Her expected replacement is Kevil De Leon. For those who don't remember, "30 mag clip" guy. Definitely not pro-gun, but nowhere near as competent as Feinstein.
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We haven't won shit, she still can win at the ballot and if you trust the polls she's gonna wipe De Leon.
This is still Californian politics so we will never win because they are gun grabbing faggots.
Wouldn't De Leon be worse, if not just as bad?
I'll press C to cum on her corpse.
Nah Cali dems aren't republican senators. Republican senators will tear him to shreds.
Kinda surprised that some on /k/ would favor replacing a centrist with a progressive, but what do i know.
It certainly couldn't be that her replacement would be a dude...
It's not. It's the fact that they're both far left on guns, but De Leon's less competent about it than her.
t. Woman
F pay respects to my bleeding mutilated stump of a penis.
To the ovens with this kike!
"Centerist" go back to Comet Pizza and brag how you slooped-us
That's because you're Sup Forums.
Go away. Here's the door
This is bad /k/, instead of staying in Washington DC all the time where she'll get nothing done, this is going to free her up to do other things. I hope you're getting with your friends and sleeping in shifts, lest you wake up with your guns gone and dominatrix Dianne Feinstein (with 65+ years of experience) preparing to bring you into total submission to prove to you that having guns won't protect you.
Actually when it comes to internal politics of Democrats in California it comes down to whether you kiss the fucking ring of the powers. If Feinstein is no longer in favor it doesn’t what her poll numbers say she will fall.
I'm afraid I don't follow your spicy memes, sir.
Is that a pistol grip in your pants? Looks like you'll need punishment~
>m-my shoulder thing is going up on its own!
stop, she's a gross looking 80 year old
>he's not into the GILFs
>he thinks this is a joke
65+ years of dominatrix experience would be a few times the amount of experience that interrogators for the CIA do. She knows every button to press. You would be putty in her hands if you haven't gone through SERE training and even for people who have gone through SERE training it would be incredibly tough.
Naughty user! Don't make me take your guns ;)
>trading a smart Jew for some dumb illegal spic
I’ll take it.
I'll never understand that style of drawing.
Die cunt!!!!!!!!!
I live in Sacramento, know a few people who work at the capital. If what they say about De Leon is true he will be shredded in DC because he is a bumbling oaf who diet dr. rascism and sexual scandal enabling has been (poorly) covered up by the California country club that is the democratic party. I give him 2 years before he fucks up big and gets thrown under the bus.
That's pretty obvious from the "This is a ghost gun" video. It'll be wonderful.
>we won
It's only begun.
>t. Woman
real woman or Sup Forums woman?
>still thinking this is a joke
Give it a bit user. If you aren't careful, you'll disappear and never be seen again. Not long after, you'll turn up as another maid in her mansion, perfect in deportment, appearance, hatred of guns, and ability to entertain guests. You will be locked in a chastity belt on a permanent basis and only be allowed to cum when using your boipussy to pleasure the male guests, which is a task only alloted to her best performing maids over the past 12 months. Any missteps in performance will lead to remedial training coupled with extended periods of strict bondage with you held on the edge of orgasm for periods of time starting at hours and stretching to weeks on end for the most serious offenses (after which even the strongest resistance will be completely broken and will only care about achieving pleasure rather than silly things like constitutional rights). Any politician or lobbyist invited over to her mansion will quickly succumb to her will when offered pleasure from her maids, especially when considering the maids have training and an incentive to make their pleasuring Feinstein's guests take as long as possible.
Well, it's not death by Spiked baseball bat, but it's good enough.
Feinstein was the major villain of Season 1, but now you need to battle and defeat Ginsburg so the SCOTUS can get unfucked..
This is bad. I don’t like Feinstein, but she still seems to have some functioning neurons in her head.
She and Chuck Grassley were two of the people given the highly secretive briefing by Comey on the Russia investigation a year or so ago. When Feinstein and Grassley left neither would speak about the briefing, and Feinstein had a look of incredible shock on her face, like she had been winded. Both she and Grassley have also not been appearing in many or any of the anonymous “Leaks” or conspiracy threads since then. I suspect the Democrats deciding to get rid of her is a possible hit job from people on her own side who will be worse, unless an actual conservative Republican gets elected instead.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein told CBS "Face the Nation" no law would have stopped the Las Vegas shooter from killing 58 people and injuring more than 500 at a country music concert last week.
The California Democrat made the comment as Congress debates how — or whether — to move forward on gun control measures that would prevent another Las Vegas-like tragedy. CBS "Face the Nation" host John Dickerson asked Feinstein if Congress could pass any law that would have stopped Stephen Paddock's rampage.
"No, he passed background checks registering for handguns and other weapons on multiple occasions," said Feinstein, who noted Paddock didn't display any of the signs one might look for in a potential shooter like a criminal record or mental illness.
>De Leon
"We are a nation of laws that makes it far too easy for any individual to acquire weapons designed for hostile battlefields. Those weapons of mass death have turned our great nation into a shooting gallery and Congress must act to stop it."
"California has learned its lesson and taken steps to ban military-grade weapons and large-capacity magazines. I hope that Congress will consider the casualties of its cozy relationship with the gun lobby and finally find the courage and independence to stand up to them."
they just want to kick her out because she's too old and not brown looking to jive with their identity politics. They want Kevin ~Rico Suave~ De thirty magazine clip because he's more popular with the mexican audience who is the majority of this state.
She also wanted to make it illegal for you to have access to the mathematics that powered HTTPS websites or use PGP on your emails because math refused to bow before a federal warrant.
I’m not saying I like her, I’m saying, the Democratic party wants to replace her because she’s way to conservative, and probably ethical, for their future agenda. Or, the conspiracy theories over on Sup Forums and Voat/Pizzagate etc. and true or partially true, and she chose to flip, and the “deepstate” wants her gone. Look at her starements about guns after the Vegas shooting.
I never thought I would see the day where liberals are so fucking insane that they get rid of Feinstein for not being on board with their insanity.
Honestly stock up on stripped lowers and as much ammo as humanly possible. A real shit storm is coming.
Did I just get blocked from Sup Forums?
Ok, this is weird, I’m blocked from posting on Sup Forums but not the other boards.
Anyone know why that might be?
I haven’t posted anything recently on Sup Forums
Nigger, you're retarded. It is guaranteed that she'll either win or be replaced by another Democrat. And California has a top 2 general election, meaning the ballot November ballot can be 2 Democrats.
You couldn't be more fucking dumb if you actively tried.
Shit man, F just cuz I'm from ny
Nobody cares. Also anyone that posts on Sup Forums should be banned from every other board and vice versa.
>implying this isn't part of my elaborate plan to have my boipucci bred by Trump
Remember in 2016, Barbara Boxer had retired and there was an open Senate seat for the first time in decades in California. The general election ended up being Kamala Harris vs Loretta Sanchez, both Democrats. Same thing will happen this time.
>Same thing will happen this time.
wrong. I'm in the running. I will make my state great again. NCR now
Get on IRC fgt
>A real shit storm is coming.
Oh yes it is. I'm buying a drum mag soon before they are horridly expensive. We need to be careful about starting panic buys though.
So wait........ Feinstein actually conceded ground for once?
At this point, are polls really that accurate?
Soon this slimy old kike is going to die.
It will be a very, very good day.