What kind of bizarro state is this?
Feinstein loses California Democratic Party’s endorsement: California Democrats rebuked Sen. Dianne Feinstein at their annual convention this weekend, denying her the party’s endorsement in this year’s Senate race and giving a majority of votes to her liberal primary challenger, state Senate leader Kevin de León. Feinstein will now face de León in a June primary that could define what the Democratic Party stands for in the age of President Trump.
Has California Sobered Up to Reality?
Good. Pelosi next.
de leon is even further left, not even kidding
They rejected her because she isn't liberal enough. she's a FUCKING WHITE (FEM)MALE!
So, what happens after Kevin de Leon becomes too right for them? Who do they vote for? Crippled nigger? La Goblina?
>Has California Sobered Up to Reality?
no. they are going further left
If that is the case, then someone needs to nuke California.
>Has California Sobered Up to Reality?
No, they have doubled down on stupidity. She had the audacity to voice an opinion that was not part of the cult of democrats, and they are pushing her under the bus.
The left is turning against rich corrupt Jews, too. There's a reason that this concerned Bibi's son.
Yeah, he is horrible, but accelerationism is good. Let California go off the deep end.
>Sobered Up to Reality
Hardly. The state is majority minority and its democratic party even more so. Elderly Jews don't appeal much to Mexicans who see them as just more gringos.
Democrats will be a socialist party by 2020.
too (((white)))
the replacement is La Raza.
What are you are witnessing is the mongrel overthrow of the DNC in California. Prepare for a brown socialist California.
Hispanic is more important than woman.
Too much catering for Jews, and not enough for their Mestizo replacements. Classic Jewish arrogance at view.
lol this will drive the centrists to our side. It's going to be the white party vs the nonwhite party
This, they’re trying to push for more “progressives.” Despite the city being covered in literal shit, the state being broke, and people moving out in droves... California thinks MORE libtard policies will be the solution. They’re delusional. California wall when?
>Jews planned to take over forever and live above us all
>Mexicans use the victim game to fuck the Jews over.
Lol. Mexicans knew what to do.
They want Kevin "ghost guns" De Leon to replace her. He's just as much of a fuckwit but at least he's not a kike.
DeLeon isn't Mexican, he's half Guatemalan and half Chinese.
California has a weird primary system. Both parties compete together and the ones who get the Top two go onto the General election. This means that Two people of the Same party can go through. In which case, Republicans will either stay home or vote for Feinstein. It is supposed to force more moderation. However if it is Democrat v Democrat in most of the state level races, then that can murder Republicans down ballot in the House level. Who are already struggling with high levels of retirements and many districts that went for Clinton in 2016.
They have been socialists since the turn of the century.
Feinstein dared to say they might work with Trump. Verboten.
Nah, Mexicans genuinely dislike jews. A lot more than whites.
Not really. The democrats as a whole have accepted the reality that association with Feinstein hurts other candidates and so they're muscling her out, but Feinstein is just a talking piece at the end of the day. Whoever they replace her with will believe the exact same shit and push the same positions.
WTF kind of system is that. Also surprised that an aussie knows that much about California state politics.
Dude, they're backing a socialist Hispanic...
Californians are over her, she's a dinosaur in the era of social justice.
>Has California Sobered Up to Reality?
No. They want someone to the left of (((Feinstein))).
>What kind of bizarro state is this?
A fucked up far leftist hellhole.
Yep, this is why the Republican party doesn't exist in CA
lol, you know more about state politics than 95% (not an exaggeration) of Americans
Yeah no way better...
They still have 14 House Republicans. However I wouldn't be surprised if they lose most of them in 2018.
Expat. But Most Americans are uneducated in general anyway.
i is a negroid and undesttoods california wills gives i monies, whites woman uns alls drugs i is wantsed. lorides lordies i`s fuckes alles theses whites womenses ins therees asses. praisses loreds
>Lol. Mexicans knew what to do.
its amazing what a little racial solidarity will do
california bitting the hand that feeds
if the latinos push out their jews
look out niggers, the jews will come back to you next
No, the only reason she didn't get the endorsement is that she is too white for the DNC.
