner was considered one of the more "progressive" forces. His nickname during GDR times, quoted repeatedly in the press, was "Red Kasner."

Then they should face a military trial and have reason to explain desertion.
Military law should be followed.
If he/she signed up, they know what they are getting paid for.
It may be mental health issues, and that's why they became homeless.
Men aren't exactly treated fairly in the housing sector.

divide and conquer shill

>in 5-10 years you could be middle class
lol get a load of this fucking prenderghast