ABC News Happening -- Parkland Shooter Was Dressed in FULL BODY METAL ARMOR including face mask according to interviewed teacher (link) Did Police Recover it, where do you buy this Walmart? It would cost thousands, how does he uber into school with that, why does witness say she saw him afterward... ????
ABC News Happening -- Parkland Shooter Was Dressed in FULL BODY METAL ARMOR including face mask according to...
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What a coincidence that this helps the "buh the cops coundt do anythimg"
like the north hollywood shootout? sounds like bullshit to me
How does a teacher know this before anyone else?
FACT FBI repeatedly informed about school shooter
FACT Local police made repeated visits to his home (39 Reports)
FACT Kids at school made jokes about how this kid would become a school shooter.
FACT School security office waited outside while shooting happened
FACT 4 Broward County Sherriff waited outside while shooting happened
FACT Local sheriff department head is a known Clinton supporter
FACT School district in Debbie Wasserman-Shultz's District, a known Clinton supporter.
FACT School is scheduled for rapid demolition.
FACT Local Sheriff department head lectures gun owners while his own men stood down during shooting
FACT Local Sheriff refuses to resign
Politically motivated Crisis Actors ready to go, scripted questions, TV interviews
This is smoking gun proof that this shooting was allowed to happen for political reason. No conspiracy, just facts.
If these people are willing to allow children to be murdered to take away your guns, what terrible fate awaits us all when they take away all of our means of defense?
it does at that, but does nothing for "lone gunman kid" story being pushed
The fucking weirdo kid didn't do it. It was a hired professional. Like all of them!
i thought that was just kevlar vest cut up and sewn together to make full body kevlar suit. that dont look like a metal suit
wtf how many bags did he being with him? and where did he change?
It was just a drill. Cruz is a patsy. They are seeking conviction with no evidence except his "confession"
That’s creepy as fuck. She just openly states it. Her words are frightening.
>I saw the shooter.
>Full bullet proof armor, face mask, etc
Cruz definitely did not have any of this shit
Where to buy.
>what is internet?
It would cost thousands
>try $600 bucks
Then who was it? Why did no one see this armored spook leaving the premises? What is going on?
She saw him. And it clearly wasn’t a child.
Doesn’t come in teenager sizes.
No mention of this material in any official report.
Fuck off shill
this kid did not afford it and he did not have the build to run around shooting in it then ditch the armor and sneak out?? wtf are you snorting
Anyone have the original link? I don't have time to look.
They made a movie about it.
>the kid did not afford it
Wtf are you drinking? Rubbing alcohol? If he could buy an AR, why couldn’t he buy body armor.
>Anyone I can’t make a decent argument against is a shill.
Real mature answer, kid
Listen, kiddo. Someone asked a question and I provided an answer based in reality. You’re just running around obscuring any form of realism in this thread by calling everyone a Russian bot. Juvenile and pointless.
which teacher is this? not named in the clip.
Teacher grazed by Parkland shooter’s bullet: ‘Shooter was in full metal garb, helmet, face mask, bulletproof armor, shooting a rifle I never seen before’
Is this why the Police outside stood down?
your hypothetical does not fit. she said metal with face mask. your link is basic plastic/ceramic. She said the rifle was not known to her. A cheap used AR by itself is $500. This shit you linked would already more than double his cost and it's not even what she said it was. There's a difference between FULL METAL ARMOR and just body armor which is what you linked which is BULLSHIT SHILL
no they stood down because they were letting it happen. If someone in full armor was mowing people down it was a 20 year old kid, it was a pro
Full metal armor plus mask = no ID possible.
Margarine Stonehenge false-flag hoax.
Dayumn! I need to get a job at Dollar Tree if it affords me all this cool gear.
What was in the duffle bag?
Cruz's last handler was a deep state operative with High National Security Clearance.