He is actually worse than Fienstein. He narrowly missed a corruption indictment himself. I may register Dem just to vote against him.
No. Let him in. He's a fucking retard, let him make a fool of himself for everyone to see.
nope they are brutally insane they just know they are now. California wanted to succeed from the usa. but people pushed back wanting to separate from into two sates with new California because most people are sick of their tax dollars goin to shit like legation for legal 12 year old prostitution.
actual leftists are getting tired of dems mealy mouthed centrism bullshit
Like it matters. It'll fail and be proclaimed not real socialism.
>Has California Sobered Up to Reality?
No, they've moved farther left. She's not progressive/diverse enough for them now.
Fienstein is considered a "moderate" in California. That's how left wing this state is. She told the base to stop asking for dumb shit like impeaching Trump and they did this.
Like so
>In California's top-two primary system, all candidates for an office run in the primary and the top two vote-getters, regardless of party affiliation, advance to the general election. General elections are held even if one candidate wins a majority of the vote in the primary.
If you actually live in California, you don't need to register Democrat to vote in the Primaries.
I think I prefer a jew.
The funny thing about this retarded system is two Republicans sometimes sneak onto the ballot in left wing districts because the left runs too many candidates and their voters are fragmented.
It seems like California has become a sort of testing ground for social conditioning. They seem to be completely out of touch with reality. California holds too much influence on the country as it is. One state having over 50 seats heavily swings the election. I'm sure the more conservative residents in the north feel underrepresented.
>Has California Sobered Up to Reality?
No way. Feinstein is too conservative for the loons in the democrat party in commiefornia.
every race literally has disdain for jews
As a Californian, I know this to be 100% accurate
All of them more than whites, statistically. The ADL's own bullshit numbers even show this, and they want to spot antisemitism everywhere.
so does that mean nukes on the San Andreas Fault? Or a wall on the California state line? Definitely NO more 55 Electoral College votes
>Has California Sobered Up to Reality?
No. They just got tired of harvesting unicorn blood to sustain her.
You stupid fucking niggers no matter how many times us califags tell you, you ask the same dumb fucking questions over and over.
>is california blue
no you dumb fucking nigger our elections are rigged as shit and voter fraud is massive here especially when you're named the golden state of america
>hurr is california waking up
niggers its been woken up its just not been able to do jack shit since what i pointed above and liberals have brainwashed everyone to fucking hate us I fucking hate these envious little shitbag fucking states shitting on the chad californian and not bothering to fucking help out. If one man can turn the most blue fucking state in all of the USA into 90 percent red in one running (kennedy), why can't we fucking do it you kikes?
Ahhh I wonder what Diane Feinstein is thinking now.
She's still going to win.
no. it's just other Democrats trying to push them out
Antifa and Nazis together forever in the Ethnostate.
yeah de leon makes feinstein look conservative
Pure accelerationalism, beautiful isn't it?
CA will split into the NCR and Neo-Mexico.
Opposite of that you retarded kike. They didn't endorse her because she isn't left enough
Dude. They're disowning her for not being progressive enough. They've wanted to put her in her grave ever since she said Trump doing well would be good for the country, and that he probably won't be impeached
We are less than 100 years away from civil war and I don't understand why anyone over 40 doesn't see this.
>less than 100 years away
Checked. Would argue it’s less than that, around 10-15 years. One more Obama gets in office and it’s over.
holy Christ that's not good
They didn't endorse her because she didn't get sixty percent of the delegates at the California dems meeting in San Diego. California is moving left. Budget surplus, popular D governor, unpopular R president who actively fucked New York and California on taxes. . .
Fairly obvious why it happened.
