Im not very savy with sporting rifles, but isn't pic related similar to an AR-15? Dont they fire the same round? Lmao at liberals carrying their torches and pitch forks trying to ban the AR15 but arent even aware there are comercially available civilian AK-47s.
Im not very savy with sporting rifles, but isn't pic related similar to an AR-15? Dont they fire the same round...
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Depends what you get it chambered in.
AK's fire 7.62. But you are right. Ban the AR-15 all you want, there are another 100 other rifles that do the same thing with more lethality.
This seems like bait, but ARs are typically in 5.56 and AKs are the larger 7.62. Both rifle platforms can be built to support other rounds though.
Definitely bait if he says they fire the same round
Not bait at all..I know nothing about these types of rifle and what calibre of round they fire. Im just genuinely amused that liberals think the AR-15 is the only type of commercially available "assault rifle".
ARs are for domestic terrorist. AKs are for jihadists and other freedom fighter terrorists.
That’s an auto killer 47. The 47 stands for 47 bullet clips a second. another American design (unsurprisingly) that was specifically design to kill women and children. If you a rural retards who jerks off thinking about protecting yourself, I’m sorry to inform you this gun will also be banned. We have actual military personnel calling for the 2nd amendment be clipped. I can give you advice that most of you gun owners exclude in actual hunters, should stick your death machine up your ass and kill yourselves. It will be a better end than when trained swat teams enter your shacks and accidental shoot your relatives. Fuck your guns and the National Retards Association. You losing finally.
>Organization that pushed for a machine gun and assault weapon ban are killers
> (OP)
>That’s an auto killer 47. The 47 stands for 47 bullet clips a second. another American design (unsurprisingly) that was specifically design to kill women and children. If you a rural retards who jerks off thinking about protecting yourself, I’m sorry to inform you this gun will also be banned. We have actual military personnel calling for the 2nd amendment be clipped. I can give you advice that most of you gun owners exclude in actual hunters, should stick your death machine up your ass and kill yourselves. It will be a better end than when trained swat teams enter your shacks and accidental shoot your relatives. Fuck your guns and the National Retards Association. You losing finally.
I fucking hope this is a new copy pasta
AK74 is almost the same round.
Russians can shoot American Ammo in their guns, but we cant shoot theirs.
Same for any 7.62x54 rimmed. They will shoot NATO ammo, but not vice versa
I wonder why all the domestic mass shootings happen with ARs instead of AKs. The choice seems obvious if you're going for kill count that you'd want that .30 cal punch
Fucking mental midget
It's to make you hate your neighbor and the military; the two things that you would naturally join with in a time of crisis. It's D&C.
>dat flag
>doesn't know gunz
Availability. AR's are much more popular in the US.
>ar-15 gets banned
well i still have thousands of rounds of .223 i can shoot from some other thing
Are they really AK47s?
Thought it was all ak74 and the 47 is just a meme from olden days.
Even if it is bait, an AR can come in a variety of calibres including 7.62.
Maybe for nogunz I suppose
why don't you ask /k/, you enormous faggot?
a decent quality AR is much easier to find and quite a bit cheaper than a decent quality AK
ak47 is from mid the mid 40s to the mid 50s.
akm is from the mid to late 50s up to the 70s. you can tell it apart from an ak47 because it has a bakelite grip and a muzzle compensater.
ak74 is lighter, they usually use bakelite mags and they have a different muzzle. pic related.
american made aks can be based off of any designs. century arms makes a lot of decent aks. they're all semi-automatic.
there are also imports that are converted to semi automatic. they all range from price and quality.
7.62x39 is much cheaper and more widely available in the US than 5.45x39 now that 7n6 is banned from import
wrong image but whatever. just google it.
Nigger what? You can get a century N-PAP for ~$400 and it's at least top 5 if not top 3 best AK you can buy
>Im not very savy with sporting rifles, but isn't pic related similar to an AR-15?
Short answer, yes, assuming semi auto version.
Longer version, there's differences in the methods of firing, how the recoil system works, how the safety works, but overall, lock and load, aim, and each pull of the trigger shoots one round.
>Don't they fire the same round?
AKM deriviatives fire 7.62x39mm, AR fires 5.56x45mm, AK74 fires 5.45x39mm
>Lmao at liberals carrying their torches and pitch forks trying to ban the AR15 but aren't even aware there are commercially available civilian AK-47s.
When they say they want to ban AR15s, they aren't talking about JUST AR15s. They're talking about banning all semiauto rifles.
