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The shoah is coming.
actually he and his dad are just lying trash.
nobody trusts the media anymore, this whole fiasco just sealed their fate
if thats true how come only videos that lie with a conservative bias rapidly get censored and removed from youtube, twitter, facebook, etc?
Eat a dick Cuomo
I have no answer for that because I don't believe it to be true.
>if that's true
it is. They know faggots like Sup Forums believe everything that fits their narrative at face value and knew it wouldn't matter if they were outed.
Who cares if they were lying, CNN lies like literally 80% of the time. The point is to destroy the MSM in any way shape or form.
>hurr durr soyboy bringing actual facts to the table
gonna need a lot of your skinny dicks to fill me up
screech some more autist
I’ve never seen the kikes get so angry people either don’t believe them or don’t care.
bump for interest
>It is.
>Because I say so.
>Also trust CNN
Glow in the dark
CNN provided no DKIM hash
therefore they are the ones probably lying
lol that's the angle now? y'all have such a retarded answer for everything
Did you even read the source retard? CNN claims that the producer talked about it beforehand, that's the only change. They still admit they were forcing him to ask some scripted question, just that it was agreed beforehand
Why should we believe them over the Haabs when they've lied so often?
happened to me as well:
videos on bitchute:
fuck back off to Uruguay, like anyone gives a fuck what you think
>plz read what you submitted to us
learn to read faggot
>retarded answer for everything
>Go to sleep
We see you faggot
what? thats how you actually pove an emails authenticity you fag
CNN knows this because of wikileaks confirming hillarys private server emails were real using DKIM hashes
Your "proof" is what CNN said, why should I believe them over the Haabs?
>Go to sleep
>Don't pay attention to this
>CNN is telling the truth
>Because I say so
>According to the metadata of the Word document containing the email that was provided to Fox, it appears that Glenn last edited it.
you're an autistic loser who needs to be put down
>they didn't provide concrete evidence, therefore they're probably lying
Like said, they haven't provided proof. Let's see the email, not the Word document
How does it feel knowing Russia was able to affect our democracy because of gullible fools like y'all?
A country that deals with subversive extremist propaganda is pretty good at spoting extremist propaganda.
Fact: There is no proof that CNN did not alter the email.
Fact: CNN directly admitted it was scripted. It doesn’t matter if he agreed to it and then pulled out. That alone still proves it’s scripted garbage.
Fact: We have video evidence of David Hogg practicing his scripted lines. It’s all scripted, therefore it’s all fake.
>lol fgt boomers
>rural and suburban retards
>so sleepy
uh ok
>Metadata of a word document containing the email
That's not the same thing as a DKIM Hash and you fucking know it. CNN could be telling the truth for all I know, but that's not sufficient evidence to say.
You do realize that saving an email to a word doc is going to list the saver as the last edited? CNN’s would state the last editor was the intern who saved their copy. I know the average person who reads these things is computer illiterate but, seriously.
your ancestors would strangle you to death without hesitation if given the opportunity
This article didn't prove anything. CNN just provided their version of the emails and the media took it as fact.
I love the beta cuck dumb shit intimidation.
>check out this sweet katana I got at the mall
>evidence is retarded
Colton Haab didn't prove anything. His dad just provided their version of the emails and the retards on Sup Forums took it as fact.
>expecting any of these faggots to be sincere about literally anything
dude they're just begging to be strangled by actual human beings at this point, dont even bother they will be dealt with in a matter of time
And you just took CNN's version as fact.
the faggotry of the bravado on Sup Forums is second only to high school theater kids
I'm having trouble following some logic here. According to Sup Forums CNN admitted everything was scripted, but doctored emails to try to prove that it wasn't scripted?
not trying to intimidate you
i know your kind, i know how inhuman you are, and i know you're only getting worse and more desperate
you lose supporters by the day, which is why you have to ship in invaders from the third world
humanity wont stand for this, but sleep well you worthless dumb sociopath piece of trash leftist, keep telling yourself we believe your retarded lies just because we tolerate and even humor you idiots
Sup Forums isn't one person fyi
buddy where'd you go? Did you get sleepy?
Show verification boomer fag. Prove e-mail is real with DKIM like wikileaks did. Boomers can't into internet tech though can you? It's just a series of tubes.
uh yeah he's a hacker who also goes by Sup Forums idiot
google how do i do a facebook i need to talk to my niece 1?
>Russia forced one of the two most hated candidates of all time to waste resources in red states while completely ignoring the Rust Belt
>he pulled the russia card
they're clearly just not paid enough. (((Soros))) gives me $666 a week, bonuses for spirit dinners
tech illiterate retard, kys
>actually he and his dad are just lying trash.
Actually I trust the word of a white man over the Jewish lobbying group CNN that wants to seize my weapons and see my women raped by niggers.
Care to elaborate on why I shouldn't trust Haab over Jews?
I really don't care to, no.
Because CNN said they were doctored so it's settled, goy.
shut the fuck up and kill yourself already you idiot
can't kill what's already dead inside my dude, Soros owns my soul now
What flag are you ???
Kevin Hogg is CIA / Black Ops they are shoot on sight.
Praise President Trump
>haha so funny how some foreign guy paid millions of dollars to incite race riots!
another reason why autistic leftist nu-males like you will end up getting yourselves hung
If you ever see his son David Hogg make sure to open up his mind wide.
hanged*. Learn how to talk mouth breather
2/10 gish gallop effort
Russia clearly hacked the crowds too
It's Guam faggot. Learn some WW2 history, you should know that place.
you're the one saying "y'all", another insincere attack from someone who truly believes in nothing
That's probably bullshit, but I believe it.
"y'all" is a completely appropriate and accepted contraction of you all. Hung is just the wrong word.
The correct word to use when hanging bodies is hanged, not hung.
only in the case that you're talking about the death penalty
Check it out, I found the SJW
what else would a hanging body be other than a death penalty? Are you saying you only use "hanged" when it's a death penalty sentence by a court? Because that's not remotely true.
Yup, it definitely makes me an SJW to care how I sound
Only SJWs in their late 20s say "mouth breather".
aw jeeze you figured me out
By a court, or some authority.
When not talking about a death penalty, it's fine to say hung. As in: he hung himself.
>Hanged refers to death by hanging, whether it be suicide or execution.
you're just wrong
No, they altered emails to try and prove that the person saying it was scripted is a liar, even though the altered emails also prove that it was scripted.
This is exactly the same as the word document version except for
>that he submitted
No, you are.
Fake news covering for fake news, like pottery
>For past tense or the passive, use hanged when referring to execution or suicides, hung for other actions.
It had to be scripted. Those kids are idiots, they would have asked moronic questions.
>they would have asked moronic questions
Did you watch the town hall? They should have just let the kids make up their own questions; they would have been just as stupid, but at least CNN could have enjoyed a tiny bit of journalistic integrity for once.
Let's be fucking real here
>CNN fucking tried scripting the kid's questions
>Dad says fuck that and calls CNN out
>Kid doesn't go and tells people that CNN tried to script him
>Dad releases emails
>CNN releases emails that are almost identical and "proves" he's wrong (by sending threats to the family to shut them up)
>CNN pretends they did nothing wrong
Haabs over Heebs
I'm definitely against you.
argggh WTF China!!!
Yeah, I'm not sure why they only made a small edit to the email. Their version of the email also shows that they were drafting questions for the interview.
I think I remember you from one of the bait threads. OP was an aussie baiting anons with a kekistani flag.
Clearly all lies, after all, it's not like CNN handed every questions with their names on it and who to ask it to. They would never do that.