The only interracial couples I see irl are white male + asian female. Why does Sup Forums keep pushing this "white people are cucks" meme
The only interracial couples I see irl are white male + asian female...
>Sup Forums
its literally one poster thats been doing it since 2011
Because white people are genetically created by reptilians to cause chaos on the earth so when they come we won't be united to fight back.
It's more like a small handful of beta cucks and autismos that have always hated Sup Forums since this board started. I see threads here all the time that I saw back when this place was /new/. Now that's some dedicated autism
Subhumans worship the bwc consciously and subconsciously. Even the "males".
I literally only saw asian women with men of other races today on the train. Mostly white, but I saw one with a big and another with a spic. I must have seen 10 total. Asians are whores.
we all saw independence day (based on a true story), all we need is one sassy black guy and one nervous jew to defeat the aliens
The untermench wants your superior seed.
You must deny it to them.
I hope we go to war with Korea so we can bring back the term zipperhead. Fucking shovelfaces.
White-Asian racemixing is a long time tradition that's pretty much built into these respective races' DNA. This is basically the story of central Asia.
You're just going to create more Supreme Gentleman ie. Elliot Roger.
come to the us senpai
get yourself a nice dark skin qt
Sup Forums's just trying to keep us from capitalizing on white fever. shameful.
Tossing this out there.
still doesn't explain the op question
>The only interracial couples I see irl are white male + asian female.
Nigger, do you even California? I've literally seen every possible interracial combination already
Campaign to demoralize white males and achieve something worse than a Holocaust upon European heritage.
>"white people are cucks" meme
Whites are the ones who hate themselves and vote against the interests of their own people.
I’ve noticed that white girls can’t resist us Asian guys, move over BBC make way for the BAC
well not that you've filled out your card you're ready to move onto playing trans children bingo.
some girl in canada will be feeling 2 inches of pain tonight
because it gets yous
Your porn crowdfunding venture fell apart spectacularly.
get in here faggots
120dB posters ready to go up and given the seal of approval from the organizers via a tweet:
Randy Quaid isn't a nervous Jew. He's infamous for naming the Jew.
>Why does Sup Forums keep pushing this "white people are cucks" meme
you think this place is immune to the jew and his lies?
Huwhite here
You'd be amazed how many ads in HK push the AMWF coupling, Chinese men must feel extremely cucked
HK was under UK control for over a century. It isn't surprising.
like what? havent seen any desu
>two white people fuck
>omg you're gonna create another adam lanza!
Mating with a gook destroys your white gene pool you Cuck
because it's their fetish and they want to share it with others, obviously
if you haven't figured out this place is a joke and about half the users aren't in on it, i don't know what to tell you
I just saw a qt blonde girl with a black guy outside of my dorm
not so Leaf... "white" people are Adamic ,seedline of Adam and Eve, (eth ha Adam) the man Adam. The Kenites on the other hand are from Cains seedline aka Kenites and we know which (((group)))(((they))) are pretending to be today...
I'm half black/white and for some reason it makes me kinda upset to see white women with black men even though I date white women myself. *shrugs* I also don't look black or white I look arab.
what is this sweeties name and does she have a website or post on adult websites??
>white male + asian female.
More and more WMAF means more and more asian men and white women lonely.
these pics are recycled. As I recall, she's a tumblrina and its some kind of anti-white satire.
>Why does Sup Forums
Do you read other boards besides Sup Forums? Cuck and "trap" shit is being pushed on every board. Just trying to poison those young minds early.
Instant boner.
White "girls" dont give me boners anymore. But this makes me fucking diamonds.
and yet (((she))) Golda, is a product of 'miscegnation', Khazar/Kenite mixed with some admixture of Caucasoid/Mongoloid... but (((they))) are so full of self-worship from the 'serpent seed' genetics and Talmud/Kabbalah hate indoctrination. AND (((they))) push 'miscegnation' in every nation and land that (((they))) inhabit, see Kalergi Plan. It is time to push 'miscegenation' on (((them))) at every opportunity, the Kalergi Plan for Israel(fake Israel) and (((them)) wherever (((they)) exist...
>Be in Australia
>"The only interracial couples I see irl are white male + asian female."
No shit that is all you see faggot.
I see a lot of White + Latino
Usually white male and Hispanic female but pretty often I see Hispanic male and white female
talking about (((Jeff Goldblum)))
You can still fuck them.
>only beta males breed with asian women, their genes are not wanted, they are cleaning our gene pool anyway
*breathes in*
>mating with gooks destroys your white gene pool you cuck!
white men need to fuck black women, take a picture with #blacklivesmatter