So this is dead?

So this is dead?

Good riddance

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Maybe they are on hiatus, toei isn't fucking around this time around

Honestly considering they are still doing Hellsing I think one off them (the editor guy or the guy who voices Goku) are having "creative differences" with the rest.

Doesn't "creative differences" usually mean a political disagreement?

I hope so. It's been fucking awful for years now.

Fuck off.

>Check their twitter pages in hope for news on new episodes
>Screeching about trump

Pretty sure I saw one of them tweet that the series is on hiatus. No idea if its to do with them falling out though.

You can always blame Grant.

They've outright said "health and personal reasons". Gonna guess that just means some of the VAs are unable to record their lines.

Then again don't DBZA and Hellsing Ultimate Abridged mostly share the same cast? I mean it can't be Taka, that would drag both shows to a screeching halt.

>Try to follow all of them on twitter
>Non-stop screaming about politics with the occasional let's play related garbage
But like others said, who really cares anymore? Shit hasn't been funny for ages.

Bring the old internet back

People on Sup Forums actually watch this "SO RANDUMB EPIK" 12 years old?

Haters gonna hate

They started a dub studio. They want to move away from Dragon Ball Abridged.

It's on the back burner for now. Won't stop them from keeping the $11,644 a month, though.

A few years back I made a comment on a TFS abridged episode. This was back when they claimed that the show was non profit at the start of every single episode. I told them that they should tear down that disclaimer because they were obviously profiteering with their gaming channel and their t-shirts. I got like a hundred negative replies from TFS fanboys and surprisingly I got a hate fueled reply from I think it was Kaiserneko (the gay one). It was odd because TFS never freaking replies to youtube comments since they get a million of them. I must have pressed a button. Anyway after I said this they stopped claiming that their show was non-profit.

Once they started stroking their ego and turning the show into its own alternate dub it went downhill drastically. If they end it at the Cell saga I wouldn't mind at all.

I hope they at least finish the Cell saga before they stop.

I'm a YGOTAS guy.

They have one of the worst communities on the internet. If you post anything even slightly against them on twitter, youtube or their subreddit, you'll be flooded by dislikes and angry comments.

Toei actually went to personally meet them and say to stop their selling their dbz shit. No I'm not kidding.

>it's an "I'm so privileged I can afford to bitch on twitter all day" episode

I hate these people

Somebody who can speak Japanese should get in contact with Toei about their Patreon.

This. People would complain, but they really should move on from DBZA once they wrap up the Cell Saga. Feels like the fun they had when they started abridging is long gone, so why not leave it for a while at least.

Wait, THAT "Grant" - or do you have a confederate cosplay you'd like to show everyone...?

God bless Toei. They picked the PERFECT moment to just step all over them to leave an awful taste in their fanbases mouth when they realize it's never coming back.

Right before one of the arguably most hyped moments in DBZ that people have been dying for for ages. Also typical liberal cowards, they're so in love with their money they're unwilling to say "We can't do this anymore" because they KNOW that 10,000+ Patreon dollars would be lucky to stay at 500 if they admitted it

They should really just leave on a high note. This and abridging in general got stale years ago.

If they're doing legitimate dubs now, they should just leave DBZA in the past.

I also enjoy Yogurt, great for my health.

They were a scam from the beginning m8. As soon as they got over 1k a month from their fans they stopped keeping a consistent schedule and now they're stopping entirely. Who'dathunk

Wait, what? WHAT? Someone explain to me what happened and please provide a source. This sounds like a longshot here.

>Privileged enough to spend over 90% of their time doing lets plays and going to anime conventions
>Takes 3-4 months (even longer on some occasions) to complete ONE episode, when most seasonal anime are completed in that same time-frame
>New episodes are filled with reddit memes and lazy writing
>Once they became popular, they stopped being non-profit and relied solely on merch and patreon to stay afloat
>Fanbase is filled with Tumblr and Reddit SJWs that will do everything in their power to tell you why your single complaint about TFS is wrong
Toei has fucked up a lot in recent years, but they can redeem themselves if they wipe these fucks off the internet for good.

good lol

So TFS is colluding with them for another Springtime surprise, well it's not like they don't have good taste in who to filch their ideas from, do they? Do they? Do they? Do they? Cameron Frye?

Takahata is one of those people who is so consistently unhealthy he's somehow immune to getting any worse

>I don't enjoy a thing, so I hope it gets erased. Because I can't just not watch it.
My sides, how pathetic can you get? Vicariously hoping that something fails just because your life is a complete mess.

That's pretty fucking dishonest.

