Guns flying off the shelves
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>despite gun control
DUE TO gun control debate*
Purchases are an index of fear that gun control will come in?
The problem is that this is the first time gun maker stocks have fallen after a well-publicised massacre on raised sales, a sure sign the market thinks gun control is going to happen.
>buying guns at gun shows
>during a panic
lol retards, I bet there weren't even people selling jerky
My dude. Last show there was a jerky guy. That shit was fucking mana from heaven. I have never ever before in my life tasted anything better. I've bought over $400 of that jerky as Christmas, birthday, graduation, self indulgence presents. It is fucking insane.
MSM narrative BTFO
Exactly. Happens every time they ratchet up the bullshit. It's like a gun seller's wet dream.
I recall a guy loading up 8 AR's into a van that already had about 20 in them when Obama started yapping some years ago. The gun store was packed with people. They were selling ARs like it was candy. Literally had them stacked out on the store floor because they were in such high demand.
I'm so happy we're still fighting the good fight.
lol how is there already a jpeg'd image of this screen-cap already? Here's a better one
Do people sell right-wing books at those gun shows? I want to get copies of stuff like Culture of Critique or White Identity without there being a record of it somewhere. There used to be nuke war prepper stuff last time I went in the 80s.
It was 5 officers the armed school guard and 4 additional officers stayed outside and let people die.
And for anyone who says "but the shooter had an AR and he just had a handgun" in close quarters the handgun would have performed fine and that's beside the point because every active shooter has ended the shooting as soon as they confronted resistance "someone else with a gun"
This has been the case time and time again. By waiting to engage the target as soon as possible more people died. (Most casualtys happen in the first 5 min of an active shooter scenario.)
Sign me up for that job i wish i could be the first responder to a scenario like that protecting kids from a psychopath.
You have my attention. I want some of this jerky.
Great idea
Thanks dude
No Prob
Had a elk hotdog with venison chili an corn on top holyyy fuck best 5 dollar dog I ever had.
statistics for regular stationary stores are not released yet
This is gonna be the new based jap jpeg
Please give us the brand of this jerky. I must have some
Mass shootings and talks of gun bans are all staged to promote the sale of more guns.
Join the greatest membership drive!
If only there were some kind of warning?
Why do libs hate women?
What are the chances the cops were ordered to stand down to increase the kill count so they could push for gun control?
No shit.
NRA memberships are exploding too...
I was going to buy some shit this year too but now everything's up 30%
>It doesn't have to be my child, I'd grieve for any child killed in a mass shooting that's senseless. If you want to protect yourself, get yourself a revolver or how about learning how to fight,” says Gonzalez.
Did you hear that AR15 dotards. buy a revolver or use your fists instead pussies.
I sometimes wonder if weapons manufacturers are in cahoots with the MSM. Gun ban scares make everything fly off the shelf even after the prices are jacked sky high, and since gun laws will most likely never change before the fall of the republic... the left should know by now that they only serve to make scared people buy as many firearms and as much ammunition as they can carry out of the door.
>democrats get uppity
>republicans buy a shit ton of guns in response
God Bless the USA desu
you gun nuts are killing kids with your beliefs.
Wait until mid summer.
The problem is that there is no legal obligation for police to put themselves in harms way to save people.
Fuck I love this country sometimes.
Can't wait to see the updated chart.
I was ITT
1 of 1
Scott Israel, the day of, was told by the other police department that his deputies were just fucking off while the other department went in and saved the day.
Ask yourself how likely it is he didn't know and didn't give the order.
All according to plan.
>you find out the students like Hogg are actually backed by the NRA to scare people into buying more guns because they think gun control will happen
It can potentially be a bad thing because whenever they get hoarded by well-to-do buyers it raises prices and makes it harder for others who didn't already have a decent rifle to get a hold of one. Either they wait for supply to catch up to the sudden demand spike or they buy it off the hoarders with a markup OR wait even longer for the scare to pass.
I agree
>*gets run over*
These gun nuts are strange
>*gets stabbed*
They believe guns will save the american people and our children
>*gets forcibly raped*
When all guns are doing is causing death and destruction!
>*gets blown up*
Fuck the NRA!
>*gets beaten with a blunt object*
how many of those reusable click hand warmers did y'all buy?
Who the fuck wants statistics for stationary stores?