>woman who orchestrates school shootings and covers up child sex trafficking networks
>stupid taco that can be deported
> fucked New York and California on taxes
They did, but only the rich in NY and CA.
No, it's the opposite. She's not left enough for them.
>Feinstein was far too reasonable, we need to elect somebody that represents the interests of the far Left
Good Lord, help us all.
Who are the Republicans running? Party is pretty much irrelevant in California.
It's gonna be De Leon and Feinstein as top 2 in June and they'll have a run off in November?
Wasn't California limited to Kamala Harris and some Mexican chick the last time they had a Senatorial election?
she was qt back in te day.
>Loses the ability to get funding from the fundless insolvent DNC
So she loses either way?
she wasnt extreme enough for the communists, em, i mean democrats
isn't most of CA full of white guilt voters?
Have ICE follow him around, and keep an eye on anyone who may vote for him.
Feinstein is too rational and centrist for them. CALI hates that she will even consider negotiating with the Reps
4.8 million Trump voters
All of us conservatives up north are preparing to jump ship in the next 5-10 years. We realize this state is lost short of the creation of the 51st. When the white flight happens California will be decimated and you will see economic booms in states like Arizona, Idaho, and Texas with the influx of money from white middle and upper class families. California will burn when there is no one left to pay for the gibs.
I voted for Trump.
What does thi mean for TYT-candidate Alison Hartson
haha drumpf fags are typically poor nobodies in california. go ahead and leave- enjoy idaho
What do you mean OP? California is still liberal, so it has not changed
Sounds like a problem that won't be solved unless Republicans start moving to the state to counter the liberals
No. The brown hordes are turning against establishment center-left jews (who they think are white gringos) and are voting for their fellow far-left commie spics instead.
Oh i will in my totally affordable 4000sq ft house surrounded by hard working like minded individuals in a safe area to raise a family..... i hope you enjoy your 800sq ft $2000 a month cuck shack in new jalisco.
>De León has said that he didn't know his father, Andres, but remembers meeting him as a boy
Like there's a fucking difference.
That's pretty much it. This is Commiefornia so Feinstein isn't commie enough and is too white (Jews are white this time) to qualify. This is the future of the Democratic Party in 2020. Get ready for some combination of Cory Booker, Keith Ellison, Kamala Harris or Julian Castro to get be the Anti-Trump ticket.
>Cory Booker, Keith Ellison, Kamala Harris or Julian Castr
If they put any of those up, then Trump is a guaranteed win in 2020.
Yeah, sure she is..
40 percent of Californians voted for Trump. Quit acting like it's some perma blue state.
A small sliver of land from The bay area to San Diego has so many fucking people that they outnumber the huge farming and mountain communities. It's why they want to split California up.
Those mountain white folks drive all over the place with thin blue line flags on their 4x4s and are hillbilly as fuck.
Pic related...it's the middle finger to BLMfags
Legitimately indios do not belong in the United States. They fail to integrate, fail to learn English, hole up in ethnic enclaves. push out the native white (and black) populations and in general are cockroaches in human form. It's why we need tough immigration, a wall and the deportation of all illegals.
Indios represent an existential threat to the United States and yes if things keep going as they are we will probably see a second civil war as the indio population (supported and fueled by Mexico) attempts to rise up and separate what was Alta California, Santa Fe de Nueva Mexico and Coahuila y Tejas into a new territory and Mexican satellite state within the next 50-60 years.
Clinton won the state with 61.73% of the vote and a 30.11% margin, both the highest since Franklin D. Roosevelt's 66.95% vote share and 35.25% margin in 1936. This was also the first time Orange County voted Democratic since 1936, when Franklin D. Roosevelt swept every single county in the state. Trump's vote share in the state (31.62%) was the lowest for a major-party candidate since John W. Davis's 8.2% in 1924.
You know I got mad when I read "Feinstein is too rational" and then it clicked what you meant. Jesus christ progressives are lunatics.