Canadians,,, Just when you think the hole is as deep as it could possibly go, this weird fuck digs it another 50 foot deeper.
And you wonder why we give you fags so much grief here.
Canadians,,, Just when you think the hole is as deep as it could possibly go, this weird fuck digs it another 50 foot deeper.
And you wonder why we give you fags so much grief here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Q predicted this
Quit posting fake tweets nigger. You lost, we're the better country. Every credible international organization, every poll, survey, every person you ask says that we're the number one country. It's over. You can try making your shitty country great again or whatever but always remember that you finished second.
Theres not a homosexual alive gayer than this cunt.
I mean, one part of me is glad they elected him, he is funny as fuck.
Think about this.. HE HAS supporters.
Yes, Canadians are THAT dumb.
referring to yourself, I assume
I predicted this
Holy shit
Clown faces. He actually used clown emote faces. I been calling this jackass a clown for some time.
Polls predicted Clinton would win nigger.
This is new levels of depression I'm reaching... I thought it was never possible to be this low until I saw this faggots post
>Clinton had mass support
>Yes, Americans are THAT dumb
>Bernie had supporters
>Yes, Americans are THAT dumb
>Obama had supporters
>Yes, Americans are THAT dumb
>Gore had supporters
>Yes, Americans are THAT dumb
except it's a fake tweet, moron. you mouth breathers believe anything you see
I wish there was a stronger word than faggot.
>Yes, Canadians are THAT dumb.
Reminder, Obama two terms.
What in the literal fuck is he doing
>>Clinton had mass support
>>Yes, Americans are THAT dumb
>>Bernie had supporters
>>Yes, Americans are THAT dumb
>>Obama had supporters
>>Yes, Americans are THAT dumb
>>Gore had supporters
>>Yes, Americans are THAT dumb
Hey, I agree with you 100% about stupid Americans but /your guy/ puts you guys in the IQ category with Niggers.
Hmmm. What would it be? There is a need for something.
We can't even fuck dogs :'(
>Hey, I agree with you 100% about stupid Americans but /your guy/ puts you guys in the IQ category with Niggers.
At least our guy is a master-manipulator that had the ground fall out from under him *after* he got into office. Rather than being an old hag that had the carpet pulled out from under her on the final night. An old cuckolded communist. And a warmongering nigger that defaulted on all his campaign promises except the one that would benefit ghettoniggers.
Cuckdeau "broke out" into traditional indian dancing or something on his snubbed businessed-visit-turned-family-vacation in india... while dressed in flamboyantly traditional indian clothing that he made the rest of his family wear as well.
Please, not even Sup Forums likes you. Though you do have some qt boys in canada. Desu~
You now remember the ft mcmurray fires and trudeau refusing help from the US and Russia and instead flies in firefighters from africa.
>committed to debasement and white genocide
>get voted best country by ((international organizations))
Embarrassed most leafs are legit as retarded as this poster.
whats worse tweeting it or not getting a retweet?
>notice me black senpai
How does one person act like such a cuck
>When you'll do anything to distract the elite supporting canada from noticing the gold reserve is empty.
One day soon your country is going to have to choose between vibrant cultural enrichment and dog blowjobs, and when that day comes Canada will die.
>At least our guy is a master-manipulator that had the ground fall out from under him *after* he got into office. Rather than being an old hag that had the carpet pulled out from under her on the final night. An old cuckolded communist. And a warmongering nigger that defaulted on all his campaign promises except the one that would benefit ghettoniggers.
Faggot, you can spin this any way you like, it JUST. DOESN'T. GET. any worse than that fucktard you elected.. whew lad if you don't see it, you are in SERIOUS denial.
We're no longer a serious country. Please don't take us seriously.
...Huummm you are so right.
Well, I'm glad someone over there has some sense.
Is this a promo pic for a new sitcom?
Obama had this veneer of cool that everyone falls for. His voice alone is almost Saruman level, until you get Gandalfed and realize the truth. Trudeau is just cringe to the maximum degree. sorry and I love Canada, well I love Alberta.
Oh shit, I haven't seen that one!!!
You leafs soooo need to keep your mouths shut about our country.. Don't you even go there.
> stronger word than faggot
I kinda wish Trump would do something like this now just so I could watch another lefty meltdown about it.
>Trump in a giant sombrero, having a taco bowl with the president of mexico.
>The giant sombrero accidentally taps the president of Mexico in the head from time to time.
Honestly, this. Canada is a better country than America even if its more cucked.
I would pick Canada over USA if I had to move to either, and its not really even close.
Puppet forgot that he at least needs to to pretend to be a leader and not just the Puppet that the jews who actually run the country hide behind
Canada is great you just need to get rid of the streetshitters, yellow and brown.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
The leader of Canada begging a nigger for a retweet
Obama is hiding in his bunker in Kenya.
I have never met a canadian that likes that fucker. how the hell did he get elected?
The absolute state of Canada.
