Half-white, Half-Native American user here

I'm not sure which side to choose without suffering from cognitive dissonance.



Find out what you identify yourself as, go from there. Or do like me, a mutt, who chose to see no peoples' skin color but rather their actions.

Advocate for Natives integrating into general society. What happened to them sucks but afaik most of the reservations are shitholes and the people living on them would be better off if they were able to successfully integrate.

Defend the Constitution and shoot anyone who fights against it.

It's not about choosing a side. It's about not becoming an untermensch like Sup Forumstards and Shillary bots. That's the real redpoll, and it's one that always gets posters on this board all assmad.

I have green eyes and dark-brown hair and most people just assume I'm white. But then again, I always feel as if I have to prove that I'm fully white.

That is a good message, Leaf user.

Nigger learn your history

A cajun or a Quebecker depending if you're too brown

Think for yourself, chief.

Wtf?? A Meztizo can chose to be white? Race fluidity is a myth mate

Both. Take the best, most powerful aspects of native culture and use them to fight for civilization. Put on your war paint and fight the savages in the name of the future. Go full Turok.

Even though you are "half Indian" you are probably more like 60%+ European, your Indian ancestors likely were part Viking. You probably aren't too different from a Spaniard, Italian, Greek, etc.
Choose which you like more, one of those countries or Chile/Argentina/Patagonia.

Join us in the race war
The negros are a race of lazyness and filth, us whites are a race of kings and conquerors, the natives a race of warriors.

Kill the jew. Together, my friend.

The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly... That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell.

I think whites in the United States/Canada/Latin America should fight with Natives against the left/gangsters/cartels.

Everyone who cares will see you're not purebred european but you're in the US. That's not the standard. There are people who are considered "white" who are quadroon nogs for crying out loud.

You have nothing to prove other than your capacity to contribute to the society you're in.

you're both
why is this hard to understand? take pride in your native ancestry and your white ancestry and support both races. easy. you're welcome

You'll suffer cognitive dissonance either way for the record. But given your people's history you're probably better off siding with us anyway.

Hey man I'm not untermensch, I have a diploma in Chadology to prove it.

>I have green eyes and dark-brown hair and most people just assume I'm white. But then again, I always feel as if I have to prove that I'm fully white.

I feel the same way. Most people here would just call themselves white, but I was raised by a racist grandma so I know I'm a full "white passing" mutt.

why choose?
embrace both sides because you'll never shed either of them, nor should you.

I know a Indian like you(green eyes dark hair) he hates whites, and is gay. Which is funny as all hell, how you going to create a Indian homeland, when your gay?

Be like my best friend in high school, and support a true America, White/Armeindian America.

There’s no such thing as half white.

You are a mixture between both. Why is this difficult? Every human being you meet is a mixture of something. Even bonafide American whites are a mixture of a lot of European races, odds are your "white" half is too.

Whwn tshtf, just slaughter nogs and spics. Everyone wins.

Ask yourself what kind of future do you want your children or grandchildren to grown up in. Either a European society the way it used to be or Brazil. Shouldn't be to hard to figure out which is better

Multiracial user here. Literally every race.

I understand the situation, bro. I really do.

White and utilize the victim card god gave you

Define “every race” you mean you have african, European, asian, etc?

Yell" Circle the wagons " and see which side you end up on

I am 1-8% native and 92-99% western european. Wat do, /pol?

there are no sides. Don't be a nigger.

>I always feel
Feel . What are you a woman ? Use logic FFS . Incase you are a woman , I'll think for you . You are you . That comes first above all else . 2. Natives are just about wiped out . Remember your Native ancestors and family - dont forget . You are now white .

Just to add,
Every "tribe" meeting i've been to has basically been a meme. Most of the people do not want to work because of all the gibs they receive and have also succumbed to nigger culture.

On top of that, I look more white than anyone else at the meetings.
I'm 6'0" with green eyes and brown hair. They would even make fun of me and joke that I'm a "white spy." It's kind of hard to not hate them when they make fun of the same people that obliterated them and are clearly superior.

North America is Atlantis. Whites are the only race actually Indigenous to this Continent.
The Solutrean First Nations became white, and blue eyes first happened on NA.
Indians are just Asians that migrated to a new Continent and then killed the Clovis and stole the land.
Europe was under Ice when whites lived on North America.