>butthurt TFScuck

Right on cue

I'll forever like them no matter how bad they are because Grant agreed with my comment on their stream telling Lani he was retarded for calling a Kingdom Heats boss a Gundam when it was clearly Granteed

I blame thaddeus

>"an episode a month!"
>"two episodes of Hellsing a year!"
>"the letsplays and cons don't interfere with the schedule!"
>"I lost all the episode because my hard-drive broke and there were no backups!"
>"We will be able to make episodes quicker with more money!"
yeah they've been lying for a good long time now.

Yeah, really tired of the gay jokes. Shit won't be missed

they're creating laughter, just not in the way they intended or for the audience they intended.

I recently remembered this thing again, years after just kind of stopping caring about it mainly because I didn't want to keep up with their irregular release pace and just decided to watch it all in one go when they were finished. I rewatched everything last week and got a huge nostalgia rush from the early episodes, because I happened to find them just about the same time when I started to actively lurk Sup Forums in 2008. It kind of took me back to that time which was way better than my current life and I was happy to relive it again, but in all honestly the current state seems like a gigantic clusterfuck and they should just wrap it up.

And based on their "explanation" video for being late, this thread and just generally knowing what happens when popular channels start to ignore the content they gained their fanbase for and try to branch out to some irrelevant shit (let's plays or their own pet projects everyone should magically like because it's done by them etc.) I'd say things are not going to get any better.

They should change it to payment per released episode. That way they would actually have some incentive to start fucking working.

It's the classic e-celebs think they are bigger and better than they really are.
One of the only ways to fail as an e-celeb, is to change the content you produce, espically if you're creating parodies or reviews and start to think that you are also an amazing creator.

Of course Toei is bringing down the hammer. TFS is actually competition for Super. Which is hilarious and just goes to show just how much of a train wreck Super is that a fucking abridging group can actually be viewed as affecting it negatively

Don't forget they make about 5000 dollars almost everyday on twitch on their thursday streams it can go over 10k

They could scrap TFS abridged and not have to worry about sheckles

You lnow I want call them jews for getting so much patreon money while not doing any dbza, but I remember that they explicitly told that the patreon money wouldn't affect dbza's release schedule.
So people must either really like their channel or are jyst idiots who hoped that it would affect the release schedule

>TFS is actually competition for Super.

Toei should pay TFW royalties since they're clearly basing Super's Goku on TFS goku's personality.

>Toei is bringing down the hammer. TFS is actually competition for Super.
Or it could be how they constantly shit talk Super and Xenoverse


This isn't anime

Japanese kids don't even know TFS exist.

the only good abridged is dub of the north star and it died four years ago

none piece is aight


That's the joke. Super is JUST THAT BAD.

But English speaking kids do, and there are a lot more English speaking kids they need to get into watching Dragonball Super to recreate the 90s Dragonboom in the west. Why do you think they've literally moved Super to air at 8:00 PM now instead of midnight?

Wipe, what wipe?

>That's the joke. Super is JUST THAT BAD.

No, you're delusional, or downright stupid.
There is literally no metric by which TFS making about 10k a month is competition for the current most popular anime globally.

>So people must either really like their channel or are jyst idiots who hoped that it would affect the release schedule
Let's be honest here. Considering their fanbase (besides the ones who watched it from the beginning and are just there for nostalgia and wanting to see it finished), it's a combination of both. Blind fanboys who are ALSO fucking retarded.

But they don't?
Hell, their Goku VA constantly makes videos about DBS

Then why would Toei put their foot down?

I really liked everything up until perfect cell.

>it's a "new abridged series is kinda decent but then the episode rate plummets and all they ever do is going to fucking conventions and repeat tired memes to hambeast fujoshis in panels" episode

Yeah and that cuck didn't even really insult this weeks episode because they've got him by the balls so hard. He was flacid as fuck when you get stuff like PoG's 30 minute rant on the destruction of Tien.

>Why do you think they've literally moved Super to air at 8:00 PM now instead of midnight?
That was Adult Swim's decision so they could pull in ratings.
Toei doesn't care how well it does outside of Japan because the majority of profits go to Funimation.
If Toei really cared about their oversee markets, super would have had a simuldub.

What is it with you and the Greeks already, it's tired much like the abridged works of youtube semi-personalities.

They're just abusing DBZA at this point to get the schekels in.
They say that they aren't making money of DBZA by monetizing literally everything else but it, but it is the main draw and the reason people support the patreon.
They must have a jew among their ranks because that sort of financial underhanded smacks of 'em.