>when you fuck dogs and are 3% blacker than America
So,explain why 90% of yanks travelling overseas say they’re Canadian? You fucking sew leaf flags on your backpacks. There’s a good reason why lure called uncle Americans and it’s not the 56%. You’re embarrassments, and the smarter ones are embarrassed. Protip: if you’re visit up north here, don’t wear a MAGA hat when you order the soup....
then you are legit retarded. enjoy your non-white diversity, extreme low wages, and million dollar shoeboxes, and your kids learning about fag sex in kindergarten
people vote with their feet. People leave Canada to go to the US for a reason. People like me. Fuck Cuckada
>Honestly, this. Canada is a better country than America even if its more cucked.
>I would pick Canada over USA if I had to move to either, and its not really even close.
I want you all to know that Australians gave half of their country back to petrol huffing nigger grub eaters..
maple syrup, not even once
>Thinking there is any way to like him
>"WEW LAD" meme
He won with less percentage of the votes than Hillary lost, that's the political system in Canada. Absolute dictatorships for even marginal wins and a practice still happening that is why USA is the 2-party system it is today.
I'm sorry to do this to ya LEAFbrah but you asked for it.
>>The giant sombrero accidentally taps the president of Mexico in the head from time to time.
I'm fucking dead. 10/10
That's what our country's become, a fucking comedy series. The rest of the world tunes in to laugh at what a joke we are.
>1% of the population.
>Vs 44% of the population.
Whew Lad, calm down. Have a Snickers bar and STFU.
I'm shocked he only has 4M subscribers. Trump has 48M. Obama has 100M
>Our restaurants will spit in the soup like niggers
>YOU'RE the embarrassments
>So,explain why 90% of yanks travelling overseas say they’re Canadian? You fucking sew leaf flags on your backpacks
Leftist media have been apologizing for everything the US has done for decades including winning WWII and effeminate white cucks buy into it. That's why they're currently being overthrown because those of us actually putting the work in to keep the lights on in the country are sick of it.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the country run by Ontario? Aren't the other provinces like Alberta, Saska-umm, and Manitoba half normal?
Karma for all leaf shitposting
What the fuck?
This idiot cried like 6 times on national television in one year, I'm gonna make a compilation video..
Gord Downie death, for Gays, for Indians, for Muslims, twice
>So,explain why 90% of yanks travelling overseas say they’re Canadian?
They feel sorry for us and give us a discount on everything.
>So,explain why 90% of yanks travelling overseas say they’re Canadian? You fucking sew leaf flags on your backpacks
a legitimate canadian myth. why are canadians so delusional?
How did he find a wife? How can his wife not cringe in embarrassment and humiliation by this child? And how can she have had kids with him? Pathetic.
>gold? what gold?
>proceeds to do some sort of cuck shuffle
dum dum syrup double nigger.
ontario is jew york, BC is washington, quebec has no analogy (racist, hates all other provinces, good food and beautiful but trashy women), east coast are lazy irish niggers, rest of country are normal hard working people
as if we'd let in a chink dog eater like you
this real?
I mean this is good bait and all but how sad is it when your country is so bad that pretending it's good is nothing but bait?
the sad part is i thought him capable of it so i had to check to be sure
Most of Obama's followers are fellow fags and natives from his home continent, Africa
Do all Australians suck at photoshop as much as you do? If you deny it fag, everyone in here will look at that photo and call you a stupid nigger.
He's the human embodiment of a shitpost
I'm sure being the prime minister of Canada will attract some women, regardless of your personality.
>the Indians told him this was a real dance
Saruman level voice?
>ififififif if if if ehh, er.... ummm uhh if uh eh....
Keep dreaming. That stutterer was NOT a skilled orator.
>no you can't sit with us
Yeah that had me hurting also.. I thought it was the kush... Thanks for the ground.
The saddest part is that I was not absolutely sure if the tweet was fake or not.
This one is real. Savage.
BC is China
his dad was super roch and famous.
Holy shit, I would never claim to be a faggot
I'm finally realizing that he's not pretending.
Every picture I see with the little boy in it has him looking like he doesn't want any part of it.
washington is china too.
Epic Shitposting in here Lads, well done!
Rest of the country is flat worthless dirt and uneducated uncultured hicks. Hire Mexicans to drive a tractor for a couple weeks a year, spend the winter looking at seed catalogues and claim you’re hardworking. Then there’s Alberta. A province so dumb that they struck oil, pumped it out for 50 years .., and mismanaged the royalties so incompetently they don’t have a penny left. And now they whine about how unfair everyone is.
Yeah, basically if you get out of the major city areas, specifically Niagara region, then Canada is actually pretty normal. It's the cityfags that are fucking bizzare.
Based Ken Marino in a Trudeau spoof of some sort would be so perfect amirite??
Quebec isn't "racist". They care about preserving the french language in Quebec and that's about it, they're fine with importing thousands of French-speaking Africans
I keked out loud. Thanks for that.
And yes, imagine the retards on CNN sperging out about it. Camerota would be jilling herself at the anchor desk as she talks about it, Don Lemonparty would be in tears again. That crazy PR spic Navarro would be screaming at the camera 300 words a minute