>walk into my dad's office
>stand at full height and speak at a confident but assertive volume
>"dad, I've decided on my career path"
>"well it's about time, son. Your mother and I were getting very worried about your future; at 23 you're far too old to be living at home anymore. What did you choose? Medicine? Law? Engineering? Maybe something with computers?"
>look him dead in the eye
>"I want to be a political commentator"
>total silence
>his eyes glaze over for a moment and he stares out the window
>after about a minute he gets up from his office chair
>I stand about five inches taller than him but when he approaches me I feel like a little boy again
>dad: "so how are you going to make money?"
>"well at this point I'm just working on becoming competent at my craft, not so much financial success. I'll probably send articles to small papers and journals until I'm good enough to publish nationally, but it'll be years, maybe decades, before I'll get that far, and even then financial success is far from assured--"
>he slaps me as hard as he can across the face
>I try to speak but he slaps me again
>he hasn't slapped me since I was a teenager
>dad: "let me know when you decide on a career. You're running out of time."
>I run out of his office and down to my basement room, tears streaming down my face
>fire up the laptop and open Chrome
>into the URL bar I begin to type: "boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/..."
Walk into my dad's office
Join armed forces like marines or army
>you're a loser!
You're really blazing a trail with this one dude
then the keyboard tsrated clapping.
Sage this gayness.
You should honestly just join the military at this point.
Don't listen to this cuck. Armed services won't improve your life.
It's only for fucked up individuals who have failed at life.
Of all the unbelievable aspects of this story, I find it hardest to believe that someone would type in boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/ to access this site in Chrome.
pol tards don't get subtle humor
>political commentator
You should have been a bit more precise. You should have said you wanted to get into journalism and perhaps found a media company or your own publication. You should have spoken about the wide-open world of opportunities thanks to the internet and the exposure it can bring.
Sup Forums is a place only for rich and sussesful alpha males. Get out!
why you didnt say a reddit commentator
You might think you're dad's being a hardass but it's his house and his money. I'd pursue an (actual) career first and do political commentary on the side. I know Sup Forums hates her but look at Lauren Southern or that guy from 1791L. All they do is make the occasional Youtube video and are taken as serious political commentators.
We're living in a new age user, abuse it.
lmao fucking kek. pretty sure this is b8 but i'll take it anyway
you're supposed to learn something useful like computer coding and then do your hobby on the side. I do insurance sales but play classical music on the side.
you can have both desu
Wrong board kid.
there is no political point in your thread
just a made up greentext strory
Please kill yourself amerigoblin
Political commentator? Try something that gives real value to society - artist, computer scientist, something like that.
Well, get out there using your real name and start being a political commentator. Write articles and submit them to sympathetic websites, start a youtube channel, start a blog, get on twatter, gab, plebbit, and fagbook. Find a style, craft a persona, and hone your skills as a writer and public personality.
Stop talking about being a political commentator and just fucking do it.
Your father just wants whats best for you. get a trade and start making money while you deside what tou really want to do. it will keep your Dad happy amd you'll make good money
>Don't go into the armed services goyim it's for losers and "dumb stupid animals" (Kissinger)
>Don't go into the military you'll fight Israel's wars for Jewish supremacy
The reality is while the 2nd is true, you shouldn't blow off the military.
Collapse/Civil War 2 is coming and if you don't have military training you are at an extreme disadvantage, esp during the militia/insurgency phase and the mass riots phase.
Yes there are ways to learn some of these skills via book learning which could be monumental towards your survival chances, but nothing beats hands on experience
My favorite part was when you got the second bitch slap. Does your dad look like bob newhart?
You're a fucking loser.
Its copypasta ya tards
obviously you fucking newfag
Not a bad suggestion. Do something tangible and practical while you pursue your real goals. Just don't lose sight of what you really want.
>political commentator
Faggot. Get a real job.
Not only that, but it’s also got good benefits and makes decent starter adult money, and at 23 if he’s not even making that he should consider it. Plus, if OP is at least halfway not stupid he could get a cushy assignment
>mfw working and studying
>barely sleep 4 hours a day
>spend all weekends doing homework and other "productive" shit
>start feeling like dying
Am i gonna make it?
This. It will give your LARPs (like this one) and political commentary more credibility. You're too old to attend a college of any intrinsic value to the masses to whom you'll be v trying to appeal.
And you're here on an Estonian Basket Weaving Forum because?
Your Dad really cares about you user. Treasure him, because he probably just saved your life.
Get your ass into a fucking trade. I'm an electrician and do very well for myself. Get off your ass and get to work. Trades will toughen you up too, you're softer than babyshit son.
get in here faggots
120dB posters ready to go up and given the seal of approval from the organizers via a tweet:
Wtf are you even trying to communicate here dipshit?
Sort yourself out or die NEET.
Yes you will. It seems endless, but you'll be surprised when you realize it's over. Like a mountain off your shoulders.
It's a movement protesting the migrant invasion of Europe. Widespread protests already happening in Germany
my sides, funny larp man