Where would you like to get your immigrants from Sup Forums?


Immigrants that can integrate easily should be prioritized (e.g. Western Europe). As for those from other countries, they can come here as long as they're coming in small numbers.

Hmm, let me think for a minute. Hopefully this thread has not been pruned by the time I type this out.
No, too into tea, soccer, and the Queen.
No, would get too confused by our not drought, toilets, and water usage.
No, drinks too much, and is fine with things being dirty and shitty.
No. Too snobby.
No. Too drunk and redheaded.
Eh, maybe? Sure do like to eat a lot of fish there though.
No, too odd.
No, too crazy.
Probably I guess, but why would they leave?

As a matter of fact, why would any of these people leave their homeland? The only people who want to abandon their homeland are fucking scumbags that bring nothing to the table, and are from shitholes. But they're not shitholes just because, they're shitholes because they're full of shitasses. My lame bantz aside, I would take any white refugee, but that never happens, because white don't usually just make their country shit, and then abandon it to make another country shit.
But I do think Israel should take all black and brown refugees. They need to prove that they're the
>Chosen people.

UK, Australia, NZ. They're rare but fun :S

northern china

The whole east asian score is inaccurate. Bar the japs. Chingchong making dildos all day doesnt have that iq.

Africa and Middle East

stop using this meme map

no way in hell chinks are so smarter when literally all of the technologies we have have been invented by whites
all chinks are good at is imitating what whites have already done

Mostly from the UK with a few from Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland for some diversity

From nowhere, of course.

Germany is for Germans,
white countries are for white people.

Whether white genocide happens thorugh high-IQ or low-IQ hordes is not of interest.


daily reminder that what the german girls abominate the most is german men

Greeks are the best immigrants. Friendly and sociable, hard-working when motivated appropriately and can integrate or not mess with your culture. We usually, also, stick with our own partners sexually. You can make good connections to visit us in Greece in the summer cheaper and have a nice, little vacation.

How has no one said South Africa (whites) yet?

I want to be an immigrant and get the fuck out of here.

Nowhere. Fuck growth, all Hail stagnation!

I was just about to. Entirely logical, popular support governments won’t go there

Poland (lots pls)
Northern italy
venezuela (only after it falls completely)
Japan (only woman)
Mongolia (their history is based)

Fuck off south africa is white clay the niggers are only there because whites made it habitable (at least for most of the country)

Based on merit, I'd guess that about 75% would be Euro White, and the rest would be from India, Japan, China, and many South Korea. There'd be like one super smart Nigerian in there probably.

Exclusively from the red parts, It's our duty to remove them from colonial oppression and educate™ them.


Israel of course.

Greek women are fucking fine desu, Mediterranean women are my weakness.