AR15s, AKs, SCARs, FALs, M1 garands, SKS, M14s, HKs, ect.
They'll have hundreds and hundreds of rifles banned by name.
Pretty much, any semi auto ban will mean the only things safe would be maybe some bolt action rifles and MAYBE some revolvers.
Assault Rifle is a made up term by literally Hitler. These guns actually fire a less powerful round than traditional or battle rifles.
Civilians can't even have a real "assault rifle" by military standards. So assault rifle is a made up term by the media.
>well i still have thousands of rounds of .223 i can shoot from some other thing
Again, a semi auto ban won't just be coming after AR15s.
This is a nice copypasta
ive heard very bad things about Century. have they straightened their shit out yet?
i think an "assault rifle ban" (banning pistol grips, adjustable stocks) is far more likely than an all around semi auto ban.
an all around semi auto ban is too far fetched. you'd have to take away grandpappys m14 and fucking 1920s era rifles.
This reminds me that I want to get an AK this year. Or a Dragunov.
have fun paying 2k+ for a legit dragunov
>you'd have to take away grandpappys m14 and fucking 1920s era rifles.
The rhetoric is doing just that, and the political environment is going more and more that direction.
Whatever they propose, it'll be far, far more restrictive than the 1994 FAWB, just like the 2013 Assault weapons ban was, the 2018 proposal I'm sure will go even beyond that.
>Ban the AR-15
>go ahead
>pic related isn't an AR-15
No answer to combating gun shootings does not always have to be another gun. Fuck, look at swat or tactical forces using a gun is last resort flash bangs tear gas pepper spay and negations then you snipe their ass if that fails. The problem was the insane antifa fucker I am not going to say he was innocent and it had to be the gun the did the crime. Shit when the story of him being a alt right Nazi fell apart they when after gun rights. stop giving them ground.
Supposedly so. I've listened to quite a few reviews and I've only heard good things about their AKs but I believe they import them from a manufacturer in Serbia now. I don't remember, all I remember is they're quality. If not an N-PAP then a cheap PSAK-47 will do the trick it's not like these engagements are further than 25 feet.
It's a black semi automatic rifle, with a detachable magazine. Close enough.
Ten seconds with any search engine you could have educated yourself before making this post. How fucking lazy are you?
Post ends in 47.
It is meant to be.
Need something to hang on the rearview mirror of my Gelandewagen.
I'm hoping I'll be in the right spot to grab a Glock 17, an AR-15, an AKM semi auto and a Mossberg 590a1
big if true.
what this means is we're gonna have the atf knocking on doors, and a lotta folks wont take too kindly to a bunch of government officials trying to fuck with what belongs to them.
we're paving the road to civil war 2. and frankly i dont mind that too much. we've sunk so low as a society that the only way to fix it is to tear ourselves down and start again.
Wait until libtards see this.
A decent AK costs at least $1,000 because it was made with Soviet slave labor. American AKs just cannot compete. If you want a decent AK, it should be made by Arsenal as opposed to Century Arms. If you are poor enough that you can't afford an Arsenal AK, then just get an AR, they've got the manufacturing down such that you can get an excellent one for $500.
But 5.56 ammo don't kill niggas like dat 7.62 nomeen
Bought a Mini-14 yesterday at the local gun show. First semiauto purchase. I fucking love the classic wood stock. Tacticool edgy black plastic shit is for retarded manchildren who want to play military on the shooting range.
Saw 4 teenagers bringing jet black painted ARs with all kinds of retarded mods today on the range when I went to try out my Mini-14 for the first time. Absolute faggots spouting retarded /r/t_d memes like "defend kekistan from the liberals!".
I know at least one of you fuckers browses this board, you know who you are. Fuck you for making responsible gun owners look retarded.
What about my cool Desert tan one.
2013 ban went down in flames and that was with a Democrats controlled Senate and after Sandy Hook.
The media is shilling this shooting hard but i can already sense interest is starting to drift. I don't think the left can muster anything more than pointlessly banning shit like bump stocks.
>century arms
>good AKs
choose one nogunz
this guy knows
>isn't pic related similar to an AR-15
Yeah sure.
>Dont they fire the same round?
>comercially available civilian AK-47s
They aren't, what you see is a sporterized version of the kalashnikov pattern rifles.
t. fudd
On a more serious note, the ar 15 would be a much better choice for a shtf scenario. The spare parts, accuracy, and it's reliability cannot be beat.
