China Paves Way for Xi Jinping to Remain Leader for Years

Bad News in China

Our president just changed the constitution and ended presidential term limits.

Xi Jinping has basically just set himself as dictator for life.

I always used to take a shit on american democracy but maybe it's not so bad after all...


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Great Leap Forward 2 Electric Boogaloo? Maybe in 50+ years China will be better than US?(at the cost of billions)

looks like this will happen again

So are you actually Chinese or just an English teacher

Lucky 77's user. You must be born in the year of the dragon!

Is there going to be a civil war? This seems like the type of thing that could lead to a civil war.

president for life?

wtf chinks are not human. they're niggers

viva el comandante

human is the word for white people

all the coloured shitskins are not human beings but more like apes

""Xi Jinping has finally achieved his ultimate goal when he first embarked on Chinese politics — that is to be the Mao Zedong of the 21st century," said Willy Lam, a political analyst at the Chinese University in Hong Kong, referring to the founder of communist China.


If that's true I would cum but I'm doubtful

Good. He's a good leader and has done well for China. You guys need to be ready to pick up the torch of civilization after whites are devoured by the shitskin hordes.

It already is better than America.

the chinese are ant people, what are they gonna do. And they need strong leadership, this just ensures things remain on the current path which is good for them.

In the past every chinese president must quit after 2 presidential terms, like amermutts.

But now Xi Jinping forced a constitutional change and eliminated that requirement.

We will now have Xi Jinping for life.

Why would the military listen to this rich boy faggot?

looks like china's itching for another revolution

Because he is also the KANG of the military.

He is so alpha he took out the most powerful military man and thew him in jail for (((corruption))).

wtf that's disgusting. i fucking hate chinks. chinese are no better than bugs

I don't get how he got absolute power with barely any resistance. You'd think party high ups would be wary of another person with Mao type power.

what do the chinese think about the disparity between the number of men and women there

Betas and inferior men will end up cucked or virgin. It's the way of life. Superior top 20% of men should breed. Inferiors should die out.

It's called eugenics.

>Hong Kong shakled by 2020

Sorry to hear. I wish I could say I'm surprised but I'm honestly not, I'm shocked by the speed at which it happened at most. Thought he would maybe be near end of 2nd term but that's really it. So honest question, what do you think he's going to do with the power now.

>he thinks whites aren't also ant people

If Whites were truly as smart as they believe, the refugee crisis, Obama's election and a plethora of other libshit things wouldn't have happened.

>b-but muh jews

then i guess whites were stupid enough to fall for jewish trickery, all whites can be considered is a bunch of good looking cattle that should be kept around to be used to improve the Jewish genetic stock. You're all clearly far too retarded to be capable of preserving civilization for more like a few centuries without a major war of government upheaval.

How long till Trump does this?

Xi Jinping has served China well so far, I look forward to his leadership.

instead of wasting time campaigning against trannies and libtards the president can focus his time on improving his country. Xi has no reason to become utterly corrupt as it would greatly erode all he has built for China so far. Nobody wants to be the ruler of a shithole (unless you're a nigger), because it would ultimately reflect on your abilities as the leader.

Fuck the Western cucks who complain, Xi will help keep the trannies, mudslimes and niggers out of China.

t. Newfag

Have you never seen those images before? It's literally posted every fuckin day.

Reported to the chinkosariat.
Hope your family can afford a bullet.

Nah jk but in all seriousnes democracy is impossible in china, even if you had multiple parties and they worked in coalition goverment thered still be 100s of millions unrepresented.

So how long until he removes all pretenses of communism and establishes the Xi Dynasty?

That’s really too bad. They were modernizing well, but this will turn them back into a 3rd world shithole.

Inb4 op gets sent to the gulag

pretty much what nordbro said, China has way too many ethnicities and cultural differences between regions. Democracy in China would erode extremely quickly and civil strife would break out faster than you can say "dynasty warrior".

Look at how fucked up America's politics are now even within how long America has existed as a country. Now imagine a country with a couple dozen more millennia of history and several hundred million more people.

China would not survive democracy, that i can promise.

