How can some Americans believe the Parkland school shooting, the deadliest school shooting in U.S history, is fake news?
How can some Americans believe the Parkland school shooting, the deadliest school shooting in U.S history, is fake news?
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_Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. (
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. (
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. (
__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. (
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.(
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and fires blanks with Cruz on campus. (
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. (
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.(
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. (
__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. (
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. (
It really happened, that guy in OP’s pic is just being exploited by the media to push gun control. He wants to be an actor, and he’s getting his wish.
I think it happened but I think this guy is an actor being used to try and un-arm the goyim.
Don't forget that Cruz's brother was involuntarily detained (where is he?) to keep him from spilling the beans.
And that he was set up as a patsy as soon as he moved in with James Snead, a deep state op, and his wife.
>deadliest in history
It was real. Its only a question of how many shooters were there.
That is colossally retarded dude.
>all these randoms are in a conspiracy
>none will ever talk. Ever
The fuck outta here with that nigger-tier bullshit. Fuck gun control, support the NRA and Fuck you.
>deadliest school shooting
hardly. Cho killed way more, even sandy vagina death count was higher.
It was the dog driving the car that stared to raise my suspicion
cho killed almost 2x more with only pistols
Cruz's last handler deep state with top National Security Clearance!
only dumb "White Left" think bans gun will work. In Vietnam we can kill each other by knife and hands. If USA banned gun then good luck white people. Niggers will happy for it
It's not that it's fake. it's that some narcissistic leftist students and media are pushing a narrative to actually endanger more americans. Canada is looking at those students and can't believe you people cannot see they are narcissists looking for a big celeb break at any cost.
> How can -
You already failed because you're not asking sincerely. You're expressing shock while letting your conscious mind turn off. You're using what parts of your brain still function to rationalize away evidence rather than consider it.
None of that means it didn't happen or that you aren't correct to begin with. It just means that you arrived at your conclusion the same way that most people find religion: authority figures told you, and you've been taught to listen to them. Anything running against that narrative is rejected without consideration. You're acting that cartoon version of a religious person that edgy atheist teenagers like to complain about.
Again, doesn't mean it's wrong. I'm a Christian, so I assume that my religion is correct even as I recognize that my thought process in that regard can be flawed. But you don't do that. You can't handle dissent.
The telltale sign is how the news keeps screaming that it's "debunked" but never shows this supposedly final debunking. The debunking never happened, you're just supposed to think it did and shun the heretical outgroup.
Post again but with the OP, "I need a dump of the evidence and arguments that Parkland is some kind of false flag or otherwise staged."
it might have something to do with the media giving attention to a handful of anti-gun students when 3,000 kids attend the school.
Because I've seen no proof that it happened.
The only people that will be disarmed are law abiding citizens. Basically the left wants open season on upstanding citizens.
The msm lies so much, you can't believe anything they report.
It's not fake news it's a conspiracy and cover up
Because loose lips sink ships and he has no lips.
Death and destruction seems to follow that punchable face everywhere. It's either a false flag or that dude can cause aneurysms with his mind and shit.
>How can some Americans believe the Parkland school shooting, the deadliest school shooting in U.S history, is fake news?
It's cause some of it is false. It happened but we don't know the full story, and the media knows they're not giving us the full story. Fake news.
The shooting happened. It's the push for gun control that looks contrived.
>no crying parents
explain this shit
It's obvious to nearly anyone with a pulse.
Fuck you guys get baited so easy
I'm at a point where I automatically disbelieve everything that's plastered on the MSM 24/7 for months on end. By default I doubt it, so it actually takes some convincing to make me believe. Why would it be any other way when these kikes lie all the time? How can anything be believed?
__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. (
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. (
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. (
__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. (
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.(
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and fires blanks with Cruz on campus. (
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. (
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.(
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. (
__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. (
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. (
Because autism.
Too many red flags. Also the surprisingly intense push after this shooting for gun control but the weak response after Vegas....
...that shooting that we still have no motive for. Hell we don't even have a motive for this one, despite the guy seeing a judge 24 hours after the event.