You don't watch their gaming channel

The fat ones and Kaiser lover ripping that shit when asked. It was only after the copyright flags that they started watching what they say, but still let it slip during streams

>how dare he have a different opinion!
>30 minutes long rant because a fictional character got ringed out in a battle royale in a cartoon
pure autism

Well dunno, maybe because it's still their copyright?

So does Sup Forums hate DBZA because its popular or because its made the guys who made it successful?

I'm gonna take this as ''guy on Sup Forums overexaggerates jokes as usual'' until I check it by myself

TFS was never funny.

Funimation likes them because they think it promotes their product, but the Japanese dont see fair use in the same regard,


I was looking forward to Cell making the heroic sacrifice against Gohan because he foresaw his role in the Super continuity and that time he and Cooler were cool dudes having a chill day.
>Gohan, my brother, be well - and always remember to tell your dad's to shut up. And really now that I consider it green isn't always your best -

>but the Japanese dont see fair use in the same regard
Explain comiket.

Technically they can bring down the hammer if they felt like it, most just don't want to go through the trouble and seeing it's as big as it is now it would only bring in bad rep.

They make a purposeful exception for it because its so big, but under Japanese law its technically illegal

Hal, what are you doing not using Raiden as a cheap alternative to Lantern dependence disorder?

Sounds like this ''cuck'' is a reasonable adult who doesn't sperg over everything like your average DBtard
I bet you are a nigger too

Japanese don't have fair use laws, but creators don't take anti fanwork stances.
Toei is an exception.

You know this whole "you just hate it because it's popular" or "you're just jealous" is a really fucking tired way to dodge criticism. What if something that used to be good has just become shit and people don't like that developement? What if the creators are behaving like scumbags and jewing people out of their money without doing any work? There are tons of legitimate reasons to dislike the current TFS/DBZA and trying to sweep them under the rug just makes you look like a blind fanboy.

>$11,644 from the Pateon
>~$5,000 from Twitch minimum
>~$1,000 from the YouTube gaming channel minimum
>Merchandise sales too
>Ad revenue from there site
They've got a sweet gig going on. I can see why they don't want to give it up.

The objectively best abridged series is Chevaliers du Zodiaque Abrégé

Right, my point is most japanese corporations understand the value of parody work.

Because why the fuck not stamp out some leeches?

I like TFS they seem like some pretty cool dudes. Especially in their Game play vids.

What I cant stand are their annoying fucking fans that cant stop fucking quoting them in every fucking DBZ video or saying "I cant wait to see tfs do this" and shit like that.

Their LPs are terrible, too, although their "classic" LPs of L4D are LPkino

That other guy really was the best, Gan/Gon

The bigger properties do crack down on Doujins, though, at least some of them. This is also different; these guys are essentially just redubbing the show without a license

So is there actually any source for all the shit you fags are spouting or is it just speculation pulled out of your asses?

The money is going to run out at some point. They need to be aware of that.

>Sure, and I like the early seasons better too, but that doesn't mean I hate it or blame them for turning their fan product into a money making operation through indirect means.

And I also think Sup Forums eats up shit but hates on everything popular or that seemed to take effort because they are a bunch of contrarians

Because it's still copyright infringement you moron
It's just amazing when people who hate on Super come up with literal irl fanfiction about how Toei operates and thinks
It's just a fucking cartoon in the end, grow the fuck up

The thing is that after some point people will start to leave them if there's no updates for the thing they came for in fucking forever. They are really fucking dumb if they don't realize that even for milking/scamming they should at least have something every now and then to keep the people hooked.

They're fighting to strive on like desperate strugglers in a no more heroics [paradise]
Seriously why do you even have that saved Blum?

Parody work is one thing, but Comiket is much, muuuuuch bigger than TFS.
And Toei are much bigger than Comiket.
They can do what they want. They're a fucking huge studio. If they want to dick on some low-tier western fucks they can and will.

Not him, but ask I do is it such a crime to love grape soda pop if you remove the corn syrup and benzoates?

Doujinshi are illegal, but if authors would start to sue the goverment would intervene and protect them.
Abe already wanted to pass a law protecting Comiket because of the TPP.

>Abe already wanted to pass a law protecting Comiket because of the TPP.
Thank Trump it fell apart. Obama was doing everything in his power to pass it in the final months of his presidency.

Toei might have had something to do with it

But the real reason they are stopping is because most of their money comes from Twitch & it's very laid back work just to stream games & shit

DBZA takes a ton of work (The editing is impressive even if you think the show is shit) & the amount of money they get in return just isn't worth the effort they put into it

This is no different to Egoraptor or Oney stopping animation to focus on Let's Plays, it's just how it is