Sup Forums is there a place in America that you've been to where people seem genuinely nice/good?
Herman, Missouri
Pretty alright place from what I saw.
camdenton missouri
bluest spring you ever seen
Rural Midwest in general, with the exception of any (((campus towns)))
Northern US - Michigan/Wisconsin/Minnesota
We are way overly polite and inclusive, practically canadians
I couldn't stand the East Coast by comparison and recently moved back home for the charm
Iowa bar none
I thought Utah until I realized they were trying to convert me. I'd give another vote for midwest rural now
Every place I’ve been to in the South. Most familiar with Richmond since I’ve got family there.
Rural Midwest is pretty nice but the areas are poor and the cities full of snappy moral busybodies.
Any place that is white, rural, and sufficiently affluent.
new hampshire
Unironically the Midwest and upper New England. The Dakotas, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Nebraska, Kansas, Maine, and New Hampshire are actually really comfy and the lifestyle is still very traditional.
Midwest. Very down to earth. Thought people were normally kind and helpful to each other until I moved out of the area. Really made me appreciate it when I came back
your mom's bedroom never disappoints user
Rural Tennessee, barring the white coontowns
>tfw i want to tell everyone about the nice places i've visited
>tfw i know if i do some jew will see it and decide to destroy those places out of spite
>Tons of white, blonde , blue-eyed people
> Spics too but who gives a shit
>First time I see a 100%white womyn
> She's into me
> Act like a chode and make her lose interest
>Tfw no gf
small town Wisconsin is pretty goddamned wholesome. Nothing but Germans, Swedes, the Danes and some Dutch as far as the eye can see
they are called white communities.
Yeah I was gonna post this, I grew up in Shitcago then moved here shortly after graduating college, it actually caught me off guard how kind the people were.
If anything I feel bad for anyone around me here because I’ve been weathered into such a toxic person from my upbringing and it’s taken me a long time to adjust to a setting where people are actually decent human beings
I don't go out all that often tbqhwy
Not Massachusetts.
Rural Utah
I don’t like the term good person. I like genuine people not good.
North Dakota
South Dakota
Also Montana
I've only been to New York, people seemed a bit rude.
Yes, but because poor liberals and poor Europeans lurk on our site, I don't want to let any secrets out. It's all horrible!
colorado springs region is pretty cool, but a huge target
gotta get out soon
thinking of upper midwest (minnesota, manitoba)
like i would post its name on this piece of shit website
oy vey goy where are some nice places