I live in a among lots of different ethnic groups and everyone gets a long just fine, no one gives a fuck. You alt right virgins need to get off the internet, stop listening to podcasts and posting fucking fashwave and maybe try living in the real world, jesus christ.
No one gives a shit about race
wtf is fashwave and podcasts
go home leaf you are drunk
I got caught shoplifting
hello (((fellow leaf)))
Asians and whites get along just fine. Some Pajeets are alright too.
I'm a leaf too, btw.
>I'm multicultural
>haven't paid the toll
It's coming. The big, red suppository.
I also get along with hispanic women
no one cares
Same here man they are fine ;);););)
>when majority, show authority
>when mixed, play tricks
>when few, name Jew
>when alone, you're boned
>I'm gay and Canadian
I'm sorry user, it must hard to be you
Try living in a majority paki or nigger area then get back to us. Living in majority white areas with some diversity or majority Asian or Sikh areas is the most tepid form of diversity that the middle class experience. Poor whites have to live near the ones that the rich whites who import them don't want to live next to.
your pets will eat you race traitor
>e-everything's great h-here honest
We live in the real world.
That is why we believe what we believe.
Don’t you guys also fuck dogs though?
Same, I got caught stealing kool-aid from a supermarket as a teen and went to juvie for a weekend.
I'm not a nigger though so I learned my lesson and never stole again.
Maybe in leaf land, where you're all faggots and suck each other off, but in the states every race hates each other with a fucking passion.
And one day when the SHTF in a big way, you'll see a massive race war in America. Cause when shit gets real, it becomes prison rules. And we all know what happens with race in prison. They all go to war.
(((OP))) pictured here
You stupid faggot, of course it doesn't matter to the upper-middle class. I'm in that class, live and work in Los Angeles, and my wife is a different race from me (WMAF). I live in a bubble where I personally don't have to deal with the *typical* nigger or spic and only deal with the ones that got self-selected into this class. Get your fucking head out of your ass and read a book. Race is real and it matters, especially when talking about large groups of people.
>Race is real and it matters, especially when talking about large groups of people.
This. In small groups man functions pretty well, but on population level we behave like mammals.