Can you explain how? Isn't he just serving one extra term?

His dad was a high ranking communist member. He’s going to be a major communist force in the coming decades.

China has collapsed and reunified many many times in it's history. If you ask me, it's good China is lead with an iron fist. This will keep the Chinese unified.

>a 3rd world shithole
>like singapore under their dictator Lee Kuan Yew

yea you're fucking clueless, a benevolent and goal orientated dictator is superior to any democracy. Let the masses rule and your society will be ruled by base needs of libtards and deviants who'll erode your people's spirit till there is nothing left.

He is removing term limits, so he can serve for life.

Even so, how would that destroy their modernization? China's development boomed these couple years because of Xi.

gauranteed this won't go well for him. his other party members are scheming against him. xi should brush up on some history

Asian American insectoids from Reddit are probably cheering since it's one step closer to the Elliot Rodgeresque monopolization of pussy they want. Meanwhile actual Chinese Internet search results for "migration" shot up.

I was surprised too, I guess we are just not aware the internal struggles that went on behind the scenes, didn't he execute a bunch of high ranking people in the past few years?

Why not just not have kids if you can't afford them? That way your society never gets so bad that you have to sell your children to the butchers to keep others alive.

Starting to look like whites aren't very good at self-preservation.

>monopolization of pussy

Govt mandated spouses

Great news.

so he's basically an emperor with a different tittle?

reactionaries on Sup Forums wouldnt have any problem with this

LEE kuan yew was an experienced economist and lawyer who knew how to govern a country effectively, he was only a prime minister and not a totalitarian dictator

>a dictator for life
>in a communist country
Now who could've seen that coming

I hope they do stay Communist because I want China to stay weak. A China that didn't shoot itself in the economic foot would be scary.

yeah real easy, lemme just get my master's degree in ruling a 5000 year old civilization and my certification in controlling 1.4 billion individuals.

Leadership is a skill that isn't taught nigger.

>implying political dynasties in America isn't a thing
>trump was literally the first outsider president in the history of america

>still thinks China is communist

>commie country
Not surprised

I used to think this was bad. But if he can do an ok job without going full mao is it that bad?

The elections sorta made me realize why democracy is shit for long term planning. Let's say trump somehow does a good job and things are looking better. But in 2 or 6 years we get another Obama/Hillary coz they use gimedats to get women and niggers to vote. Then all our progress will be lost and we have more unstability.

Don't ever (You) mean that greentext shit again.


Longer then that, he's got a steady supply of organs shipped in from the mass executions and every scientist abroad working to steal the tech required to keep him healthy.

Better get ready to stand infront of those tanks Liang-wei

They foresee economic head winds and/or war on the horizon and are cementing the power base that they feel will be able to come out ahead. It alerts you that this north korean bullshit is being orchestrated by them in a prelude/pretext for the times ahead and relates to their establishments of bases on those various islands even as shitface obama allowed it to occur unchecked.

And yes, china is this dumb to think they are going to get through such a conflict on top. It's what occurs when you come up too fast during a period when the U.S had a faggot for president for 8 years. You think you can actually conduct a power move on the scale they're considering and come out on top.

The economic headwinds are coming. Like a number of other countries, they'll likely distract and convert it to war. Anyone who doesn't see this forming is blind.

They're structuring to strengthen and fortify a powerbase before guaranteed conflict and sending a clear message that they will face it head on with entrenched leadership that is unified.

55 replies and no mention of this.. shocking.
> Olympics end.. trump says negotiations with north korea are off the table unless they are verifiably denuclearized.
> Enacts significantly more sanctions/punished
> Is sending coast guard ships along w/ existing naval ships to the region to enforce sanctions against maritime vessels
> This is why china rapidly spun up island basis
> Trump says is the negotiations dont stick there is going to be conflict
> China denounces this move and indicates there will be consequences
> North korea responds in kind shortly after
> China makes the bold move of permantly installing Xi Jinping who met with trump
> Trump shot off into syria during desert servings while Xi Jinping was seated next to him
> Chinks thought this was a shallow gesture

Yeah... It's happening for sure.
Pretext for war

>All these butthurt white wusses mad about OP

Listen, you white idiots. Having one experienced leader is better than letting politicians take turns looting the national treasury. (((Democracy))) has always been a sham.