You know, I was actually wondering if they made a deal with him. Does he get snuck out and planted somewhere else as payment for his services? End as collateral damage?
>proof that this shooting was allowed to happen for political reason. No conspiracy, just facts.
oh so now were back to "the shooting did happen"?
good thing I come here for entertainment and not facts or news.
it's eye witness testimony from a teacher at the shooting shill fuck. no one ever said people didn't die at parkland, vegas, newtown, they just said it was an op and used crisis actors to make it political
So let me get this straight. el goblino took an uber to the school with full body armor, a semi automatic, and smoke grenades. Set off the fire alarms while using the smoke grenades then gun down the evacuating students. And after all that jazz he manages to somehow get out ,get food and then go home?
Nothing makes sense. I can't believe people just believe this shit. I know it's fake every time, and people still always talk about these things like they're real. Always Makes me wonder if they are really that stupid, or if they might be implicit in pushing the agenda. But then I realize how many people are stupid and believe everything they see on tv. Makes me literally ill
You can buy plates and a carrier rig for under 200 shipped to your door you mong.
Satellite. No shooting (with a gun) happened.
wtf are you talking about? this blows the "lone wolf maga shooter" shit out the water
__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. (
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. (
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. (
__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. (
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.(
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and fires blanks with Cruz on campus. (
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. (
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.(
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. (
__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. (
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. (
he wasnt arrested with any of that shit though
then any of the students could confirm these fags didnt go there.
Nigger. People who even mentioned multiple shooters in vegas got assassinated.
Any proof that there was a shooting at all? I know it helps one side to say they killed these kids for politics, but if we push that without knowing it makes us as bad as them. I'm personally of the opinion it was a hoax until I see solid proof otherwise.
Oh ok. So he was dressed like pic related? That’s what you’re saying? Seems totally believable
She's making this shit up.
I don't think shes lying just misremembering.
In a woman's mind everything is always 1000x scarier than reality.
we should lead with this video on Monday - it will crucify Israel. If Hamze was one of the deputies that did not engage - it will crucify him as well.
He also wasn’t arrested with an AR. What’s your point?
Where did all that shit disappear to?
>She's making this shit up.
so black clothing.............teacher should be fired, for just being an emotional jewish woman
>Oh ok. So he was dressed like pic related? That’s what you’re saying?
I think it's more likely that this woman has no idea what she is talking about, or is suffering from stress.
There is no modern military uniform that involves "full metal armor." It's either fabric covered steel plates or fabric covered ceramic plates. There is no such thing as exposed shiny metal, so I really wonder what this teacher is talking about or what assumptions she's making here.
Maybe she saw a fucking robot, I don't know.
you're a retard. how would they know? did you know everyone at your highschool? I didn't. They could easily plant 4 -5 kids.
Formerly Chuck's
Remember also that the official story was originally that he left the school by 'blending in' with the other students filing out.
whered it go?
Nah mate, like this.
Watch the shills swarm
Try to discredit, try to distract. Do your best, guys but it's all for nothing
Too many people are awake now and there's more every single day. The genie's out of the bottle and there's no way to put him back in.
Clearly we're looking for a disturbed time travel. Let's check the cave drawings and ancient manuscripts to get a profile.
Thanks for being a sensible being. I posted the body armor link because it seemed plausible. OP insisted he was dressed up like he was going to a jousting competition.
Teachers know nothing about armor. Metal armor isn’t bulletproof. Eyewitness accounts are almost always wrong. Several times the CCTV has been mentioned. If it was real, something would validate her story. It’s just five minutes of fame.
This might start to make some sense.
That's a lot to observe about a guy while being shot at. Any other witnesses?
>Let's check the cave drawings and ancient manuscripts to get a profile
>Metal armor isn’t bulletproof.
Some are, notably AR500.
Fuckin hell ned hows the vacation in florida going
Also note many were injured but not killed. What do they have to say?
Might be a conspiracy theory to throw people off.
