
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>UN Amb Haley @UNSC on Syria Ceasefire Res 2401 2/25/18
>Pres Trump on Judge Jeanine 2/24/18
>CPAC Day 3 (Gorka, Malvin, Levin, Nunez, Mulvaney) 2/24/18
>Eric on Ingraham Angle 2/22/18
>Pres Trump Reads Snek @CPAC 2/23/18
>Pres Trump speech @CPAC 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/Aussie PM Turnbull presser 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/Aussie PM Turnbull meeting 2/23/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania welcome the aussies 2/23/18
>Pres Trump speaks to press before leaving for CPAC 2/23/18
>Arr Nige @CPAC 2/23/18
>KAC & Linda McMahon @CPAC 2/23/18
>CPAC Day 2 (Trump, KAC, Arr Nige, Ingraham, Perry/Zinke, Others) 2/23/18
>VP Pence address nation's governors 2/23/18
>PressSec Sarah @Olympics in Soko 2/23/18
>AG Sessions Press Conf on Elder Fraud 2/23/18
>SoS T-Rex meets with mick PM Coveney 2/23/18
>StateDep/Lybia make deal on ancient artifacts lolwut 2/23/18
>WH Press Brief on NoKo Sanctions (TreasSec Mnuchin) 2/23/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



>mfw got a benzo script today
>all i did was say "i have anxiety" and got a script
i thought they were cracking down on this, what the fuck?

>tfw ichicgo vs 02 shitposting has an entire season ahead of it

Fuck off cringe drumpf fags. hurrr awooo, photoshop and force that shit on everything. Guys are faggier than bronies

Find a girl who makes you feel

Opiates sure, benzos are still given out like candy because mental health professionals are a joke


>first 10 posts always displeases Pence

I'll try.

>7 days till DACA expires

Let me in o tender woman.


Look at what this monster does to little girls.

>“She has a Turkish flag in her pocket too,” Erdogan then told the audience, embracing the girl.
“If she is martyred [killed], they will lay a flag on her, God willing,” he then added in a bizarre twist: “She is ready for everything, isn’t she?”

>The confused girl only answered: “Yes.” Erdogan planted a kiss on the girl’s face and let her go.

What Joe has taken from

Awoo has given back

The Balance is restored

Where is TNN?


>mfw the average ptg now has as much anime content as an Sup Forums thread

i literally said to a sleep doc "i have issues and ambien isn't doing it" and they just gave me some. i can't fly with that shit.

take this - it helps with anxiety, sleep, and it's over-the-counter

What a waste of energy. The only time I even notice >tfw no gf anymore is when I have to go and have a sit down meal at a restaurant alone for my birthday. Which is in a couple weeks.

>Canadmongs have smaller than average penis sizes from chinks and poos

can't hate a player - she ran a hard game

I have

I hope user, dear Kek do I hope...

Pence only has 2 modes: Comfy and Mad as hell

I didn't realize you wanted to feel regret.

it's not about me sleeping, i just get horrible anxiety in the middle of everything. i know it sounds faggy but it sucks.

Abraham Lincoln (R-FL)

>we'll always be together right?

>Boyfriend's friends have a cook out on the beach
>time to sit around and eat and chill
>02 is "too-cool-for-school" and decides to go swimming at night
>Rather than bonding with him and interacting with him in his friend group she basically is making him choose between being with her or sitting with his life long friends
>She could have not been a bitch and sat next to him, fed him things, and really rubbed it in Ichigos face
>but nope she went off and did other things rather than socialize with anyone else other than her darling

I still think 02 is best girl but this annoyed me. I hate when girls do that.

DON'T TAKE IT'S POISON HOW CAN WE SAVE YOU??? YOu can take it like 3 times at most.

Today is my birthday and I only got 5 (you)s. And two of them were mean

Ichigo will detach herself from unhealthy relationships and reach her final form.

i'm saying it helps with both. try some - it's about 10bux and it takes the edge off

A good chunk of Comcast is still range banned.

all franxfags must hang

Is opposite personalities better than almost identical ones?

I wish I had a qt childhood friend instead of going through all this indecisiveness.

Have another (you)

sorry, my mind must have skimmed over that part. i'll look into it, thanks for the help.

