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At the very least they should've got less shitty looking armbands if they're going to try to recreate an iconic George Lincoln Rockwell photo.
>two Jews
>one white guy
What happened to you, useful idiot?
Heimbach looks like a Turk. What a fucking embarrassment the alt-right is.
Le 0% face.
That gay bear with the red tie looks Jewish.
what's going on with the she-boons in the background?
What went wrong?
>Jason Unruhe
Someone gas that fat piece of shit. What a fucking embarrassment to white people everywhere and Rockwell himself.
Jason exposes Israel though.
he can expose himself to some exercise then.
Jason has issues with food cravings. He drinks a litre of Coke a day and is addicted to Burger King.
Those are the weakest looking cops I've ever seen.
Just a reminder that Heimbach is a fat faggot, even Spencer could kick his ass
Is that the Traditionalist Worker Party dude?
those fucking armbands. jesus
This is so embarrassing. Are they Jews in a cafeteria larping as Neo-Nazis? WTF?
Remember when this fat soyboy was kicked out of college for his Larping? Kek. Nothing funnier than when you Nazis lose your jobs, are rightfully shunned by society, punched in the face...
>black shirt with red tie
>looks like a mudslime
the biggest issue with this movement right now is that the people who support it publicly are mostly subhumans while the true intelligentsia is anonymous. We won't make any progress as long as the face of the movement is a bunch of literal 56% freaks with zero self awareness or fashion sense
>Imperial guardsmen are so worthless they don't even try to stop chaos cultists from running amuck
Carrion worshippers BTFO'd
When you cross your arms Sup Forums, you grip the upper arm with the arm that goes under. Don't let it just dangle there. So if your left arm goes under the right, grab the right arm just above the elbow. For the other arm's hand, don't lay your palm on your side. Instead clench a fist and rotate your wrist so that the side of your thumb & index finger are pushing against your side.
what happened to attractive nazis senpai?
Heimbach is actually pretty decent
The thing that saddens me is that hes probably socially excluded and that was the only time people gave two shits about him for the wrong reasons.
Sure the alt-right knows ho to exploit them but the left is blind AF.
That Chad on the left though
wow this is sad
The front row looks like a white goy and two Jews
>Almost 70% jewish, basically the entire alt right
something something first as tragedy then as farce
attractive people actually interact with society
>chaos undivided
no wonder they're so pathetic
They went to watch Black Panther dressed like that?
>shaved head
>dresses like a retarded commie
>out of shape goblin
>to top it all off he's a kike that's used as controlled opposition
At least the guy on the left has a nice strong chin, clean shaven, Rammstein haircut and his clothes are NatSoc
That fat fucking soyboy Jew in the middle needs a one way trip into the gas chamber
woaw so much truth in that statment actually
Yes leftist. We must go shoot up some random faggots. That will bring many people to our side. Definitely won’t just turn everyone away. Absolutely not. HEIL HITLER!
GLR was a smug little memer but as it says in the image, important in the shift from German national socialism to a more broad, pan-European identity à la Mosley's "Europe a Nation"
i wonder if that statement will hold true and when this "nazi" wave dies it will be the end of nazism
>insulting walt bismarck
gassing you first, faggot.
Is he trying to look retarded?
>those armbands
>what happened to attractive nazis senpai?
hes not a jew, hes a """white""" hispanic
I see nothing wrong with this. I'm not surprised that the left is trying to shame them though.
Adopting nazi imagery
Leftypol BTFO
Great advice, user.
this is embarrassing...also who's the guy on the left?
here are a few.............
This post is equivalent to rocket science.
>soyboy with long hair
What is that symbol suppose to represent, the path that Africans and Middle Easterners take into Europe?
Where can I get that shirt damn
Low test in the OP pic.
The dudes in this pic fought in WW2.
>t. balding soyboy
>he considered turks to be "white"
Is Heimbach really Jewish?
He is a joke because he is a fat neckbeard slob, not because he has dark features. Lose 80 lbs, lose the glasses, stop smiling like a soy
Sean Connery is a shitskin then by pol standards
i like how the commie didn't reply to this one
>nigga patrol