How would the media react?
Can we discuss the JQ openly if we replace “Jew” with “Russian”?
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bump for a moderately intelligent tactic
Yes. This is how we outjew the jew. I think it would be great to just go into an article. Use the built in web dev shit and replace Russia with Israel and Russian bots with jewish bots
Russians love nose jobs
just call them what they are, marxists.
hmm I see potential, but there would need to be a psych moment at a precise time
too early doesn't have impact
too late insulate lefty conspiracy
>being a russian immigrant is bad!
Can we kick out the Mexicans now?
This is actually hilarious
ashkenasi russians
saved. This is good
russians from israel bombed the u.s.s. liberty
Bump. Good idea.
Hitler killed literally millions of Russians in WW2
Now this is clever.
This is good. Bumping.
Are they ironically replacing the word Jews with Russians?
There is actually a story behind that gif, user. It was taken in Reichenberg (now Liberec), which is a city situated near the borders of Czech Republic and Germany. That little girl was actually my good friends grandmother. She always told us how nice he was and gave us some candy when we were kids. Of course, rest of the family was always replying that the grandma is old and senile to say such things. But she was always sharp, not senile.
Also bumping.
clever idea
do it, spread it like wildfire in normie social media
Just blame the Isrealis the world is waking up to their bullshit.
This is actually a great idea
I like it. We should give it a shot.
Oh let's replace it with wales, we don't want to start a war with Russia but wales lol could be fun
Russians spread communism throughout Europe and killed millions of Germans
Hey man I have nothing to add other than that I genuinely appreciate you sharing.
Survive, brother.
Bump, surprised you bumblefucks haven't thought of this before
This is a great idea, completely obliterates their narrative AND wake up the dormant sheep in one fell swoop. The Russian bullshit is so far sunken into their psyche that this is just like pasting new content lmao
Not a bad idea, OP.
1 post
Be wise anons
thank you guy
Fuck off canucks
They probably shouldn't touch the dual citizens rail
I like it.
Just imagine all the statistics on Jews in gov, media, finance, etc that these idiots would eat up if you called them Russians.
The Joos crimes are endless...
The - JQ:
Russians for open borders