If voting actually mattered, they wouldn't let you do it.

We're all human

not orchestrated but more like they're adapting to it. they don't see nk giving up their nukes and neither does america

Just fight with your sisters and brothers from different races while china tries become the real super power of the world. When will you all learn ? Sad

Asian American culture is centered around hating white men and blocking white men from accessing Asian pussy. So, I'm sure any dictator communistic decision China makes is a good decision in their mind.

looks like China needs some democracy :)

Isn't it a uniparty system anyway? What difference does it make?

The Party is actually setting him up to be scapegoat for when their big recession hits

You don't go from industrial producer to service consumer without a shitload of political and social upheaval

Fuck democracy.

It is nothing but a tool for the elite to make the stupid and weak think they have power to change anything.

>looses because your dictator was a failed art student

>Takes the entire world to bring an art student down


But he’s not the bad. He’s just meh. It’s just meh policies for life.

The unavoidable conflict is thus going to be seized by a number of power players to provide a sink for their domestic issues. Going to be interesting times.

>can't spell loses right

Consolidation for war time powers. You would be a fool to not see this. Doesn't mean he will serve for life, but there won't be any appointments during the coming war

Prepare your anus Taiwan

whats the problem?

>cant have the correct emotions about the right sex

He's not communist, he's a very strong advocate of Deng Xiaoping thought.

He isn't communist, he is a very strong adherent to Deng Xiaoping thought.

Yin Ziqi had besieged the city for a long time. The food in the city had run out. The dwellers traded their children to eat and cooked bodies of the dead. Fears were spread and worse situations were expected. At this time, Zhang Xun took his concubine out and killed her in front of his soldiers in order to feed them. He said, "You have been working hard at protecting this city for the country wholeheartedly. Your loyalty is uncompromised despite the long-lasting hunger. Since I can't cut out my own flesh to feed you, how can I keep this woman and just ignore the dangerous situation?" All the soldiers cried, and they did not want to eat. Zhang Xun ordered them to eat the flesh. Afterwards, they caught the women in the city. After the women were run out, they turned to old and young males. 20,000 to 30,000 people were eaten. People always remained loyal.

What the fuck

goddamn copypaste

Sounds like some Stellaris style governmental practices desu.

Read this book summary. Tl;dr all the regional powers of Eurasia (Russia, Iran, China, Pakistan, Germany if E.U. fails) are forming an anti-hegemonic coalition against the West to try an oust American influence from Eurasia.

this sounds like baseless propoganda from a (((source))) desu

Don't worry my Han friends, he's just got a lot of corruption to take care of for the next 20,30,50 years

sure some party goons are shitting bricks and pounding baiju right now

>I always used to take a shit on american democracy but maybe it's not so bad after all...
>T. Kevin, Citizen of the USA who moved to China to become a fake foreign investor in business meetings

Trump should follow suit.

How is this bad news

Good for him. I wish I had Xi’s power.

Fuck you chinks, you get what you deserve.

Fuck off and kill yourselves you slant-eyed zipperheads. Everyone fucking hates you and your children are ugly. Your women are good for little more than slaves, sexually and domestically. Fucking die you Marxist commie scum.

Feel better now? You must’ve been about to explode lettin it all out like that

You mean the USSR?

What I fucking hate is that the exchange students NEVER FUCKING BRUSH THEIR TEETH. Every time one talks to me its like they're spewing a cloud of rotting, vile stench my way.

all hail Emperor Jinping Pong Ling Long

ESL please, you're not fooling anyone.

Based Xi.
Looks like China's going to be superpower earlier than people thought.

>It already is better than America.

lel Come on, Chang. Some of us actually have passports and travelled to your lovely country

What? China is a Communist dictatorship?!?!??!?!


Chicom genocide best day of my life.


Probably learned a thing or two from Putin


t. jap

you literally ate our boys during WW2