"full metal"
That interview is from the 20th, and is being buried.
While that is possibly a cover, what he is describing is an Mos of 35N. This is simply an E-5 in Military intelligence and very far from anything deep state.
stationed in ft hood where there were 2 mass shootings
no it doesn't
Maybe it's why we never see interviews from freshmen. The shooting happened in the freshman building.
He dropped it in the school. Does anyone read the news, or just bullshit posts from here assuming they’re factual.
He probably did, and this whole thing is horse feathers.
Exactly. No way it could be modern body armor. It has to be a giant monstrous metal suit. It’s only logical and makes sooooooooo much sense.
This check needs to pick this armor out of a line up.
>It has to be a giant monstrous metal suit.
It can be done, but I haven't seen it yet.
>He dropped it in the school. Does anyone read the news, or just bullshit posts from here assuming they’re factual.
Metal gear solid: punished autist?
Don't be fooled. Scott Israel is being thrown under the bus to protect higher ups in FBI.
Context: CNN roasted him today over mishandling of florida shooting. Why the sudden turn in their support? Just a few days ago they had him on their town hall.
They tried to blame white nationalists.
They tried to blame NRA
None of that stuck.
The only things left to blame are
1. Scott Israel (failing to notice that Cruz was a problem after 39 visits to his home)
2. FBI (failing to report Cruz's threats to local authorities)
3. Horrible, cruel, exclusionary culture of liberal cities
4. Mental health fails in the US
Scott Israel will be a minor loss for them. Also has other scandals like misuse of gov resources and an affair, plus that fancy ferrari in pic related. It will be easy to get rid of him, give him a fancy pension and assign him the blame.
You know that full armor takes quite a bit of time to take on and off, also where the fuck are the expended shell casings, crime scene cleanup crew, bullet ballistics, you know, shit like...forensic evidence?
Sounds like you just want the 2A gone and this issue buried.
Typical deep state false flag event.
Uh oh, youre getting too warm user, delete dis
Her first-hand eyewitness testimony directly conflicts with cruz being the shooter by virtue of his loadout being completely different. Not to mention the other testimony that he was talking to students while evacuating as the sound of gunfire was heard from within the building.
Common theme with these. "Lone wolf" in the mainstream press and then someone reports military grade shit on a second shooter. Suddenly they and all mention of the more teched out guy disappear. Hmmm.
they remove social media
shill detected
>and not facts or news.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Get a grip faggot. Where do you think you are?
It was that goatfucker Broward County Deputy Nezar Hamze.
Why bother planting? You have enough of a sample size; find the kids who are already ideologue zombies and spin the shit out of their stories. Offer them fame to become something they weren't: A hero.
Hogg was the real shooter, framed Cruz in order to become famous.
from 11/5 school shooting by the way
fuck off shill, a normie stacy liberal writing teacher wouldnt dare even think about going against the kind of narrative the MSM is generating about this event, for "five minutes of fame".
You forgot about these parts:
1) FBI repeatedly warned
2) Local authorities repeated warned
3) Social Services repeated warned
4) Five armed police officers standby with thumb up asses while shooting happens!!!
Just a day in the life bros!
so this is about the first legit thing I've seen that could potentially suggest this shooting was apart of a drill.
all of the crisis actor nonsense was an absolute waste of time, like always, time that could have been directed at looking into why the media has said little to nothing about the multiple eye witnesses saying they were told about a police drill and shooting blanks.
This is the kind of evidence that takes it into spooky town. We're supposed to believe that this autist dressed up in full riot gear and was shooting down the hallway? We need an explanation.
i have the full vid if it's no longer available
Sound like the plot from the 2009 RAMPAGE movie.
>quoting the Talmud on TV
>hiring a known terrorist sympathizer of a deputy
>ordered EMTs to stand down
>4 deputies waited 4 minutes before Coral Springs PD breached the building
What else did this like sheriff do?