"Perhaps these ‘mistakes’ are purposeful; enabling the manipulators to observe our reactions...Alternatively could such bizarre ‘errors’ be just that: childlike mistakes indicating that the ‘matrix of control’ is starting to mutate and self-destruct?"
--Fiona Philips, The Strange World of Sandy Hook School Shooting
Lies. Cruz killed 6 gorillion kids on the 14th.
because dozens of things were told as truths and later turned out to be completely fabricated for political agenda, and now nothing can be accepted as real, everything has to be meticulously examined just to be believable...
It happened, my cousin is a little faggot nerd and has played in band competitions against that school. He knew a girl that died that went there. There are a lot of /x/ faggots here, along with shill disinfo agents, and comrades, trying to create discourse among us.
Basically this.
they are selling tee shirts and sheeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiit
this is the fakest holohoax since sandyhoax, eve moreso
This. There hasn't been a real school shooting since Columbine
duper's delight
demolishing the school??? why the fuck -- ?
oh shit ft hood? was he there when those 2 shootings happened at ft hood?
>deadliest school shooting
Better tell Adam, Dylan, and Eric about that
Because we’re free and have that right. Fuck off dictator.
Damn leftists giving us socios a bad name.
Nobody looks like that without a makeup and hair crew.
You fucking retard that website is a literal fake news site. How fucking gullible are you?
Deadliest school shooting is still Virginia tech, and Sandy hook had 26 deaths
they are idiots. it’s really that simple.
This is the real story.
These fucking kids bullied Cruz to the point he did this shit... And now they're milking the dead kids for efame.
>"In the classroom where Mackenzie Hill had been hiding, police broke through the door. As the officers were guiding students out, they noticed something odd: One of the students had put on a bulletproof vest.
>The student said he'd been given the vest by his father, a police officer.
>Even in the safest city in Florida, he'd brought it to school with him, just in case."
What the fuck?
>, the deadliest school shooting in U.S history,
What is VT?
No, Cruz was some typical Sup Forums faggot like you and no one liked him. He wasn't bullied, he was just not accepted and for good reason. He was a piece of shit
Because the news is fake news.
Lol dipshit
Ever consider treating human beings this way will make them devalue your life to the point that they do this?
>How can some Americans believe the Parkland school shooting, the deadliest school shooting in U.S history, is fake news?
Maybe because you fucking libtard pieces of shit have been caught lying so many times?
>a witness say some confusing information
>Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone
Yeah why would he admit to so many murders if he didn't do them all? What on earth could the fbi threaten him with?
You guys are fucking crazy if you think the government is slaughtering kids and isn't getting caught.
That dude is old enough to drink
He graduated in Cali 2 years ago
The deadliest shooting in American history was called the civil war. Lasted for a few years. Shit got hot.
Why do you keep spamming this chinlet on Sup Forums?
I'm sceptical of anything I haven't seen in person. Unless I witness something myself, I have a hard time believing anything these days.
It's not the government. It's israeli mossad kikes
agreed. i think it was completely fake, and they all hopped on their birthright to israel. Follow the white rabbit a little more. It all leads to Jews like Scott "israel" and Debbie "shultz" who organized the shooting the other day even. Jews acting as whites and leading us to our demise. The synagogue of satan the romans spoke of, and the bible. Its another Jewish false flag, and they will try to blame "russia" for anything. But its jewish cultural marxism starting from the frankfurt school. History is a lie in which they make themselves the victim. It's really written by the VICTOR
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>I'm sceptical of anything I haven't seen in person.
I agree. There was a race riot here in America once and CNN reported on it like one of the cops involved was white. In fact he was a mulatto with a black girlfriend and black kids. This was years ago.
One can logically conclude that it has always been this way and that people have always lied to advance their agendas. If this is the case most of history is probably a lie.
I'm surprised this isn't being talked about more. A kid in the shooting told the shooter 'surprising it wasnt you' after the shooting. Are we that pussy that we're going to label every kid there a hero and disregard the obvious bullying that probably sowed the seeds of Cruz's rampage?
Because Hogg is young Patrick Bateman. He did the shooting because a classmate got a higher grade than him.