Like hey the gun stuff is interesting and topical and all but what I really want to know is how pilot pens and binder hole reinforcers are moving lmao gel ink smelling nigga
>tfw everything they do backfires
spotted the ledditor
Is jerky really that good? All i can get is dried reindeer hearts(i do recommend)
I'm actually starting to wonder if gun manufacturers lobby the Democrats to try to grab peoples guns. Unless they are really just that stupid.
>dried reindeer hearts
I was OP :)
It's like watching your kid grow up
The only way to stop people running into a school with an assault rifle and shooting school children is to ban these weapons completely. There is NO other solution.
So you gun nuts want these massacres to continue. Even though these rifles serve no purpose, and banning them would not affect your life in any way.
So what if you can't go to the range and rapidly fire bullets at something anymore. Kids would be safe.
You're all sick.
Why don't you dry out the rest of the reindeer for jerky?
Oh fuck I have a reason to post these again.
because venison tastes like dogfood
These two were actually posted on their websites.
Not sure if this one was.
Look at Dianne Feinstein's campaign contributions.... virtual who's who of weapons manufacturers
>Manager for the Florida Gun Show, George Fernandez
But I thought spics were all gun hating Trump hating Shillary loving liberals?
>cuz that's how bullets work
are these people legitimately retarded?
Hey! Has there ever been a shooting at a gun show? I mean, there are guns everywhere, and its a crowded place. Seems like it would be a great place for a crazy to shoot up.
No? There hasn't ever been a mass shooting at a gun show? I wonder why? Can someone explain to me?
t. mentally deranged retard
Just because you feel uncomfortable defending yourself, doesn't mean I am. Just because you can't push comfort aside to protect what you love doesn't mean nobody else should.
It makes you a coward.
>babys first gun show
Golly gee whiz, I would think that all the
>Military style assault weapons
at a gun show would start flying into people's hands, and just start blasting everyone.
Afraid of amazon putting you on a list faggot? Don't be scared.
>baby seeking bullets
Whitest Kids U Know. Baby Skull Seeking Bullet
They're always accidental, but yes it happens. Unfortunately a lot of retards are gun enthusiasts.
How about focusing on solutions to help people with mental health problems instead of taking away my rights for the actions of a few.You’d also be far fetched to call anyone insane when you want people to walk around this country without being strapped.This country much less the world is full of crazy people waiting for an opportunity to kill you, rob you, or rape you.It’s not so kind and loving as it used to be you know.
People don't believe me when i tell them this.
I then tell them a court ruled this
They usually say it's some bullshit small court in the middle of no where
I respond and tell them it was actually the supreme Court that ruled this, they shut up pretty quick
>it was actually the supreme Court that ruled this, they shut up pretty quick
they make some pretty fucking stupid decisions these days in Cancukistam
Dems are really running on gun control to win midterms. Must find more.
???? Are you for real?
How do you know what dog food taste like?
>are these people legitimately retarded?
That bullet is actually a 7.62x39mm soviet so it is very doubtful that it came from an AR-15. Also, that child's head would have exploded like a watermelon if she did really get hit with a 7.62 straight into the cranium.
/k/ made a lot of fake Brady Campaign pics like that. And yes, there are liberals out there who are that retarded and don't understand how cartridges function.
Yes they do, it was the US supreme Court that ruled it, ours probably did too i bet
That ginda loogs lige 7.62x39
what porno is this from? I NEED TO KNOW. I KNOW ITS PORN YOU FUCK!
They were already banned from the school. How will banning then nationally make any difference? Why are there countries with high gun ownership like the US but few if any shootings? Why are there still shootings in countries with strict gun laws?
Yes, that is who their base is. There are people right now on social media, in fake public CNN town halls, that parrot the AR-15 is a military grade weapon. After they were called out on it, they’re now calling it “military-style.” Their delusion knows no bounds. It’s all fed to them and they keep parroting lies to other people, people who are just as stupid. And the Dems take full advantage of their ignorance, but so can you.
>annual school gun show got 900 less admissions this year than last year
>couldn't even find a gun I wanted to buy
explain this op
>vocal minority gets blown the fuck out
What else is new.
kill yourself faggot
>1 post by this id
>The President turns out to be a kike puppet
What else is new
> Not realizing that most anons are equipped with pics and files posted by other anons.
> Believing for a minute that someone is the source of a posted image and/or knows anything about it
> Outing yourself as a newfag w/o a deep chan folder