Like wood? Pic related.
I said decent. You get what you pay for. And they're pretty cheap.
>Assault Rifle is a made up term by literally Hitler.
All words are made up, and the inventor of a thing gets to name it.
>assault rifle is a made up term by the media
You're thinking of assault weapon.
I just want to add to your post that the Ruasians found the 5.45 wouldnt penetrate concrete if a sniper was behind it. So thats why they kept the 7.62. Because it penetrates through hardened barriers.
/k/ outside of /akg shits on 7.62x39 but it's actually a pretty decent round tbqh desu
A bolt action 300 win mag, will drop large game. You think liberals who claim they are "smart" would want to ban powerful rifles. The .223 although fast, is a tiny round in the hunting world.
Century C39v2.
Dont believe the shit talkers.
Just oil the bolt carrier and it will eat ammo forever.
US made- milled receiver .
Best feeling, cycling, and shooting AK Ive ever shot other than a Valmet.
Just oil it.
Why are we not allowed the same arms as the military? I thought the 2nd amendment was to keep the government in check.
What's a pistol gonna do againat macineguns and missiles?
>dat Ithaca
Mind you I have no idea what I'm talking about, but aren't AK-47s better against armored targets and in harsh environments (not to mention a more powerful round enabling you to hunt game where an AR-15 is more of a varmint rifle)? Wouldn't they be the better choice for a shtf scenario?
Or is the AR-15 better in a 1%-64% shitty scenario and an AK-47 better in a 65%-100% shitty scenario?
I'll stick to my AK. But very nice collection user.
get some wood furniture you heathen
the ak-47 has been carried by more armies than any other firearm in the world...
We were up into I belive 1986. When drug runners were killimg themselves in huge numbers in Floroda during the cocaine wars. Thus President Regan signed into law banning the future sale to the public of Automatic Weapons.
>But 5.56 ammo don't kill niggas like dat 7.62 nomeen
have you ever seen what XM193 55 grain 5.56 does to soft tissue?
Whichever one you can shoot better to achieve your objectives.
this. The exact gun and attachments matter far less than your ability to use it, and that comes down to practice. Instead of buying a tacticool $2000 AR buy a basic $700 AR and $1300 worth of ammo. Then shoot all that ammo. You'll be way better off in the long run.
Becareful what you say on here. The government monitors this board
>not getting a based 556 MPR for $570
Guys, looks like nobody knows about 5.45x39?
Modern AKs don't use .30 cartridge anymore.
I want that mariner, that wood is sex
Too bad they banned 7n6 from importation, now there's no reason for them
I'm still using 7.62
fuck no. those things are literally deathtraps. there are multiple videos on youtube of the right bolt lug breaking off.
they are dangerous garbage
It's like a car or a guitar. It's good to get something halfway good to learn on, but really experience is what matters.
Maybe you could say the same for women.
Actually it was when the Black panthers surrounded a court in SF that Reagan made the mulford Act.
Blacks got the giggle switch banned.
the government forced me to kill gooks. i know what rounds do what to people
Naw nigga, dem bigga numbas meen mo' killin', gnomesain
Meh I'm an SKS guy just throwing out numbers really
This user gets it. I have a k98. Sweet shooter super accurate.
I wanna see them try to ban my x95 so I can call them anti semites.
Even us cancucks can head to the store and buy a .50 cal barrett 82A with a ten round mag (rather expensive though ~6-7k) which can stop anything short of a tank. The kikes and drmocrats are pushing to hard, it's like they want Trump for 2 terms
all guns need to go!
what's stopping killers from buying kits and turning their hand pistols into AR-15s?1
i want an sks but cant justify the price anymore
The gun you shoot better with is the one that's best with for shtf situations.
Ak and ar15 both shoot an intermediate cartridge.
When talking about larger penetration you have to check out battle rifles for that with bigger cartridges that propel your bullets further.
yeah it's really sad nowadays. We need to start importing them from Canada already
win70 in 30-06 is more viable
Because they are complete shit and you are far better off using a handgun like its supposed to be used.
yeah. do you know how many nations adopted a Mauser action rifle since 1891?
They're really not that cool.
My jewel gun is an M1A SOCOM 16. Blew the 1500.00 but worth every penny.
Hands down my favorite gun I've ever fired
BA 50 BMG is only about 4-5k though
what the fuck are you talking about?
Ya as long as I can keep collecting my lugers
That actually sounds like a perfectly reasonable price.
>same round