How do I red pill my wife? I feel like she's a "closet conservative". I know she doesn't like homosexuals as it's a sin but she always scolds me when I make comments about black people or homosexuals. It's like she thinks it's OK when she thinks it in her head but she doesn't like hearing me say it. Does that make sense. She's got a lot of cognitive dissonance.
How do I red pill my wife? I feel like she's a "closet conservative"...
Hey Rabbi? Whatcha doin?
women scold all the time, it's just a shit test. if you scurry away from her scolding with your tail between your legs you fail. if you get upset that she scolded you, you fail. whether she ends up "redpilled" or not depends entirely on the confidence (without hints of insecurity) you can project and has nothing to do with logical arguments.
That Quad has a snorkel¿
homosexuality is a dental disorder, and it corrupts the children
blacks aren't just different in skin colour, like men and women are different, so are the races. chemically(ex. aggression) and biologically (ex. bones)
Keep those things to yourself unless you're in a private setting. Women care about their reputation more than anything else. They don't want to be "that nazi guy's wife". Most women I've fucked seem really receptive towards rightwing ideas. They appreciate a man who has fire in the inside, and furthermore they're the ones often victim of mentioned riff raff. Like a guy can get beaten up once in a blue moon when going out, but some grills will be harassed by monkeys and other degenerates almost everywhere in public.
Rule 38: think as you like, act like the others
its for the air intake, there's another for the exhaust so it is fully submersible
Get her pregnant
Damn that is probably the truest thing I've heard. My wife is so fucking obsessed with appearances its insane. I think it has something to do with her childhood. Like she imagines all kinds of crazy scenarios, like we have to keep the house spotless 100% of the time because god forbid my landlord comes over to ask us something and sees some clutter.
I already have one kid who I'm working on red pilling. Got to figure out how to do that without setting off all kinds of red flags at her school. I feel like kids are liberals until they reach adulthood anyway so I'm not pushing it too hard.
>we have to keep the house spotless 100% of the time because god forbid my landlord comes over to ask us something and sees some clutter.
Lmao. Reminds me of many of my friends's girls. I can't stand living with other people and their neurosis though so I just became a sperm donor instead.
>homosexuality is a dental disorder
Well if this is true it will be nothing short of the best dentists/orthodontists for my future children even if I must clone myself and work 5+ jobs!!
kek i meant mental
tho removing their teeth is prob not a bad solution
If your wife is worried about BS like sodomites or nigs it means she isn't busy enough worrying about her kids so clearly she needs more.
Is she currently pregnant? If not, get to it
Wouldn't it make it easier to suck dick then?
Not to be an ass but unless you have a male heir to pass on your Y chromosome to your job still isn't done.
if you cant redpill your wife you might as well just get a divorce. youre not a leader.
I have a snorkel in my motorcycle that i use when i go dick around in the river, i had not seen one in a quad, pretty cool.
This. You shouldn't be discussing these things with your wife.
Frankly, I doubt that's a pic of your wife.
From my experience a woman will agree on anything you say as long as you fuck her right and are unapologetic about your opinions.
Sounds like you're the one with cognitive dissonance, friend.
>gay bad cuz bible
>so hate people
Pretty sure you're taking a handful of quotes out of context to justify your bigotry, and ignoring the hundreds of pages on compassion, tolerance and generosity.
Also you have to be strong willed. Which is hard to be if you live with a woman for over a year. Men who live with women permanently have low test. There's a reason we used to leave the camp to go out and hunt. Any man who has gone on a male only trip into nature knows this.
Ok... Gays are bad because they abuse children and spread diseases more than anyone