>take harmaline alkaloids megadose yesterday at 9AM
>studying at 5AM now with no issues inbetween shitposting and high BPM music, have classes in 2 hours and a half

>sticc thighs
inferior to T H I C C thighs

Is going to church a good way to meet potential women? I'm not really that awkward around women I can flirt pretty well I'm just shit at meeting them

(yue) in ID makes it count twice

Having felt a great deal, more than once, I can assure you that love is an illusion. It has no power and no utility and in the long run it will destroy you. Maybe it existed in the past and maybe it exists by chance sometimes but the odds that you'll find such a thing are close to zero in the United States.


Oh I know, that's why the title is for Pence and no one else in the photo. I should have just cropped the other two out, but was too lazy

Trump is officially on a trade war path.

>Defying threats of retaliation from the Chinese, on Friday Bloomberg reported that President Trump was pushing for the "harshest possible" global tariff of 24% on all steel imports and 10% on aluminum, a decision that would anger nearly every industrial manufacturer based in the US, while at the same time helping revive the fortunes of US steel producers.

so tired of this hag

still the best couple right here

>harmaline alkaloids
what is that?


So when does the OIG report come out? I want the spying storyline to progress, I feel like the only chance for a great happening this year is either Trump or Obama/Clinton getting charged with something.


>Go back on fair terms
>"Trump is on trade war path"

fucking kikes

>jk, happy birthday to you.


it was never a good couple. the first show was barely watchable and i'm a kawamorifag



happy bday user

Needs to be tied to a tariff on imported products using foreign steel as well. That way the domestic manufacturers aren't hurt.

Happy birthday user! Don't spend it on junk food.


>nicki minaj has to look white in order to be attractive

>bigger and better dem memo BTFOs the rep memolet
How embarrassing.


supplements aren't fake news user. You just have to educate yourself about all of it to be able to sort out the snake oil from the stuff that will truly change your health for the better. You have to know and listen to your body to make supplementation effective

>no bdsm/fetish awoos for late night lewdposting
fucking disgusting

>my wife's son: the anime

sankaku gallery

enjoy your vacation phillipbro

>tfw you let your country be filled with violent muslims but then you make service mandatory and you train them to kill the muslims you didn't want to enter in the first place

>the direct-to-DVD sequel to memogate that no one saw

nice try

Apparently that's up to the OIG.

>Spicer cucked out by going to Hollywood
>Omarosa cucks out on television
>Bannon chimped out after Trump stopped falling for his "Le Grand Design" meme
The Mooch is legitimately the only former staff member to not turn into a total snake

Oh man I can't believe I missed this. CNN did an investigation on Sup Forums? Lmfao

Do not ever buy benzos off the street ever again if you're ever tempted to go there.
Street dealers are lacing benzos with fentanyl

It's scary shit. Be warned anons.

Yeah they clicked the link to the 30 day archive. Real intense reporting.

why do they act like this board is a constant? nothing is ever the same in a thread.

they also reached out for comment

Eureka is one ugly bitch who also has skin cancer.

I mean seriously this is hilarious

If a lactating woman was trapped alone with no food, could she drink her own breastmilk to stay alive?

I know about all the fent in shit. people have been dropping off like flies.

>CNN checks Sup Forums
>doesn't understand what's meme and what's real
>their delusions are fueled further


>Feinstein fails to win endorsement from California Democrats
>Judge grants Manafort permission to attend father-in-law's funeral
>Omarosa: Leaving White House like being 'freed off of a plantation'

They tried to reach us for comment.


>that no one saw
I will never stop thinking about how funny it is that Schiff's memo was Dead-On-Arrival because Episode 7 of Darling came out the same day

It didn't even contain any information relevant to the FISA process please hang yourself.


>a political board was talking about politics

I wonder how it would feel to have once been Donald Trump's sperm

I've seen a couple tied up AWOOs but never in ballgags or full dom gear

Thanks as always NNTNN. Don't think i've seen a shorter news list before.

~awoo will make us whole

you can google it but I don't reccomend them to anyone since they are pretty nasty and can't even be considered drugs but are way way more potent than things like coffee, basically natural reversible MAOI inhibitors

Sup Forums did send them a response.
It was a one word at a time thread.
They even put it together in a nice image for them.
What more do they want?


>Spicer cucked out by going to Hollywood

Wait what?

"Hello, we are from CNN and would like to know what you think about David Hogg."

>Fake and gay.

Now I can sleep

This. Half the fucking threads/posts were probably troll BASED HOGG threads/shitposts.

yea i looked at some wikipedia-article, but i didn't see any produces being sold