Daily reminder if you dont tip you are literally this guy
Daily reminder if you dont tip you are literally this guy
Good, spongebob is an annoying little cunt. Squidward is literally Sup Forums incarnate
fuck your "culture"
the cost of the service is already part of the price i'm paying for the product
if you're unhappy with your wage then get a better job
I don't support this ass backwards tipping culture, which includes not going out and eat at sit-down restaurants.
Waiters love the current system, as they make more than they would getting paid minimum wage
>tipping shitty waitstaff to spit in your food
>all they do is talk shit behind your back with the rest of the kitchen
>ever regarding this scum as human
pic related, its you
Spongebooperz forgot the drink, therefore no tip.
pic related, its you
Have you tried paying fucking living wages?
come on buddy
Have you tried getting a not minimum wage job faggot?
I thought commies didn't believe in wages?
I don't understand this reference
Just pay them a decent salary you retarded amerinigger
Go hack another election commie
He's getting the service.
He's not the employer dog
>ever supporting drumpf
>Squidward is literally Sup Forums incarnate
Squidward is a failed artist working as a cashier. Like many adults with failed dreams, he's relatable, not just Sup Forums.
cmon buddie
>not supporting ZOOMPH
Daily reminder that if speak anything but your order to a fast food worker, you are the lowest class of scum.
And if you tip them, please neck yourself immediately.
Spongebob shouldn't of forgotten his soda, moron.
I give tips if you do a good job. No one has ever got upset at me for not tipping. I guess it's just a mutt thing
I wouldnt tip if my pizza guy forgot the drink too
>getting fast food
>anno fucking domini
I was a waiter once and the starting pay was $7 something but averaged out to about $20. The more you kissed ass them more money you made. We had one guy who was an ass kisser extraordinaire, without being obvious or creepy, and that dude was easily taking home $25 and hour.
fastfood is as american as it gets
neck youtrself
>as american as it gets
You are not wrong. However, you are ignoring a much more important question. Why is it our responsibility to decide how much money restaurant workers make? Why don't restaurant owners just pay their workers what they would pay workers in any other industry, and make the food that much more expensive?
>Implying pizza would exist in the commie utopia
>thinking any other industry is front (client) facing
>thinking stacking shit on a pallet equates to dealing with the idiot customer's bullshit
try again bud
Answer his question pal
I don't support slavery
our only responsibility lies to the god emperor himself
Giving him any responsibility?
My sides, where have they gone.
This one's you pal